Approved by the Board on: 03 November 2006
The Board refers to its approval of the establishment of a funding channel ("rolling continuation channel") that provides an opportunity for Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCMs) to apply for continued funding for grants reaching the end of their funding terms under conditions different from those available for proposals submitted as part of new rounds of financing ("rounds-based channel").1
The Board considers that, in order to conduct technical reviews of proposals submitted under the rolling continuation channel, it will be necessary to build additional flexibility into the staffing and procedures of the Technical Review Panel ("TRP"). For that purpose:
1. The Board requests the Portfolio Committee to propose amendments of the Terms of Reference of the TRP for approval at the Fifteenth Board Meeting. Such amendments shall reflect the following principles:
a. No change shall be made to the current procedures and membership principles of the TRP for the purpose of review of proposals received through the rounds-based channel.
b. The Chair and Vice Chair of the TRP shall, acting together, have the authority to convene ad hoc groups for the purpose of reviewing and making recommendations on proposals received through the rolling continuation channel.
c. Such ad hoc groups may include TRP members, alternate members, members of the TRP support group, and former members of the TRP. The Chair and Vice Chair of the TRP, acting together, shall determine the appropriate number and composition of reviewers in each group, based on their fields of expertise and the content of the proposals.
2. The Board requests the TRP Chair and Vice Chair to review rolling continuation channel proposals based on the principles set forth in this decision point and decision point "Establishment of a Rolling Continuation Channel" (GF/B14/DP9) if any such proposals are received before the Board has amended the terms of reference of the TRP.