Leveraging mobile phone technology to improve access to health services

Partner since

Tapping into the immense potential of mobile phone technology, Orange and the Global Fund are partnering to leverage Orange’s expertise and technology to develop digital platforms that improve access to health services and build stronger health data systems in Africa.

Orange renewed its partnership with an additional US$5 million in-kind pledge supporting the Digital Health Impact Accelerator for the Seventh Replenishment, covering 2023-2025. This pledge builds on the previous in-kind contribution valued at US$2.5 million over 2020-2022 to support Morocco and Côte d'Ivoire.

Leveraging its mobile carrier infrastructure, Orange has developed a tailored digital app for health professionals. The app enables them to connect directly with patients, help improve the quality of services, ensure patients stay on treatment and prevent resistance to medicines – all critical to accelerating the end of epidemics.

Future projects include the provision of mobile and internet connection in the context of the Health Electrification and Telecommunication Alliance.