18 July 2022
Updated 29 September 2022
While the Global Fund’s assessment of health product supply disruption has been moderate overall during the past 27 months, supply challenges are increasing as a result of growing international freight capacity constraints. Those challenges are likely to remain through at least 2023.
We strongly encourage Principal Recipients to submit requisitions as soon as possible for products that need to be delivered through the end of 2023 to secure supply of health products.
To support the planning for Principal Recipients, we suggest that:
Principal Recipients should take timely decisions on freight proposals to secure the best available slot, as slow approvals inevitably result in several weeks’ delays. The Global Fund and PSAs’ capacities are stretched due to government control measures in place in various countries.
We would also appreciate Principal Recipients’ support in providing rapid feedback on the following:
Principal Recipients can reach out to their Global Fund Supply Operations’ PR-Services focal point and/or Global Fund Country Team as necessary.
We continue to provide support for current deliveries, and encourage Principal Recipients to use available track and trace tools to monitor the progress of their orders:
Delays of more than 30 days are likely in current situations. The Global Fund, the Stop TB Partnership and procurement service agents are working with implementing partners to identify affected orders and minimize impact on deliveries where delays of more than 30 days are expected.
A PPM Escalation Framework for Delayed Orders [ download in English ] has been developed, and additional information is provided through our regularly updated COVID-19 Health Product Supply page.