Fourteeth Board Meeting

Board Meeting Decision Point Number Title
2006-11-03 B14 GF/B14/DP01 Appointment of the Rapporteur Appointment of the Rapporteur
Françoise Ndayishimiye from the Communities (NGOs representative of the Communities Living with the Diseases) Constituency is designated as Rapporteur for the Fourteenth Board Meeting.
2006-11-03 B14 GF/B14/DP02 Waiver of One-Year “Cooling Off” Period Waiver of One-Year “Cooling Off” Period
The Board decides to approve the request of Michel Sidibe for a waiver of the one-year "cooling off" period set forth in Section 7 of the Policy on Ethics and Conflict of Interest for Global Fund Institutions.
2006-11-03 B14 GF/B14/DP03 Approval of Agenda Approval of Agenda
The agenda for the Fourteenth Board Meeting (GF/B14/1, Revision 2) is approved, as amended at the Fourteenth Board Meeting.
2006-11-03 B14 GF/B14/DP04 Approval of Report of the Thirteenth Board Meeting Approval of Report of the Thirteenth Board Meeting
The Report of the Thirteenth Board Meeting (GF/B14/2) is approved, as amended at the Fourteenth Board Meeting.
2006-11-03 B14 GF/B14/DP05 Approval of Round 6 Approval of Round 6
<p>1. The Board approves for funding for an initial two years, subject to paragraphs 3 and 4 below, the Round 6 proposals recommended for funding by the Technical Review Panel (TRP) and</p> <p>a. listed in Annex 2, Rev. 2 to the Report of the TRP and Secretariat on Round 6 Proposals (GF/B14/10, Rev.1) as 'Category 1' and 'Category 2', and</p> <p>b. listed in Annex 6<a id="_ftnref1" name="_ftnref1"></a>[1] to GF/B14/10 as 'Category 2B' with Composite indices 8 and 6,</p> <p>with the clear understanding that the grant amounts requested in such Annex for "2 Years" are upper ceilings subject to TRP clarifications and grant negotiations rather than final approved grant amounts.</p> <p>2. The remaining Round 6 proposals recommended for funding by the TRP as 'Category 2B' and listed in Annex 6, to GF/B14/10, will be approved, subject to paragraph 4 below, through Board confirmation by email (or, if appropriate, at a Board meeting), as funds become available under the terms of the Comprehensive Funding Policy (GF/B7/2, p. 6), as amended at the Thirteenth Board meeting (GF/B14/2, p. 25-6) based on the composite ranking of such proposals in compliance with Board's decision entitled 'Prioritization in Resource Constrained Environments' (GF/B8/2, p. 13), but not later than 31 July 2007. In the interim, the Board requests the Secretariat to proceed with the TRP clarifications with respect to those proposals.</p> <p>3. The applicants whose proposals are recommended for funding as 'Category 1' shall conclude the TRP clarifications process, as indicated by the written approval of the Chair and/or Vice Chair of the TRP, not later than four weeks after notification in writing by the Secretariat to the applicant of the Board's decision.</p> <p>4. The applicants whose proposals are recommended for funding as 'Category 2' and 'Category 2B' shall:</p> <p>a. provide an initial detailed written response to the requested TRP clarifications and adjustments by not later than six weeks after notification in writing by the Secretariat to the applicant of the Board's decision; and</p> <p>b. conclude the TRP clarifications process, as indicated by the written approval of the Chair and Vice Chair of the TRP, not later than four months from the Secretariat's receipt of the applicant's initial detailed response to the issues raised for clarification and/or adjustment.</p> <p>5. The Board declines to approve for funding those proposals categorized by the TRP as 'Category 3' as indicated in Annex 2 to GF/B14/10, although such applicants are encouraged to resubmit a proposal in a future funding round after major revision of such proposal.</p> <p>6. The Board declines to approve for funding those proposals categorized by the TRP as 'Category 4' as indicated in Annex 2 to GF/B14/10.</p>
2006-11-03 B14 GF/B14/DP06 Re-advertisement for the Position of the Executive Director Re-advertisement for the Position of the Executive Director
<p>The Board decides to re-advertise the position of Executive Director, and constitute a Nomination Committee. </p><p>The Nomination Committee shall refine the process for selecting the shortlist of candidates for the new Executive Director and present them to the Board no later than its Fifteenth Board Meeting (April 2007).</p><p>The Board requests the Nomination Committee to recommend to the Board possible changes in the Selection Process and Voting Procedures for deciding amongst the short-listed candidates for Executive Director, based on the experience of the Fourteenth Board Meeting (November 2006) and advise the Board (in consultation with the Chair of the Finance and Audit Committee) of the budgetary implications of this decision.</p>
2006-11-03 B14 GF/B14/DP07 Recognition of Technical Review Panel Recognition of Technical Review Panel
<p>1. The Board commends the Technical Review Panel for its report and presentation on the Round 6 proposal evaluation process, and its dedicated efforts to ensure that the Global Fund finances only technically sound proposals.</p><p>2. The Board gives special recognition to the outgoing chair of the Technical Review Panel, Dr Jonathan Broomberg, for his leadership, dedication and commitment to the principles of the Global Fund and the work of the Technical Review Panel.</p>
2006-11-03 B14 GF/B14/DP08 Third Partnership Forum Third Partnership Forum
<ol start="1" type="1"><li>The Board takes note of the "Partnership Forum 2006 Report" (GF/B14/14) and agrees to use the recommendations contained therein to inform ongoing strategic planning and management of the Global Fund.</li></ol><ol start="2" type="1"><li>The Board agrees to hold the Third Partnership Forum in 2008 and mandates the Policy and Strategy Committee to convene a Partnership Forum Steering Committee to start planning for this event early in 2007.</li></ol><ol start="3" type="1"><li>The format and duration of the Third Partnership Forum should build on the lessons learned from previous Partnership Fora.</li></ol><ol start="4" type="1"><li>The Board approves a budget of US$1,200,000 as an upper limit for the Third Partnership Forum and requests the Finance and Audit Committee to ensure that provision is made for appropriate secretariat staffing levels in the 2007 and 2008 budgets.</li></ol>
2006-11-03 B14 GF/B14/DP09 Establishment of a Rolling Continuation Channel Allowing Country Coordinating Mechanisms to Apply for Continued Funding for Expiring Grants Establishment of a Rolling Continuation Channel Allowing Country Coordinating Mechanisms to Apply for Continued Funding for Expiring Grants
<p>The Board approves the establishment of a funding channel ("rolling continuation channel") that provides an opportunity for Country Coordinating Mechanisms ("CCMs") to apply for continued funding for grants that are reaching the end of their funding terms ("expiring grants") under conditions different from those available for proposals submitted as part of new rounds of financing ("rounds-based channel").</p> <p>The rolling continuation channel shall operate according to the following principles:</p> <ol> <li>The Secretariat shall conduct a review of all grants before the end of their Phase 2 (the "determination of qualification") to determine whether they qualify to apply for continuation of funding through the rolling continuation channel. The Secretariat's determination of qualification shall be final and not subject to appeal.</li> <li>The Secretariat shall establish a standing cross-functional panel (the "qualification panel") to conduct the determination of qualification of grants. This panel will conduct its work several times each year, scheduling determinations of qualification so that grants that do not qualify for the rolling continuation channel have sufficient time to apply through the rounds-based channel.</li> <li>The qualification panel shall base its determination of qualification on the following factors: <ol type="a"> <li>The primary factors shall be the following: <ol type="i"> <li>Strong performance, as determined by the Secretariat having assigned to the grant a performance rating of 'A' in more than half of its reviews of the grant's progress updates over the 18 months immediately preceding the determination of qualification; and</li> <li>Evidence of potential for impact by, for example, demonstration of the grant contributing to a national effort that has had, or has the potential to have in the near future, a measurable impact on the burden of the relevant disease.</li> </ol> </li> <li>In addition, in making a final determination, the qualification panel shall consider the following factors:</li> <ol type="i"> <li>Sustainability, as determined by the extent to which the grant contributes to a national plan which is inclusive of civil society and the private sector and transparently shows the financial contributions made to the plan by major funding sources, including domestic sources; and</li> <li>Whether, in exceptional cases, severe and unexpected changes in circumstances have had a material negative impact on program implementation.</li> </ol> </ol> </li> <li>On the basis of the above factors, the Board expects (based on information provided by the Secretariat) that between a quarter and a third of the grants that expire in a given year would qualify to apply through the rolling continuation channel. The Secretariat will monitor the share of grants that qualify for the rolling continuation channel and report this information to the Board as part of its annual reporting process.</li> <li>Upon completion of each determination of qualification, the qualification panel shall provide feedback to the CCM on the grant's overall performance in a standardized format, and highlight any implementation challenges or sustainability issues that the CCM might address in a subsequent grant proposal. It shall also provide this standardized feedback to the Chair and the Vice Chair of the Technical Review Panel under revised terms of reference and membership(henceforth referred to as "the TRP") to inform consideration by the TRP of a subsequent proposal by that CCM.</li> <li>The determination of qualification shall rely, as much as possible, on existing processes and information, so as to minimize additional work and transaction costs.</li> <li>CCMs that qualify to submit a proposal for continuation of funding through the rolling continuation channel may apply either through the rolling continuation channel or the rounds based channel, but the CCM may not submit proposals covering the same activities through both channels.</li> <li>The process for grant proposals submitted through the rolling continuation channel shall include proposal submission, independent technical review, funding recommendation and if relevant, Board approval, all of which shall occur on a rolling basis.<sup>3</sup> The proposal submission and review process shall be as light as possible, without sacrificing technical rigor.</li> <li>The Secretariat shall modify the proposal requirements and review criteria for the rolling continuation channel as appropriate compared to those for the rounds-based channel. As is the case for proposals for the rounds-based channel, they shall reflect considerations of sustainability and alignment with national strategies and plans.</li> <li>CCMs may submit rolling continuation proposals that allow for the continuation of the broader package of interventions to which the expiring grant was contributing. The TRP shall determine whether a proposal's scope demonstrates a material difference, as defined by the Secretariat, compared to the scope of the grant it seeks to continue. A proposal that the TRP deems materially different from the original one shall not be allowable under the rolling continuation channel.</li> <li>The Secretariat shall propose principles-based guidance in the proposal form or guidelines on the extent to which CCMs may increase the scale of the activities financed by expiring grants in rolling continuation proposals.<sup>5</sup></li> <li>All rolling continuation proposals shall undergo a level of independent technical review as rigorous as that for the rounds-based channel. This review shall be performed by the TRP.</li> <li>The Secretariat shall present to the Board the TRP's funding recommendations not more often than once every three months, unless it is necessary, because of exceptional circumstances, to present a recommendation to the Board more frequently.</li> <li>The TRP shall have the authority to recommend that the Board make its approval of a rolling continuation proposal conditional upon the CCM removing a limited set of specific elements from the proposal.</li> <li>There shall be an appeals process for unsuccessful rolling continuation proposals. The primary grounds for appeal shall be a significant and obvious error made by the TRP regarding information contained in the proposal.<sup>6</sup></li> <li>CCMs may submit proposals under the rolling continuation channel covering a maximum term of six years, in two phases of three years each, with funding for the second phase subject to the approval of the Board based on a mid-point performance review. The Board shall approve rolling continuation of funding proposals for the entire term of the proposal, with a financial commitment for the initial three years. Grants funded under the rolling continuation channel shall undergo assessments at each disbursement similar to those done for grants funded through the rounds-based channel.</li> <li>The Global Fund shall prioritize funding for proposals submitted through the rolling continuation channel below the funding of Phase 2 renewals of proposals submitted through the rounds based channel and funding of Extraordinary Requests for Continued Funding of Treatment under the Continuity of Services Policy, but above the funding of proposals submitted through the rounds-based channel. The Secretariat, in consultation with the Finance and Audit Committee, shall communicate to the Board at the end of a given financial year a projection of the financial resources potentially available for these funding channels for the subsequent year, specifically noting confirmed pledges.</li> </ol> <p>The Board delegates authority to the Portfolio Committee to apply the principles set out in this decision point and (i) approve the proposal form and guidelines for the rolling continuation channel, and (ii) approve the appropriate policy guidance in relation to the appropriate appeals process for unsuccessful rolling continuation proposals, and requests it to do so by end of March 2007.</p> <p>The Board requests the Policy and Strategy Committee to present for approval at the Fifteenth Board meeting the appropriate procedure for the Board to make funding decisions on proposals for rolling continuation funding recommended by the TRP in accordance with the principles set out in this decision point.</p> <p>The Board requests the Finance and Audit Committee to present for approval at the Fifteenth Board meeting appropriate amendments that arise from this decision to each of the following: (i) the Comprehensive Funding Policy approved at the Sixth Board Meeting (and amended at the Thirteenth Board Meeting); and (ii) the decision on prioritization of Phase 2 funding approved at the Eighth Board Meeting (GF/B9/2, p. 9).</p>
2006-11-03 B14 GF/B14/DP10 Technical Reviews for the Rolling Continuation Channel Technical Reviews for the Rolling Continuation Channel
<p>The Board refers to its approval of the establishment of a funding channel ("rolling continuation channel") that provides an opportunity for Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCMs) to apply for continued funding for grants reaching the end of their funding terms under conditions different from those available for proposals submitted as part of new rounds of financing ("rounds-based channel").<sup>1</sup></p> <p>The Board considers that, in order to conduct technical reviews of proposals submitted under the rolling continuation channel, it will be necessary to build additional flexibility into the staffing and procedures of the Technical Review Panel ("TRP"). For that purpose:</p> <p>1. The Board requests the Portfolio Committee to propose amendments of the Terms of Reference of the TRP for approval at the Fifteenth Board Meeting. Such amendments shall reflect the following principles:</p> <p>a. No change shall be made to the current procedures and membership principles of the TRP for the purpose of review of proposals received through the rounds-based channel.</p> <p>b. The Chair and Vice Chair of the TRP shall, acting together, have the authority to convene ad hoc groups for the purpose of reviewing and making recommendations on proposals received through the rolling continuation channel.</p> <p>c. Such ad hoc groups may include TRP members, alternate members, members of the TRP support group, and former members of the TRP. The Chair and Vice Chair of the TRP, acting together, shall determine the appropriate number and composition of reviewers in each group, based on their fields of expertise and the content of the proposals.     </p> <p>2. The Board requests the TRP Chair and Vice Chair to review rolling continuation channel proposals based on the principles set forth in this decision point and decision point "Establishment of a Rolling Continuation Channel" (GF/B14/DP9) if any such proposals are received before the Board has amended the terms of reference of the TRP.</p>
2006-11-03 B14 GF/B14/DP11 Continuity of Services Policy Continuity of Services Policy
<p>The Board recognizes that, in exceptional circumstances, there may be a need to provide funding for the continuation of treatment in grants where funding ends. </p> <p>The Board wishes to revise its policy on continuity of services for treatment (as amended at the Twelfth and Thirteenth Board Meetings) to reflect the differing circumstances of grants that end because of suspension, force majeure situations, a decision not to provide Phase 2 funding, or other unforeseen causes ("unanticipated terminations") and grants which reach the end of their term ("anticipated expirations"). </p> <p>The Board accordingly revokes the Continuity of Services decision, as amended at the Thirteenth Board Meeting (GF/B14/2) and replaces it with this decision:</p> <p>The Board adopts the following system for addressing continuity of services following both unanticipated termination and anticipated expiration of grants: </p> <p>i. A recipient (typically a CCM) whose funding has ended may submit an Extraordinary Request for Continued Funding for Treatment.</p> <p>ii. The Extraordinary Request will be limited to expenses directly related to the continuation of courses of treatment (including medicines [which, in the case of discontinuation of anti-retroviral therapy, includes drugs for HIV-related opportunistic infections], diagnostics, and, as appropriate, costs for medical staff and other personnel directly involved in care of the patients on treatment) for those people already placed on courses of treatment under the existing proposal at the time of the Extraordinary Request. "Courses of treatment" includes treatment that is for a limited duration (such as for tuberculosis), or is life-long (such as for antiretroviral therapy).</p> <p>iii. The Extraordinary Request will be limited to the amount required to provide services directly related to the continuation of courses of treatment for up to two years (taking into account any amount which remains available under the existing grant).</p> <p>iv. The Extraordinary Request shall contain a description of the steps taken to find sustainable sources of financing for the people on courses of treatment, and to ensure the recipients are delivering courses of treatment effectively. To be eligible for funding under this provision, the CCM (or, in the case of non-CCM proposals, the grant applicant) must demonstrate that it has used its best efforts to identify other sources of funding to provide continuity of services, but has been unsuccessful.</p> <p>v. The Secretariat will review the Extraordinary Request, and provide a funding recommendation to the Board for its approval. The Secretariat will take into account performance issues, as appropriate, and shall make any adjustments to existing implementation arrangements necessary to ensure the effective use of Global Fund financing.</p> <p>vi. Throughout the process, the Secretariat will encourage CCMs and PRs to actively engage with technical partners to identify mechanisms to ensure continuity of services. </p> <p>vii. In a resource-constrained environment, the Global Fund shall prioritize Extraordinary Requests for Continued Funding for Treatment for anticipated expiration and Extraordinary Requests for Continued Funding for Treatment for unanticipated termination at the same level as Phase 2 renewals.</p> <p>The following additional conditions shall apply in cases of anticipated expiration:</p> <p>viii. CCMs that submit an Extraordinary Request must provide evidence of compliance with Global Fund counterpart financing requirements during the period for which they make the request.</p> <p>ix. In addition to the merit of the request, the primary factor affecting the Secretariat's recommendation to the Board with respect to the amount and duration of funding for the continuity of treatment shall be the income level of the country of the applicant (as defined by the World Bank income classification of the applicant in the year of application of an Extraordinary Request); the Secretariat may also take into account other relevant considerations such as the size of the treatment program (in terms of cost or number of patients).</p>
2006-11-03 B14 GF/B14/DP12 Establishment of Fixed Dates for Rounds Establishment of Fixed Dates for Rounds
<p>The Board notes that the Policy and Strategy Committee discussed (a) establishing fixed dates for the launch and approval of rounds to make progress towards greater alignment of Global Fund processes with country cycles and greater harmonization with partners' actions; and (b) ideas to develop a more flexible system whereby funding by the Global Fund of some grants or proposals might move away from rounds-based timing.</p><p>For those proposals that remain on a rounds-based system, the Board endorses the recommendation of the Policy and Strategy Committee that the Board establish and announce to the public, with significant advance notice, a fixed set of dates for future rounds of funding.</p><p>The Board decides the following:</p><ol start="1" type="1"><li>The Secretariat shall issue a minimum of one Call for Proposals in each calendar year, which it shall issue at approximately the same date(s) each year;</li></ol><ol start="2" type="1"><li>The Global Fund Board shall, with significant advance notice, announce the dates for the next two Calls forProposalsand the dates when the Board foresees it will approve proposals;</li></ol><ol start="3" type="1"><li>The Secretariat shall issue Calls forProposalsat least four months earlier than the due date for such proposals;</li></ol><ol start="4" type="1"><li>The Global Fund Board shall continue to make all decisions regarding the funding of proposals through a round at Board meetings; and</li></ol><ol start="5" type="1"><li>In accordance with the Comprehensive Funding Policy, the Secretariat will announce a forecast of the resources available for the round at the time it issues each Call forProposals.</li></ol><p>The Board requests that at the appropriate times the Secretariat propose the appropriate dates for the next Call for Proposals and for Board approval of such proposals. These dates should take into account the schedules of recipients, partners, donors and the Secretariat.</p>
2006-11-03 B14 GF/B14/DP13 Dates for the Launch and Approval of Rounds 7 and 8 Dates for the Launch and Approval of Rounds 7 and 8
<ol><li>The Board requests the Secretariat to make the necessary preparations and announce to the public as soon as possible that: <ol type="a"><li> The Secretariat will issue a Call for Proposals for Round 7 by 1 March 2007, and provide for review of those proposals in time for approval at the Sixteenth Board meeting; and</li><li> The Secretariat will issue a Call for Proposals for Round 8 by 1 March 2008, and provide for review of those proposals in time for approval at the last Board Meeting of 2008.</li></ol></li><li>The Board requests the Secretariat to propose at the Sixteenth Board Meeting the appropriate dates for Round 9.</li></ol>
2006-11-03 B14 GF/B14/DP14 Grant Consolidation Pilot Project Grant Consolidation Pilot Project
<p>The Board refers to its earlier decision on grant consolidation, taken at its Thirteenth Meeting. To obtain useful experience that could inform the development of policies for grant consolidation, the Board authorizes the Secretariat to modify the application of existing policies to the extent necessary to consolidate grants on a pilot basis (the "Pilot Grants") in multiple countries, which the Secretariat shall select with the consent of the relevant Principal Recipients (PRs) and Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCMs) and in consultation with other country stakeholders.</p> <p>The purpose of grant consolidation includes streamlining grant management for PRs and the Secretariat, as well as enabling increased alignment with national plans, strategies and systems. The specific objectives of the grant consolidation pilot project are as follows:</p> <ol type="a"> <li>to assess the added value and feasibility of grant consolidation for the Global Fund and for PRs;</li> <li>to identify specific policy and architectural changes that will be required to enable grant consolidation across the Global Fund portfolio (as appropriate) and to inform the development, for the Board's consideration, of strategy and policy recommendations to this end; and</li> <li>to draw operational, policy and architectural lessons from the pilot exercises that could facilitate a broader roll-out of grant consolidation across the Global Fund portfolio and in particular, to identify the criteria for and situations that favor grant consolidation.</li> </ol> <p>Specifically, the Board authorizes the Secretariat, solely in respect to the Pilot Grants, to modify the application of existing policies and procedures so as to achieve objectives that include, but are not limited to the following:</p> <ol type="a"> <li>The consolidation of grants to the same PR into a single grant agreement for the consolidated grant, with aggregated performance targets; </li> <li>The rescheduling of Phase 2 decision dates with respect to the individual grants that are merged into the consolidated grant so as to achieve a single Phase 2 decision date for the entire consolidated grant; and </li> <li>The rescheduling of Phase 1 and Phase 2 end dates with respect to the individual grants that are merged into the consolidated grant so as to achieve single Phase 1 and Phase 2 end dates that apply to the entire consolidated grant.</li> </ol> <p>Any modifications of the application of existing policies and procedures made in connection with Pilot Grants shall be consistent with the Framework Document of the Global Fund.</p> <p>The Board requests the Portfolio Committee to oversee the Pilot Grants and report on the lessons learned that can inform the development of policies for grant consolidation, and update the Board on progress as appropriate.</p> <p>This decision point will expire upon the completion of the terms of the grant agreements of the Pilot Grants.</p>
2006-11-03 B14 GF/B14/DP15 Role of the Global Fund in Market Dynamics Role of the Global Fund in Market Dynamics
<p>The Board endorses the recommendation of the Policy and Strategy Committee, as part of the strategic issue of "Market Dynamics," that the Global Fund assume a deliberate and strategic role in improving impact of grants through influencing market dynamics.</p><p>The Board notes the draft objective and guiding principles for developing the Global Fund's market dynamics strategy set out in the Report of the Policy and Strategy Committee (GF/B14/7).</p><p>The Board requests that the Policy and Strategy Committee further explore the issue and present any additional matters, including any potential modifications to the objective and guiding principles for the Global Fund's market dynamics strategy, for Board consideration at the Fifteenth Board meeting.</p>
2006-11-03 B14 GF/B14/DP16 Establishment of a Annual Report on Corporate Key Performance Indicators for the Global Fund Establishment of a Annual Report on Corporate Key Performance Indicators for the Global Fund
