COVID-19 Response Mechanism Guidelines and Other Documents: Recent Updates

03 September 2021

Updated C19RM Guidelines
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Updated C19RM Funding Request Instructions
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The COVID-19 Response Mechanism (C19RM) Guidelines, Funding Request Instructions and Health Product Segmentation Framework have been updated as follows:

Procurement of mainstream health products and local sourcing-advised health products

  • Principal Recipients are generally expected to use PPM/ for the procurement of mainstream health products.
  • The Global Fund may mandate PPM/ for local sourcing-advised health products.


  • The C19RM Guidelines have been updated with administrative process changes at the Secretariat level.
  • Regarding the C19RM Health Product Segmentation Framework
    • Recommended Procurement Channel: procurement considerations of more complex health and laboratory equipment have been clarified.

Table 2 on Surveillance (Genomic Sequencing) and Epidemiological Investigation: the language for equipment and ancillary equipment for sequencing activities was amended.

Update: 16 July 2021

The COVID-19 Response Mechanism (C19RM) Guidelines have been updated with the following changes:

C19RM 2020 Awards

  • Following Country Team’s approval, Principal Recipients can initiate procurement orders for the delivery of health products and/or continue the implementation of delayed activities after 30 June 2021, when required and until submission of the C19RM Full Funding Request.
  • Principal Recipients must ensure segregation of expenditures incurred before and after 30 June 2021.
  • Reinvestments must be done following section 2.4 of the Guidelines.

Timelines adjusted

The timing for issuance of C19RM Notification Letter (for decisions requiring Board approval only) has been modified from 17 to 20 business days from the C19RM Full Funding Request review start date.

Changes to the Finalization Process of C19RM Health Product Management Template (HPMT) and C19RM Budget after Investment Committee’s decision

  • The HPM Specialist and the Principal Recipient ensure that the C19RM HMPT is revised and validated to reflect approved products and quantities.
  • The Country Team and the Principal Recipient ensure that the C19RM Budget is revised and validated to reflect approved activities.

Procurement of Health Products

The Global Fund’s written approval is required for changes to procurement channel after C19RM Investment Committee approval.

Principal Recipient Reporting

The Principal Recipient completes the Global Fund’s C19RM Procurement Progress Reporting Template, following the timelines included in the C19RM Notification Letter or the Grant Confirmation. Once received, the Country Team (or the Local Fund Agent) reviews the report to ensure completeness and consistency of the data with the template requirements and shares it with the Supply Operations C19RM Data Analyst.