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Digital Solutions Help Catch and Contain Outbreaks in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
A Year in Review: 2024
In Namibia, Comprehensive HIV Services Change Young People’s Lives
Integrated HIV, TB and Malaria Care Supports Mothers-to-Be and Newborns in Kenya
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The Global Fund plays a significant role in global markets for health products used in the fight against the three diseases. As a key financier in public health, we are committed to maximizing our investments through achieving affordable, quality assured, timely delivered health and medical products.
We regularly update our procurement planning and budgeting guides with indicative lead times for key health products and health technologies. Reference prices for specific health products; estimated freight, insurance and quality assurance costs; and procurement service agent fees are available for download in the reference pricing bar below.
Reference Pricing
We actively engage in global markets for key medicines and health products used in the fight against the three diseases, and have established long-term framework agreements with suppliers in several product categories. Product category specific information, procurement strategies and past tender documents can be found on each product category page.
With such a significant role to play in the global market for critical health products, we base our procurement strategies for each product category on: