Financial Management

Strong financial management can increase the ability of Global Fund implementers to achieve greater impact against HIV, tuberculosis and malaria. The Global Fund offers a variety of resources for grant implementers:

Financial Management Strengthening

The Financial Management Handbook for Grant Implementers outlines core aspects of a robust financial management system and sets out required standards to support the optimal and efficient use of funds. The handbook:

  • Helps implementers know and understand the various stages of the Global Fund’s funding cycle and the role and relevance of a financial management system at each stage.
  • Describes the Global Fund’s financial management principles to control and mitigate operational fiduciary and financial risks related to grant implementation.
  • Provides clear guidance and expectations on the requirements set by the Global Fund for implementers' financial management systems.

The handbook is available for download:

  • Financial Management Handbook for Grant Implementers
    download in English | Français

Our system diagnostic is a tool that supports implementers in performing a deep-dive review of their financial management systems using a questionnaire:

Organizations are increasingly being exposed to cyber security risks. Our guidance note provides Principal Recipients help in revising their internal procedures and guidelines:

Service Providers

The Global Fund has a list of pre-qualified service providers to support implementers in strengthening their financial management systems and to help them achieve the standards outlined in the handbook. The providers were pre-qualified based on technical and cost factors. This pre-qualification allows implementers to receive technical support from a qualified provider in a timely manner to address their financial management challenges.

The pre-qualified providers can support implementers with:

  • Financial management information systems solutions
  • Mobile device solutions
  • Mobile money solutions
  • Consultancy services for capacity building
  • Accessing support

Implementers can request support for pre-qualified services, signing an agreement with pre-qualified providers. The Global Fund is not involved in agreements signed between implementers and providers. Neither party is bound to enter an agreement with these providers.

The list of providers and the process for accessing them are detailed in our documents:

  • List of Pre-Qualified Financial Management Support Service Providers
    download in English
  • Process for Accessing Pre-Qualified Service Providers for Financial Management Strengthening
    download in English | Français

Grant Entity Data

The creation and update of grant entity data (formerly master data) is a critical step in establishing a binding legal agreement between the Global Fund, suppliers and Principal Recipients.

Grant Budgeting

The Guidelines for Grant Budgeting describe budget requirements during the development, review and implementation of Global Fund-supported programs, and allow implementers to understand the Global Fund’s financial policies and procedures. They establish clear eligibility criteria for grant expenditures and requirements for monitoring and financial reporting obligations.

Allocation period 2023-2025:

Financial Reporting

Our e-learning courses guide implementers through reporting programmatic and financial progress and completing the Progress Update and Disbursement Request (PU/DR) for grants signed 2017-2019. Register on iLearn

A progress update/disbursement request (PU/DR) is prepared by a Principal Recipient to report on progress on the latest completed period of program implementation and to request funding. Our instructions support Principal Recipients and Local Fund Agents to complete their reports.

  • Principal Recipient Progress Update/Disbursement Request (PU/DR) Form Instructions
    download in English | Español | Français

A financial closure report is presented by a Principal Recipient at the end of a grant or implementation period and contains information on the final closing cash balance, final recoverable amount, and final current and cumulative expenditure. Our guidelines explain the process.

Financial Assurance

The Guidelines for Annual Audit of Global Fund Grants guide stakeholders on the requirements related to audit arrangements, such as the required terms of reference for audits, selection of auditors, content of audit reporting, and roles and responsibilities of the relevant parties to the audit process.

The financial assurance plan ensures controls and risk mitigating activities on the key financial risks of a grant are independently reviewed and tested. Our guidelines explain the process.

  • Guidelines for Financial Assurance Planning for Global Fund Grants
    download in English
  • Guidance to suppliers on conducting integrity due diligence
    download in English
  • Key Considerations for the 2020 Global Fund Grants Audits - Principal Recipients letter
    download in English | Español | Français | Português
  • Key Considerations for the 2020 Global Fund Grants Audits - Grant Auditor letter
    download in English | Español | Français | Português

Financial Risk Management

The Guidelines on Financial Risk Management explain the Global Fund’s approach to mitigating financial risks within grants:

  • Providing a clear understanding of the financial risks that need to be assessed and how these assessments should drive changes in financial risk management at the implementer level
  • Outlining the roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders involved in financial risk management at the Global Fund by providing an accountability matrix
  • Clarifying the policy for Global Fund finance specialists and implementers on what financial risk identification tools and mitigation measures are available and how and when they should be used
  • Ensure that Country Teams monitor and assess regularly the impact of these measures on the financial risks of grants together with the overall performance of the grants
  • Facilitate better engagement with stakeholders in managing financial risks

The guidelines are available for download:​


Appropriate insurance helps protect program assets and allows grant implementers to continue their implementation efforts towards programmatic goals. Our guidelines help implementers comply with the requirements of the Global Fund Grant Regulations related to the insurance of assets.

Fixed Assets Management

Grant implementers use Grant Funds to make significant investments in Fixed Assets. These investments ensure that the required resources and capacities are in place for effective and efficient achievement of Program objectives. As such, the Global Fund Secretariat has developed these guidelines to help grant implementers effectively manage these Fixed Assets.

The guidelines are available for download here: