Webinars and E-learning

2023-2025 Allocation Period Training Series

The Global Fund has created a series of webinars and e-learning modules for those interested in learning more about applying for funding in the 2023-2025 allocation period.

All webinars and e-learning modules are available on the Global Fund’s iLearn platform. First-time users need to complete the registration process before using the platform. Returning users can access the platform directly.


Please click the session title below to access the slides or watch the recording of the session in iLearn.

* Includes overview of the Forms, Instructions and Annexes and introduces Community Priorities, Country Dialogue Narrative, RSSH Gaps and Priorities, and the Gender Equality Marker assessment.


Click the e-learning module title below to access the training. Each module includes a downloadable script, which can be used as a reference material.