
Principal Recipients and other in-country stakeholders can use the following materials throughout the grant-making process.

Grant-making Operational Policy and Procedures

  • Operational Policy Note and Operational Procedures on Make, Approve and Sign Grants
    download in English

Grant-making iLearn Courses

Information Session Resources

Principal Recipient Handbook

  • Principal Recipient Handbook: This document outlines the responsibilities and key considerations for Principal Recipients throughout grant-making in Grant Cycle 7
    download in English | Español | Français

Partner Portal Guidance

Monitoring and Evaluation

Detailed Budget

Sub-recipient and Supplier Integrity Due Diligence Guidelines

  • Guidelines on Sub-recipient and Supplier Integrity Due Diligence for Principal Recipients
    download in English | Español | Français
  • Key Messages
    download in English

Health Product Management Template

Implementation Arrangements Map

Capacity Assessment and Risk Management

  • Capacity Assessment Guidelines for Global Fund Local Fund Agents
    download in English
  • Local Fund Agents Manual: Funding Request and Grant Making
    download in English
  • Operational Policy Note on Risk Management across the Grant Life Cycle
    download in English

Grant Confirmation

  • Grant Regulations
    download in English

Grant Entity Data