
  • Le 30 novembre 2020
    A Doctor’s Plea from the Frontline: “It’s time we all made a stand”
    Dr. Zolelwa Sifumba of South Africa, a TB and COVID-19 survivor herself, talks about the challenges of providing care and fighting infectious diseases during the COVID-19 pandemic. “COVID-19 not only takes lives, but is causing losses from various pr...
  • Le 05 novembre 2020
    It All Starts with Testing
    In the fight against COVID-19, it all starts with testing. Today, testing is the only effective tool for containing the pandemic to save lives and allow economies to reopen safely. Tomorrow, it will be needed to enable the success of global vaccinati...
  • Le 14 septembre 2020
    Le combat de Nombasa contre le VIH, la tuberculose et le COVID-19
    Nombasa Krune-Dumile est une agente de santé de première ligne vivant avec le VIH au Cap, en Afrique du Sud. Après s’être battue contre la tuberculose et le COVID-19, elle est retournée dans les tranchées pour aider les autres à lutter contre les tro...
  • Le 14 septembre 2020
    L’enjeu ne pourrait pas être plus élevé : Peter Sands à propos des résultats 2020 du Fonds mondial
    Depuis 2002, le partenariat du Fonds mondial a sauvé 38 millions de vies, dont 6 millions en 2019 seulement. L’an dernier, les personnes recevant un traitement essentiel contre le VIH, la tuberculose ou le paludisme ont été plus nombreuses que jamais...
  • Le 27 août 2020
    COVID-19 Response: Preventing Fraud and Abuse
    The COVID-19 pandemic is leaving Global Fund programs more vulnerable to wrongdoing. The Global Fund Office of the Inspector General introduces a number of common fraud schemes and provides guidance on how to prevent fraud and abuse.
  • Le 19 août 2020
    The Fight Continues Against Tuberculosis
    The COVID-19 pandemic is having a catastrophic impact on the most vulnerable communities around the world and threatens progress against HIV, tuberculosis and malaria. As the world responds, the work of the Global Fund partnership continues. Communit...
  • Le 16 juillet 2020
    The Fight Continues Against Malaria
    The COVID-19 pandemic is having a catastrophic impact on the most vulnerable communities around the world and threatens progress against HIV, tuberculosis and malaria. As the world responds, the work of the Global Fund partnership continues. Communit...
  • Le 10 juillet 2020
    AIDS 2020: Fighting HIV in the Shadow of COVID-19
    “Our world has changed,” says Global Fund Executive Director Peter Sands. “COVID-19 is derailing the fight against HIV in multiple ways.” Sands’ plenary speech at AIDS 2020: the 23rd International AIDS Conference on 10 July 2020 highlighted how the C...
  • Le 07 juillet 2020
    AIDS 2020: Going Forward in Partnership
    The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed the global health landscape for HIV – and requires a greater level of partnership to unite the fight against the disease. At AIDS 2020: the 23rd International AIDS Conference, leaders and advocates from civil soc...
  • Le 06 juillet 2020
    We Cannot Go Backwards
    “It is staggering to think that we could lose so much, so fast – that many lives,” says Global Fund Executive Director Peter Sands, speaking about the potential increase in AIDS-related deaths due to HIV treatment disruption during the COVID-19 pande...