Sourcing & Management of Health Products

New Quality Assurance Policy on Vector Control Products and Related Equipment

24 April 2024

New quality assurance policy on vector control products and related equipment
download in Español | Français

This new policydownload in English | Español | Français ] describes the main standards and requirements for Principal Recipients purchasing and deploying malaria vector control products through Global Fund resources (French and Spanish versions forthcoming).

The document updates current relevant requirements previously described in the Global Fund Guide to Global Fund Policies on Procurement and Supply Management of Health Products.

The policy, approved by the Global Fund Board on 24 April 2024, includes:

  • Reliance on WHO’s Prequalification Programme as the assurance mechanism for Vector Control Products, and applicable WHO specifications for Related Equipment, in line with current requirements.
  • Alignment with other Global Fund Quality Assurance Policies, where appropriate (e.g., establishment of an Expert Review Panel for Vector Control Products, post-market surveillance requirements and a risk-based approach for handling quality-related issues identified on an order-by-order basis).
  • Recommendations and requirements for traceability, insecticide resistance monitoring, post-market surveillance, and waste management.

In addition, the Guide to Global Fund Policies on Procurement and Supply Management of Health Products (also referred to as the “PSM Guide” or “Health Products Guide”) will also be updated to align with this new policy. In the interim, in case of any discrepancies between the PSM Guide (or other relevant guidance) and the new Quality Assurance Policy, the Quality Assurance Policy shall prevail.