<p>The Board requests the Secretariat to report on the core set of Performance Indicators for the Global Fund (formerly the Soft Performance Measures) to the Board during its first meeting of each calendar year. </p><p>The Secretariat shall link the report of these indicators to the report on the Corporate Key Performance Indicators (formerly the Key Performance Indicators for the Executive Director). </p><p>The Board requests the Secretariat to include impact measures as part of the core set of performance indicators as soon as feasible under the guidance of the Technical Evaluation Reference Group. </p><p>The Board also requests the Secretariat to work on including gender in performance and impact measures where feasible and available in recipient country systems under the guidance of the Technical Evaluation Reference Group.</p>
2006-11-03 B14 GF/B14/DP17 Resource Mobilization Task Team Input into PSC Reflection on Size Resource Mobilization Task Team Input into PSC Reflection on Size
<p>The Board refers to the strategic issue of "Global Fund size" which the Policy and Strategy Committee (PSC) is currently considering. The Board recognizes that significantly increased resources are needed in the fight against the three diseases, including additional contributions to the Global Fund.</p><p>The Board requests the proposed Resource Mobilization Task Team to develop a resource mobilization strategy for how to achieve the following annual target funding levels, and to highlight in each case the associated implications:</p><p>• US$ 4-6 billion per year by 2010; and</p><p>• US$ 8-10 billion per year by 2010.</p><p>The Board further requests the proposed Resource Mobilization Task Team to deliver its findings by 15 February 2007 to inform the PSC's further deliberations on the strategic issue of "Global Fund size".</p>
2006-11-03 B14 GF/B14/DP18 TERG Five Year Evaluation TERG Five Year Evaluation
<p>The Board approves the Five-Year Evaluation plan, and its overall timeframe, budget and implementation arrangements, as presented by the Technical Evaluation Reference Group. The Board requests the Secretariat to seek cost efficiencies through tendering and contract negotiation processes and by building on existing investments by countries and partners.</p><p>The Board requests the Technical Evaluation Reference Group to report on progress of the evaluation at each Board meeting until a final report is delivered and thereafter on the implementation of the recommendations.</p>
2006-11-03 B14 GF/B14/DP19 UNITAID Round 6 UNITAID Round 6
<p>The Board welcomes the decision of the UNITAID Board to provide finance for Round 6 to increase the number of patients on treatment. The Board decides to accept a contribution from UNITAID in the amount of US $52,500,000 for Round 6 grants, subject to the execution of appropriate contractual documentation by both parties.</p><p>In addition, the Board:</p><ol><li>acknowledges, without setting any precedent, that the contribution shall be used exclusively for the financing of the purchase of medicines in the treatment areas listed in the UNITAID Board resolution on Round 6 in the amounts specified therein; </li><li>decides that the Secretariat shall employ the contribution in conformity with UNITAID's eligibility requirements and in compliance with existing Global Fund procurement and other policies;</li><li>notes that UNITAID's commitment to improving the price and availability of medicines and diagnostics is consistent with the Global Fund's own endorsement in principle, expressed at its Thirteenth Meeting, of the facilitation of voluntary pooled procurement, subject to the approval of a suitable business plan, and informs the Policy and Strategy Committee's ongoing work on the issue of market dynamics; and</li><li>delegates authority to the Secretariat to negotiate, under the oversight of the PSC, a contribution agreement with UNITAID that reflects the above.</li></ol>
2006-11-03 B14 GF/B14/DP20 Targeted Funding Targeted Funding
The Board requests the Finance and Audit Committee, in consultation with the Policy and Strategy Committee, to develop a comprehensive policy on targeted financial contributions for consideration at the Fifteenth Board meeting.
2006-11-03 B14 GF/B14/DP21 UNITAID ACT Initiative UNITAID ACT Initiative
<p>The Board acknowledges UNITAID's offer to finance the purchase by UNICEF as procurement agent of artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) medicines (the "ACT Contributions"), for eligible programs financed by the Global Fund (the "GF Programs") for the scale-up of their existing ACT targets. The Board acknowledges, further, UNITAID's initial approval of US$9,050,000 (the "Initial ACT Funding") to finance ACT Contributions, and acknowledges UNITAID's intention to approve additional funding for ACT Contributions (the "Additional Funding") once the Fund Secretariat has determined the estimated maximum amount needed for the scale-up of potentially eligible Global Fund Programs through their Phase 2 (the "Maximum ACT Amount"). The Additional Funding shall be equal to the difference between the Maximum ACT Amount and the Initial ACT Funding.</p><p>The Board accepts, in principle, UNITAID's request that the Global Fund assume sole responsibility for (a) the determination of which GF Programs shall receive ACT Contributions; (b) the adjustment of the relevant grant agreements to reflect ACT scale-up; (c) the monitoring of GF Program results linked to ACT scale-up; (d) the authorization of shipments of ACT Contributions to GF Programs procured by UNICEF based on performance; and (e) the determination at the end of Phase 1 of funding (where applicable) of whether GF Programs that are receiving ACT Contributions shall continue to receive ACT Contributions during their Phase 2. However, the Global Fund discourages non-competitive use of procurement agents so this is not intended to set a precedent.</p><p>The Board requests the Secretariat to contact Country Coordinating Mechanisms and Principal Recipients which, based on past performance, appear to have demonstrated the capacity to scale up existing ACT targets, and invite them to apply for ACT contributions, by stating in their applications the value of such requested ACT contributions. Based on these applications, the Secretariat shall calculate the Maximum ACT Amount so that the UNITAID Board can approve the Additional Funding.</p><p>Once UNITAID has approved the Additional Funding, the Global Fund Board shall, if appropriate, delegate to the Secretariat the authority to do the following: </p><ol><li> enter into contracts with UNITAID and UNICEF to document how ACT Contributions by UNITAID will be financed and made available;</li><li> determine which GF programs shall receive ACT Contributions ("Approvals"), subject to the following: <ol type="a"><li> The Local Fund Agent shall make recommendations with respect to the capacity of Principal Recipients to implement the proposed scale-up, and the Secretariat shall consider such recommendations prior to any Approvals; </li><li> The Technical Review Panel ("TRP") shall make funding recommendations with respect to applications where the scale-up in ACT targets causes material variations in other objectives of the relevant GF Program; and</li><li> The total value of the ACT Contributions authorized by the Secretariat shall not exceed the Maximum ACT Amount; </li></ol></li><li>negotiate and execute amendments of grant agreements reflecting the approved scale-up and ACT Contributions; and</li><li>monitor the GF Program results linked to ACT scale-up and authorize the delivery of ACT Contributions procured by UNICEF to GF Programs based on performance. </li></ol><p>The Board requests the Secretariat to report back to it on implementation of this decision at the Fifteenth Board meeting.</p>
2006-11-03 B14 GF/B14/DP22 UNITAID MDR TB Initiative UNITAID MDR TB Initiative
<p>The Board acknowledges UNITAID's offer to finance the purchase by the Green Light Committee of the Stop TB Partnership ("GLC") as procurement agent of MDR-TB medicines (the "MDR-TB Contributions"), to eligible programs financed by the Global Fund (the "GF Programs") for scale-up of their existing MDR-TB targets. The Board acknowledges, further, UNITAID's initial approval of USD 7.9 million (the "Initial MDR-TB Funding") to finance MDR-TB Contributions and acknowledges UNITAID's intention to approve additional funding for MDR-TB Contributions (the "Additional Funding") once the Global Fund Secretariat has determined the estimated maximum amount needed for the scale-up of potentially eligible GF Programs through their Phase 2 (the "Maximum MDR-TB Amount"). The Additional Funding shall be equal to the difference between the Maximum MDR-TB Amount and the Initial MDR-TB Funding.</p><p>The Board accepts, in principle, UNITAID's request that the Global Fund assume sole responsibility for (a) the determination of which GF Programs shall receive MDR-TB Contributions; (b) the adjustment of the relevant grant agreements to reflect MDR-TB scale-up; (c) the monitoring of GF Program results linked to MDR-TB scale-up; (d) the authorization of the delivery of shipments of MDR-TB Contributions to GF Programs procured by the GLC based on performance; and (e) the determination at the end of Phase 1 of funding (where applicable) of whether GF Programs receiving MDR-TB Contributions shall continue to receive MDR-TB Contributions during their Phase 2. </p><p>The Board acknowledges that UNITAID's funding is limited to medicines and diagnostics only, and does not include operational costs that enable scale-up in MDR-TB treatment. The Board acknowledges UNITAID's intention, where a GF Program is covered by MDR-TB Contributions and a material increase in expenditure on operational costs is caused by the scale-up in MDR-TB targets, to finance up to the entire purchase price of MDR-TB medicines that the Global Fund is already committed to purchasing, so as to allow the Global Fund to shift expenditure to required operational costs that UNITAID could not finance.</p><p>The Board requests the Secretariat to contact Country Coordinating Mechanisms and Principal Recipients which, based on past performance, appear to have demonstrated the capacity to scale up existing MDR-TB targets, and invite them to apply for MDR-TB contributions, stating in their applications the value of such requested MDR-TB contributions. Based on these applications, the Secretariat shall calculate the Maximum MDR-TB Amount so that the UNITAID Board can approve the Additional Funding.</p><p>Once UNITAID has approved the Additional Funding, the Global Fund Board shall, if appropriate, delegate to the Secretariat the authority to do the following:</p><ol><li>enter into contracts with UNITAID and the GLC to document how MDR-TB Contributions by UNITAID will be financed and made available;</li><li>determine which GF Programs shall receive MDR-TB Contributions ("Approvals"), subject to the following: <ol type="a"><li>the Local Fund Agent shall make recommendations with respect to the capacity of Principal Recipients to implement the proposed scale-up, and the Secretariat shall consider such recommendations prior to any Approvals; </li><li>the Technical Review Panel ("TRP") shall make funding recommendations with respect to applications where the scale-up in MDR-TB targets causes material variations in other objectives of the relevant GF Program; and</li><li>the total value of the MDR-TB Contributions authorized by the Secretariat shall not exceed the Maximum MDR-TB Amount;</li></ol></li><li>negotiate and execute amendments of grant agreements to reflect the approved scale-up and MDR-TB Contributions; and</li><li>monitor the GF Program results linked to MDR-TB scale-up, and authorize the delivery of MDR-TB Contributions procured by the GLC to GF Programs based on performance.</li></ol><p>The Board requests the Secretariat to report back to it on implementation of this decision at the Fifteenth Board meeting.</p>
2006-11-03 B14 GF/B14/DP23 Requesting Development of Roadmap for Collaboration with UNITAID Requesting Development of Roadmap for Collaboration with UNITAID
The Board requests the Policy and Strategy Committee to work with the Secretariat and the Finance and Audit Committee to develop a roadmap for future collaboration with UNITAID and present it for approval by the Board at the Fifteenth Board Meeting. 
2006-11-03 B14 GF/B14/DP24 Approval of the Terms and Appointment of the Resource Mobilization Task Team Approval of the Terms and Appointment of the Resource Mobilization Task Team
<p>The Board approves the terms of reference of the Resource Mobilization Task Team ("RMTT"), as set forth in GF/B14/9, Revision 2 (the "Terms of Reference"), and appoints Mr Mike Madnick as its Chair. </p><p>The Board requests the Chair of the RMTT in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of the Finance and Audit Committee, and the Chair and Vice Chair of the Policy and Strategy Committee, to establish the membership of the Committee, based on the parameters listed in the Terms of Reference. </p><p>The Board requests the RMTT to present a report at the Fifteenth Board Meeting.</p>
2006-11-03 B14 GF/B14/DP25 Plan for Second Replenishment Plan for Second Replenishment
<p>The Board adopts the recommendations for a Second Voluntary Replenishment of the Global Fund as outlined in Annex 5 to GF/B14/9, Report of the Finance and Audit Committee. </p><p>The Board decides that the Second Voluntary Replenishment will cover a three year period, 2008-2010.</p><p>The Board decides that the Finance and Audit Committee shall approve the agenda for the two voluntary replenishment meetings.</p><p>The Board decides that the next voluntary replenishment structure shall be grounded in the policies of the Four-Year Strategic Plan.</p><p>The Board confirms the nomination of Mr. Kofi Annan, current Secretary-General of the United Nations, as Chair and Mr. Sven Sandström as Vice Chair of the Second Voluntary Replenishment of the Global Fund. The Board expresses its appreciation to both Mr. Annan and Mr. Sandström for their excellent leadership during the First Replenishment and willingness to continue this important service.</p>
2006-11-03 B14 GF/B14/DP26 Process for the Development of a Policy on Product and Services Contributions Process for the Development of a Policy on Product and Services Contributions
The Board endorses the "Draft Paper on a Process to Develop a Policy on Donations of Products and Services" (GF/B14/9, Annex 7) and requests the Chair of the Finance and Audit Committee (FAC), in consultation with the Policy and Strategy Committee (PSC), to constitute the Joint Steering Group on Product and Service Donations as per the parameters outlined in Annex 7 of GF/B14/9. The Board requests the FAC to report back on progress at the Fifteenth Board meeting.
