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Published: 28 September 2023

Fight for What Counts: People and Impact

Nhin Kpă From La Rsươm, Viet Nam

Nhin Kpă has been a community health worker since 2019, working to provide essential health services to people living in a remote region of Viet Nam who are at high risk of malaria.

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Mozambique: Transforming the National Laboratory System in Response to COVID-19

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, Mozambique’s public health laboratory network experienced frequent supply stock-outs and capacity was centralized in two locations. When COVID-19 hit, the country was able to conduct only 600 COVID-19 tests a day for a population of 30 million people.

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Bryanna Nicole Camey From Guatemala City, Guatemala

Bryanna Nicole Camey studied business, but never managed to get a job in her field. She says this is “because of the way people look at me.” Faced with stigma and harassment, Bryanna, like many transgender women in Guatemala, makes a living as a sex worker.

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Djibouti: Women-run Mobile Brigades Fight HIV and COVID-19 Together

In Djibouti, people living with HIV often face stigma and discrimination. These barriers can prevent people – particularly women – from getting the treatment and testing services that they need.

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Bangladesh: Rapid Recovery of Tuberculosis Case Notifications

When the COVID-19 pandemic first hit Bangladesh, tuberculosis (TB) case notifications dropped by 22% between 2019 and 2020, an alarming decrease in one of the world’s 30 high-TB burden countries.

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Maia’s Story: Mobile App Transforms Drug-resistant TB Treatment

Maia Chikovani is a busy mother of two boys. She spends her days looking after Luka, 14, and Saba, 12; managing the household; and tending to the animals on their small farm in the village of Bashi in western Georgia. She also works outside the home as a caretaker.

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Kamate Muhindo From Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Kamate Muhindo is head nurse at the Majengo Marie Health Center in Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Throughout his 20-year career, Kamate has worked in locations across the country and now manages a team of 15. He says he was inspired to get into nursing after he got sick and almost died when he was a young man

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Dr. Jayanthi Shastri From Mumbai, India

Dr. Jayanthi Shastri leads a team of 53 doctors, paramedics and support staff at the Nair Hospital microbiology unit in Mumbai, India. She has been on the front line fighting infectious disease for 37 years. Like many health care workers, the COVID-19 pandemic put an incredible amount of pressure on her and her team.

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Zambia: Solar Power Fuels Better Health

Health facilities need power. Clinics, maternity wards, operating rooms, medical warehouses and laboratories all rely on electricity to function and provide lifesaving health care. But in remote regions of the world, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, health facilities face significant power shortages, which can cut off essential services during surgeries or childbirth and can damage medicines and vaccines that require constant refrigeration.

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Ukraine: Breaking Down Human Rights Barriers to Accelerate the Fight Against HIV

Over the last two decades, the world has made tremendous progress in the fight against HIV. In countries where the Global Fund invests, AIDS-related deaths have dropped by 65% since the Global Fund was founded 20 years ago. But progress has not been even and inequalities continue to fuel the HIV epidemic.

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Niger: Fighting Malaria with Evidence and Innovation

More than 80% of malaria deaths in sub-Saharan Africa are in children under 5. The most effective tools to protect children from malaria are long-lasting insecticide-treated mosquito nets and seasonal malaria chemoprevention.

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Carolyne’s Fight: Ending HIV and Gender-Based Violence

Carolyne says the impact her work has on the lives of young women and girls in her community motivates her every day. “What I love about my job is that I'm able to change lives. I can't change all of them, but there are a few individuals that I can change,” she says.

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