A commitment to responsible and sustainable procurement guides our strategy of increasing access to all World Health Organization-recommended antimalarial medicines and formulations through Global Fund-supported programs.
We work with technical and implementing partners to understand the full demand picture for medicines used in malaria health programs. All World Health Organization-recommended antimalarial medicines are available through our Pooled Procurement Mechanism on our online purchasing platform, wambo.org, and we frequently update our reference prices and Procurement and Delivery Planning Guide with up-to-date indicative lead times.
The market for artemisinin, the main active pharmaceutical ingredient in many antimalarial medicines, has historically experienced speculative price instability, limited demand visibility and low oversight. A consultative process with artemisinin manufacturers in 2016 explored options for reliable, sustainable and responsible supply. In 2017, we required finished dosage form manufacturers to establish long-term agreements with artemisinin manufacturers, including semisynthetic sources, to strengthen supply security, stabilize pricing and incentivize best practices related to the health, safety and environmental risks of artemisinin extraction.
In addition to working upstream with artemisinin manufacturers, we have established current long-term agreements with antimalarial medicines manufacturers. We have incentivized manufacturers to offer both high- and low-volume products, to source a proportion of artemisinin from semisynthetic sources and to move production closer to the demand footprint. Health programs in countries most affected by malaria now benefit from shorter lead times and reduced transportation costs for quality-assured, life-saving antimalarial medicines.