2006-11-03 B14 GF/B14/DP27 Phase 2 Decision-Making Policies and Procedures Phase 2 Decision-Making Policies and Procedures
<ol start="1" type="1"> <li>The Board approves the document entitled "Phase 2 Decision-Making Policies and Procedures" included as Annex 3b, version 2 to the Report of the Portfolio Committee (GF/B14/8) and revokes the previous version of this document approved at the Twelfth Board Meeting.</li> </ol> <ol start="2" type="1"> <li>The Board revokes Point 1 of the decision approved at the Tenth Board Meeting entitled "Phase 2 Decisions Process" (GF/B11/2, p. 21).</li> </ol> <ol start="3" type="1"> <li>The Board replaces Point 2 of the decision approved at the Twelfth Board Meeting entitled "Extension of Proposal Completion Dates" (GF/B13/2, p. 27) with the following decision:</li> </ol> <p>The Board decides that in circumstances where the term of a Phase 1 Grant Agreement has been extended in accordance with paragraph 7 of the Phase 2 Decision-Making Policies and Procedures attached as Annex 3b, version 2 to the Report of the Portfolio Committee (GF/B14/8) (a "Phase 1 Extension"), the Secretariat may extend the Phase 2 term of Grant Agreements by up to an equal length of time as the Phase 1 Extension without committing any additional funding.</p>
2006-11-03 B14 GF/B14/DP28 Request for Continued Funding for SAF-304-G04-H Request for Continued Funding for SAF-304-G04-H
<p>The Board recognizes the importance of encouraging countries to actively seek innovative sustainability strategies.</p><p>In this context, the Board notes:</p><ol start="1" type="a"><li>the commitment of the Government of South Africa to achieve sustainability of the HIV/AIDS program entitled "Strengthening and Expanding the Western Cape HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and care programs" (the "Program") by the end of the Phase 2 term, therefore not requiring further Global Fund support for these activities beyond the next four years;</li></ol><ol start="2" type="a"><li>the Program is performing well and is A-rated;</li></ol><ol start="3" type="a"><li>the CCM of South Africa and the Principal Recipient of the grant have committed to achieving or exceeding the targets in the proposal within the originally contemplated five-year term and to appropriate increased targets for the sixth year; and</li></ol><ol start="4" type="a"><li>the CCM of South Africa has not requested additional funding for Phase 2 of the grant beyond that requested in the proposal.</li></ol><p>Therefore, the Board authorizes the Secretariat, on an exceptional basis and without setting a precedent, to consider the Request for Continued Funding submitted by the CCM of South Africa for the Round 3 South Africa grant for the Program (Grant Number SAF-304-G04-H) which anticipates a 4-year Phase 2 term. The Board requests the Secretariat to provide by 1 December 2006 a recommendation for continued funding for this grant. Such recommendation shall include a condition for continued funding that the Government of South Africa makes significant counterpart financing contributions to the Program over the next four years.</p>
2006-11-03 B14 GF/B14/DP29 Round 6 Lessons Learned Round 6 Lessons Learned
<p>The Board acknowledges the lessons learned by the Technical Review Panel (TRP) and Secretariat during the Round 6 proposals process as presented in the Report of TRP and the Secretariat on Round 6 Proposals (GF/B14/10), and delegates authority to the Portfolio Committee to:</p><p>a. approve appropriate revisions to the Proposal Form and Guidelines for future Rounds by 1 March 2007; and</p><p>b. approve appropriate revisions to the process for screening and clarification of proposals prior to submission to the TRP.</p>
2006-11-03 B14 GF/B14/DP30 Round 6 Additional Approval Round 6 Additional Approval
<p>The Board approves for funding for an initial two years, subject to paragraph 4 of the decision GF/B14/DP5, all remaining Round 6 proposals recommended for funding by the Technical Review Panel and listed in Annex 2, Rev. 2 to GF/B14/10 Rev. 1 as 'Category 2B' that the Board did not previously approve for funding due to resource constraints. </p> <p>All conditions placed on Round 6 approvals listed in decision GF/B14/DP5 apply to the approvals made under this decision.</p>
2006-11-03 B14 GF/B14/DP31 Upper Middle Income Country Eligibility Upper Middle Income Country Eligibility
The Board requests the Portfolio Committee to consider modifications to the Global Fund policy on eligibility, particularly with regard to the criteria for Upper-Middle Income Countries, and to make a recommendation to the Board by early February 2007, so that the Board may take a vote by e-mail following a Board conference call that is informed by prior submissions from Board delegations on any such recommendations prior to the launch of the Call for Proposals for Round 7.
2006-11-03 B14 GF/B14/DP32 Transitions Option Project Transitions Option Project
<p>The Board endorses Part 1 of the Report of the Finance and Audit Committee (GF/B14/9), and, accordingly, decides to engage in the necessary preparations to discontinue its present Administrative Services Agreement (ASA) with the World Health Organization after appropriate preparations for administrative independence have been made. </p><p>The Board accordingly requests the FAC to work with the Secretariat to present for approval a detailed plan covering such preparations at the April 2007 Board Meeting. The plan shall include proposed measures to be taken prior to termination of the ASA, their costs, and the timeline over which they are intended to occur, and steps to be taken that would safeguard the interests of staff as outlined in paragraph 11 of GF/B14/9. The plan shall be consistent with the principles set forth in GF/B14/9. The Board will make its final decision at the April 2007 Board meeting.</p>
2006-11-03 B14 GF/B14/DP33 Policy on Secretariat Procurement of Goods and Services Policy on Secretariat Procurement of Goods and Services
The Board approves the amendments to the document entitled "Global Fund Policy on Secretariat Procurement of Goods and Services" (approved at the Fifth Board Meeting and presented as Annex 4 to GF/B5/8) as presented in Annex 6 to the Report of the Finance and Audit Committee (GF/B14/9).
2006-11-03 B14 GF/B14/DP34 Budget Framework Budget Framework
<p>The Board requests the Finance and Audit Committee (FAC) to develop a framework to guide future reviews by the FAC of the Secretariat's annual budget proposals. </p><p>As part of the framework development process, (i) the Board requests the Executive Director, in consultation with the FAC and other Board committees to initiate an external evaluation of the Global Fund's staffing, including its structure and size; and (ii) the FAC will identify appropriate budgetary parameters to assist future budget reviews. </p><p>The Board requests the FAC to take into account the operational implications of the Resource Mobilization Task Team and the Four-Year Strategic Plan.</p><p>The Board requests that the FAC report to the Board on its progress at the April 2007 Board meeting.</p>
2006-11-03 B14 GF/B14/DP35 Budget 2007 Budget 2007
The Board approves the 2007 Operating Expense budget in the amount of US$ 104,728,000 as set out in Annex 8 to GF/B14/9 and as recommended by the Finance and Audit Committee and proposed by the Secretariat.
2006-11-03 B14 GF/B14/DP36 Staffing Impact of Decisions Staffing Impact of Decisions
<p>The Board recognizes that its decision points require clear directions with respect to interpretation, policy and staffing implications, and directs the Secretariat to incorporate additional staffing needs, in addition to budgetary implications in all its decision points. </p><p>The Board furthermore acknowledges that it has a responsibility for the impact on the workload of the Secretariat and Board Committees of decisions that have not been brought to the Board through a Committee process. Therefore, the Board delegates authority to the Chair of the Board Committee with jurisdiction over the matter addressed in that decision point, who shall consult with the Executive Director, to clarify any necessary follow up in relation to interpretation and its policy implications and to make recommendations on its staffing implications.</p><p>The Board requests the Finance and Audit Committee to incorporate in the process of developing a framework that guides review of Secretariat's annual budget and the evaluation of Global Fund's staffing as requested by the Board at its Fourteenth Board Meeting, a process for handling the recommendations on staffing implications in the event that the approved decision point results in a need for additional resources.</p>
2006-11-03 B14 GF/B14/DP37 Confidentiality of Recordings of Executive Sessions Confidentiality of Recordings of Executive Sessions
<p>The Global Fund Board directs the Secretariat to draft a policy for the Global Fund Board and Secretariat concerning the maintenance of confidentiality of any recordings of Executive Sessions of the Global Fund Board, and the circumstances, policies and procedures under which any individual may receive access to these recordings. </p><p>The Board requests the Secretariat to present such draft policy in time for consideration of the next meeting of the Policy and Strategy Committee (PSC), and requests the PSC to present its recommendation for a policy on the "Confidentiality of Recordings of the Executive Sessions of the Board" for approval by the Board at the April 2007 Board Meeting.</p>
2006-11-03 B14 GF/B14/DP38 Nomination Committee Nomination Committee
<p>The Board decides to establish a new Nomination Committee to assist with the selection of the next Executive Director of the Global Fund. The members of the Nomination Committee shall be Sheila Dinotshe Tlou, Ren Minghui, Abdalla Abdillahi Miguil, Carole Presern, Melinda Kimble, Masaru Tsuji, Stefano Vella, chaired by Peter van Rooijen, supported by Bobby John. </p><p>The Board decides that the Executive Director shall be selected based on a list of candidates which might include the nominees considered at the Fourteenth Board Meeting in a special Board Meeting to be held in Geneva, before mid-February 2007, and that the Nomination Committee shall propose voting procedures that would allow the Board to make a selection at that session.</p><p>The Board re-affirms the "Selection Criteria for Executive Director" and the "Terms of Reference of the Executive Director of The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria" (GF/14/5, Annex 1).</p><p>The Board decides that the Nomination Committee shall submit to the Board a shortlist of five nominees. The Nomination Committee shall provide an indicative ranking, which shall not be binding on the Board, of the nominees based on the extent to which they meet the Selection Criteria. </p><p>The Nomination Committee shall, not later than 1 December 2006, present an Action Plan to the Board for approval by email. The Action Plan shall set forth the powers of the Nomination Committee and include the following:</p><p>-    The actions that the Nomination Committee will carry out and their timing;</p><p>-    A description of the additional search process that is required;</p><p>-    A description of the limited involvement of an executive search firm in the nomination process;</p><p>-    The timeline for submission of a decision making process for the selection of a new Executive Director to the Board for approval.</p><p>- A weighting/ranking of the selection criteria</p>
2006-11-03 B14 GF/B14/DP39 Approval of the Corporate Key Performance Indicators 2007 Approval of the Corporate Key Performance Indicators 2007
The Board approves the 2007 Corporate Key Performance Indicators and associated 2007 targets contained which will also serve as the Key Performance Indicators/Targets for the Executive Director.
2006-11-23 B14 GF/B14/EDP01 Approval of Phase 2 Funding Recommendations November 2006 Approval of Phase 2 Funding Recommendations November 2006
2006-12-01 B14 GF/B14/EDP02 Approval of Bridge Funding Recommendations for Madagascar Malaria Grant Approval of Bridge Funding Recommendations for Madagascar Malaria Grant
The Board approves additional funding of not more than US$2,412,466 for the Madagascar Round 4 malaria grant to Population Services Inc. (Grant Number MDG-405-G07-M).
2006-12-08 B14 GF/B14/EDP03 Action Plan for the Selection of the Executive Director of the Global Fund Action Plan for the Selection of the Executive Director of the Global Fund
The Board approves the Action Plan for the Selection of the Executive Director of the Global Fund, as presented by the Nomination Committee on 1 December 2006.
2006-12-20 B14 GF/B14/EDP04 Extension of Timeframe for Signing Timor Leste Round 5 HIV Grant Agreement Extension of Timeframe for Signing Timor Leste Round 5 HIV Grant Agreement
<span>The Board extends the deadline for the signingof a grant agreement for the Timor Leste Round 5 HIV proposal for three monthsto 16 March 2007.</span>