Whether a country or region is eligible for Global Fund support is determined by its income classification and disease burden, as detailed in the Global Fund’s Eligibility Policy [ download in English ] .
A particular country’s eligibility by component (HIV, tuberculosis and malaria) is recorded annually in the Eligibility List. Find out more
In order to be eligible to submit a funding request on behalf of a country, and to utilize and implement an allocation, each Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) or Regional Coordinated Mechanism (RCM) is evaluated to ensure it meets certain standards of governance, transparency and inclusivity. These are known as CCM eligibility requirements.
All coordinating mechanisms should comply with each of the following eligibility requirements, as outlined in the CCM Policy [ download in English | Español | Français | Português | Русский ] :
Requirements 1 and 2 are assessed by the Global Fund Secretariat when a coordinating mechanism submits a funding request for its disease or health systems strengthening programs.
From the end of 2022 onwards, requirements 3 through 6 will be assessed using the Integrated Performance Framework (IPF), which includes a self-assessment to be carried out by the coordinating mechanism and reviewed by the Global Fund Secretariat on an annual basis.
The Global Fund also conducts CCM performance assessments (related to eligibility requirements 3-6) prior to the submission of a funding request. The new cycle for funding applications starts at the beginning of 2023.
Moving forward, eligibility (ER 3-6) for coordinating mechanisms will be assessed on an annual basis using the IPF.
As part of the work on evolving the CCM model, the Global Fund has developed a new Integrated Performance Framework. The aim of the IPF is to strengthen the performance assessment of CCMs, and provide them with an update on their eligibility status related to Global Fund requirements, on an annual basis.
The new IPF process will allow for better consolidation and assessment of information, increased dialogue, and more consistent performance review across all CCMs.
The expected benefits of the IPF include:
Find out more:
The Country Coordinating Mechanism Policy provides more detail on the eligibility requirements and principles: