Improving the lives of Indonesians

Current pledge (2020-2022)
US$30 million
Partner since

Tahir Foundation’s contributions to the Global Fund support Indonesia’s efforts to diagnose, treat and prevent HIV, TB and malaria in the country. The foundation pledged US$30 million for these efforts for the Global Fund’s Sixth Replenishment, covering 2020-2022. It is the largest commitment to the Global Fund by a private foundation in an emerging economy.

Tahir Foundation is a privately-funded organization founded by Dato Sri Dr. Tahir, Chairman of Mayapada Group. Its mission is to improve the lives of Indonesians by providing access to adequate health care and education, especially for those facing the greatest barriers to the advancement of their quality of life.

“We believe that corporations have a responsibility to support health and well-being in the communities where they work, and our commitment to the Global Fund is a smart investment in Indonesia’s future.”
Dato Sri Dr. Tahir, Chairman of the Tahir Foundation