The Global Fund recognizes that ending HIV, TB and malaria as epidemics requires sustainable national responses to the three diseases and resilient systems for health.
To minimize the risk of disruption of programs and mitigate potential negative impacts that could result from a decrease or absence of Global Fund financing, countries are strongly encouraged to strengthen attention to sustainability in their national planning and program design, with support from the Global Fund and partners as necessary. A sustainable approach to program planning and implementation should consider how to maximize impact while balancing short- and long-term results – not only with the view of financing available today, but also considering what domestic financing will need to take up in the future.
Sustainability considerations often include:
Our 2020-2022 funding cycle e-learning series includes a course on sustainability, transition and co-financing. Visit iLearn
Sustainable and effective responses to the three diseases require the engagement and commitment of multiple stakeholders across all levels of program development and implementation. As part of the Global Fund’s commitment to country ownership and participatory decision-making, sustainability planning should be conducted through inclusive, country-led processes that involve governments, multilateral and bilateral agencies, civil society organizations, the private sector, representatives of key and vulnerable populations, and people living with the diseases.
For more information on our approach to sustainability, see our resources: