Ethical and responsible decision-making by Country Coordinating Mechanisms is key for the success of programs in countries and advancing the fight against HIV, tuberculosis and malaria worldwide. In carrying out their work, CCMs follow the highest standards of ethics and integrity.


CCMs are required by the CCM Policy through eligibility requirement 6 to:

  • Approve and adopt the Code of Ethical Conduct for CCM members
  • Develop or update, as necessary, and publish a conflict of interest policy that applies to all CCM members, alternates and CCM Secretariat staff
  • Enforce the Code of Ethical Conduct and apply the conflict of interest policy throughout the life of Global Fund grants

In addition, CCMs must:

  • Ensure new members are trained on the code
  • Obtain certification from all members that they have complied with, and commit to continue to comply with, the code
  • Appoint one CCM member as an ethics focal point or, alternatively, create an ethics committee

Ethical Values

The ethical values of the Global Fund – duty of care, accountability, integrity, dignity and respect – are also reinforced in the CCM Code of Ethical Conduct.

The Code of Ethical Conduct, aligned with the CCM Evolution initiative, contributes to strong CCM leadership given that CCMs have a key role in ending the epidemics:

E-learning Courses

The Code of Conduct for CCM Members e-learning courses help CCM members learn:

  • Module #1: What the code means for you and your role as a CCM member and how to bring ethics into your decision-making process. The course, available in several languages, is mandatory for all CCM members and its completion is tracked.
  • Module #2: How to apply the principles and values expected of a CCM member, recognize code of conduct breaches and be aware of the importance of ethics in decision-making.
  • Module #3: What are the role and responsibilities of the CCM Ethics Committee or Focal Point.
  • Module #4: How to apply the two following ethical values as expected of a CCM member: Integrity (including Conflict of Interest management) and Dignity & Respect (including PSEAH: Protection from Sexual Exploitation Abuse and Harassment).
  • Module #5: How to apply the two following ethical values as expected of a CCM member: Duty of Care (including Oversight) and Accountability (including Transparency).

To take a course, first create an iLearn account if you do not have one. 

Focal Points and Ethics Committees

A CCM’s ethics focal point or ethics committee supports the CCM in its goal to coordinate national disease programs at the country level, in support of ending the epidemics and achieving Sustainable Development Goal 3. They contribute to the strategic functioning of a CCM by promoting ethical conduct and decision-making in all CCM activities. They lead the implementation and ongoing enforcement of the Code of Ethical Conduct – focusing on conflict of interest management, ethical decision-making and behaviors to support the Global Fund’s ethical values.

Our guidelines support CCMs in appointing a focal point or creating an ethics committee:

Protection From Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment

To end HIV, TB and malaria as epidemics, it is essential that the programs the Global Fund supports deliver services in as safe a manner as possible and protect people from sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment (SEAH). Protection from SEAH, or PSEAH, is a critical element of achieving our mission.


CCM Briefing Note: This Briefing Notedownload in English | Español | Français | Português ] has been designed to accompany and support CCM members in the event that they need to navigate allegations of SEAH, in violation of the Code of Ethical Conduct for Country Coordinating Mechanism Members.

Additional Resources


If you need any clarifications or assistance, email .