Programmatic Monitoring

The Global Fund’s approach to Programmatic Monitoring involves regular data collection from implementing countries to monitor the progress of programs supported by grants and other investments from the Global Fund. Whenever possible, existing data from national health information systems is used.

Data is shared with the Global Fund through the use of:

  • Performance frameworks and progress updates for each grant. Indicators are selected from the Modular Framework, which provides a list of standard modules, interventions, and indicators, derived from technical partner guidance.
  • Monitoring frameworks for Catalytic Investments that are integrated into or guided by the performance frameworks for Matching Funds and Multicountry Funds respectively, or tailored to the specific measurement needs of the investment priorities of Strategic Initiatives.

In instances where routine data systems cannot provide the required data, additional monitoring may be undertaken by Principal Recipients (PRs), partners, and/or third-party service providers to deliver more targeted, granular and/or frequent data. This may involve country-led surveys and assessments, and program reviews and evaluations. Reporting from Local Fund Agents (LFAs) provides additional information on grant implementation.

Using the data reported through these channels allows us to monitor the progress of programs supported by Global Fund investments, as well as the performance of these investments. Data gathered through Programmatic Monitoring is a key input for several Strategy KPIs. It enables the Global Fund to identify implementation bottlenecks and potential risks, and to support countries and implementers with problem solving. The data also allows the Global Fund to make decisions on areas such as annual disbursements, grant performance assessments, and portfolios management, reprogramming or optimization.

Data and other information is used for continuous analysis, learning and engagement between countries, the Global Fund, and partners, in order to increase program efficiency, effectiveness and impact. Data generated by the Global Fund Secretariat is used to revise and improve processes, guidance and tools, and sent back to countries to support program implementation and reporting.

Further information and resources on the monitoring of Global Fund grants and investments can be found in the Programmatic Monitoring for Grants section.