Board Decisions


Approved by the Board on: 15 November 2023

Framework to Guide the Development, Review, Approval and Implementation of Blended Finance Transactions

Based on the recommendation of the Audit and Finance Committee, the Board approves the blended finance approach set forth in Annex 1 to GF/B50/04: Framework to Guide the Development, Review, Approval and Implementation of Blended Finance Transactions.

Budgetary Implications

Budgetary implications (included in, or additional to, OPEX budget)

  • There are no immediate, material budgetary implications for this approval. The only potential budgetary implications could be associated with the due diligence process described in the paper should the Global Fund seek to strengthen its capacity to conduct those due diligence efforts. If necessary, these are expected to be relatively minimal. Outside of this, existing Global Fund resources are sufficient to implement the new approach.
  • This said, as highlighted in GF/AFC22/05, the Secretariat does expect that limited resources to seed blended finance transactions will continue to represent a challenge, particularly given constrained GC7 Strategic Initiative (SI) resources and increased reliance on country allocations to finance both Blended Finance transactions and associated fees.