Board Decisions


Approved by the Board on: 03 November 2006

Dates for the Launch and Approval of Rounds 7 and 8

  1. The Board requests the Secretariat to make the necessary preparations and announce to the public as soon as possible that:
    1. The Secretariat will issue a Call for Proposals for Round 7 by 1 March 2007, and provide for review of those proposals in time for approval at the Sixteenth Board meeting; and
    2. The Secretariat will issue a Call for Proposals for Round 8 by 1 March 2008, and provide for review of those proposals in time for approval at the last Board Meeting of 2008.
  2. The Board requests the Secretariat to propose at the Sixteenth Board Meeting the appropriate dates for Round 9.

Budgetary Implications

The budgetary implications of this decision in 2007 are estimated to be US$2,825,000, comprised of US$1,175,000 for Local Fund Agent fees and US$1,650,000 for Technical Review Panel and Secretariat expenses.