Programs using Global Fund grant funds to purchase goods and services must comply with our procurement policy. For the procurement of other health products, such as nets and condoms, quality assurance requirements must also be met.

For vector control products such as long-lasting insecticidal nets and other pesticides, Global Fund quality Assurance requirements make reference to the vector control products recommended by the Vector Control Group of the World Health Organization Prequalification Team (PQT-VC). This applies to:

  • Long-lasting insecticidal nets
  • Indoor residual sprays
  • Space sprays
  • Larvicides

However, health products can be declared ineligible on the basis of other considerations such as accountability and transparency, consistent with the core principles of the Global Fund.

For indoor residual spraying (IRS), the Global Fund maintains a non-exhaustive list, for orientation purposes, indicating products known to the Global Fund to be compliant with the above requirements. See related resources below.

Condoms purchased by countries must be compliant with the specifications for male and female condoms outlined by the World Health Organization.

For any other health products, countries should select from a list of prequalified products (where applicable) and should only choose products that comply with the quality standards of the country where the products are to be used.