20 May 2022
Operational Update on Refocusing C19RM Investments to Maximize Impact
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The COVID-19 pandemic is evolving and so should C19RM investments. The Global Fund would like to support implementing countries to rethink how these funds need to be adapted to countries’ needs in a very dynamic pandemic context. Whereas the COVID-19 pandemic is not yet over and investments in this area are still needed, C19RM funds provide an opportunity to invest in building health systems’ capabilities across a spectrum of potential epidemic scenarios, strengthen resilience and prepare for the next pandemic.
In an Operational Update published on 20 May 2022, the Global Fund is sharing programmatic and process information to optimize C19RM investments. Implementing countries are strongly encouraged to consider reinvesting C19RM savings or funds in areas that are most needed, taking into account national priorities and lessons learned, and whilst looking ahead.
The C19RM Technical Information Note [ download in English | Español | Français ] has now been updated to include an Annex 6, outlining strategic priorities for implementing countries to consider when making reinvestment decisions. Annex 6 lists interventions from the technical information note but will also progressively include new areas like “test and treat” strategies or novel therapeutics, that Principal Recipients will also be able to consider when revisiting their programs.
Section 2.4 of the C19RM Guidelines [ download in English | Español | Français ] sets out the process for reinvesting C19RM savings or funds projected to remain unutilized as countries’ needs change. This process has been further streamlined and thresholds for revisions have been increased to give Principal Recipients more flexibility to revise grants without needing Global Fund approval.
C19RM funds must remain invested in C19RM eligible interventions. For reinvestments of HIV, TB and/or malaria funding from regular grants, the Global Fund Operational Policy Note on Grant Revisions and the Global Fund Guidelines for Grant Budgeting [ download in English | Español | Français ] continue to apply.
We will be organizing information sessions for Principal Recipients to give more information in the coming weeks. If you have any questions, please consult your Global Fund Country Team.
Principal Recipients of C19RM funding are asked to adapt C19RM funding and interventions to evolving country circumstances. As the pandemic evolves, reinvesting potentially unutilized funds swiftly optimizes impact of C19RM investments.
Reinvesting opportunities need to remain within the scope of the three C19RM areas:
Further details on C19RM eligible investments can be found at section 1.6 of the C19RM Guidelines [ download in English | Español | Français ] .
Updated resources to support implementing countries to reinvest C19RM savings/funds include:
Section 2.4 captures the following changes:
These changes take effect from 20 May 2022 onwards. Any C19RM reinvestments undertaken and/or requested to the Global Fund prior to this date must follow the original C19RM revision thresholds. For regular HIV, TB and malaria grant revisions, the existing operational policy on grant revisions continues to apply.
The C19RM Guidelines have also been updated to reflect the revised deadline for C19RM awards being 31 March 2023, processes for C19RM Supplementary and Additional Funding requests, Global Fund approval authorities for awards and reinvestments as well as Section 2.6 and Annex 1 which clarify minimum assurance requirements for C19RM investments.
C19RM funds must remain invested in C19RM eligible interventions and are required to follow the C19RM Guidelines (section 2.4) [ download in English | Español | Français ] in consultation with Global Fund Country Teams. C19RM funds cannot be reallocated to regular HIV, TB and malaria interventions which are outside the scope of C19RM. Movement of funds between C19RM and HIV, TB and malaria interventions is not possible.
Country Teams, technical teams across the Secretariat and technical partners will provide support to implementing countries’ C19RM optimization efforts.