Partnering with businesses to fight diseases and create jobs in Africa

Total contribution
US$6.97 million
Current pledge (2023-2025)
US$5.5 million
Partner since

The movement of malaria across international borders poses a major obstacle to eradicating malaria in the 34 countries that have committed to this goal. In border areas, malaria prevalence is often higher than in other areas due to lower access to health services, difficulties in deploying prevention programs to hard-to-reach communities that are often in difficult terrain, and constant movement of people across porous national boundaries.

The Partnership

Goodbye Malaria is an African-run initiative to eliminate malaria, a preventable disease that kills a child every two minutes in Southern Africa. Launched in 2012, Goodbye Malaria is the brainchild of passionate and concerned African entrepreneurs who believe their generation can create innovative solutions for problems that ultimately change the way the world sees Africa. The initiative helps raise funds while supporting and catalyzing on-the-ground malaria elimination programs. The organization aims to raise further awareness and funding for malaria programs by driving cause-related marketing actions and retailing causal merchandise aimed at corporations and consumers.

Southern African communities are employed through social entrepreneurship groups to create an attractive range of Goodbye Malaria products. These products are marketed to corporations and individuals in Africa and around the world using the slogan “Save a life in your sleep.”

The initiative benefits Global Fund-supported programs in Mozambique, South Africa and Eswatini.

Supported by Nando’s, an international restaurant group founded in South Africa, as well as other corporate partners including Vodacom, Nedbank and Airports Company South Africa, the organization uses a community development model that taps into Africa’s creative talents to mobilize fundraising and advocacy against malaria while simultaneously creating employment opportunities.

Goodbye Malaria pledged US$5.5 million for the Global Fund’s Sixth Replenishment, covering 2020-2022, representing a significant increase over its previous pledge. Their new pledge for the Seventh Replenishment brings their total commitment to US$15 million.

Pledge and contribution data updated on: 22 July 2024