First Board Meeting

Board Meeting Decision Point Number Title
2002-01-28 B01 GF/B01/DP01 Appointment of the Board Chair Appointment of the Board Chair
<p>Dr. Anders Nordström, stepping down as President of the Founding Directors, proposed that Dr. Chrispus Kiyonga presides over the meeting until the first Chair of the Board was elected.</p> <p>As no objections were heard, it was so decided.</p>
2002-01-28 B01 GF/B01/DP02 Appointment of a rapporteur Appointment of a rapporteur
<p>Dr. Kiyonga proposed Dr. Helene Gayle, Director, HIV/AIDS and TB Program, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, as rapporteur for the first Board meeting.</p><p>There were no objections to this proposal, and it was so decided.</p>
2002-01-28 B01 GF/B01/DP03 Quick Start Quick Start
<p>The Chair noted the comments made on the Quick Start (GFATM/B1/Doc.8) paper, and suggested that the Board agree on the principles outlined in the document.</p> <p>He pointed out that these principles had already been built into the Guidelines and Call for Proposals documents, and should be included in revised versions of these two documents that would be presented to the Board for adoption later in the meeting.</p> <p>It was so decided.</p>
2002-01-28 B01 GF/B01/DP04 Technical Review Panel: Terms of Reference Technical Review Panel: Terms of Reference
The Chair indicated that all comments on the Terms of Reference of the TRP had been duly noted by the Secretariat, and that a revised version of the TOR paper incorporating the agreed changes would be prepared and used as a basis for initiating the selection process for the Technical Review Panel.
2002-01-28 B01 GF/B01/DP05 Interim Administrative Arrangements Interim Administrative Arrangements
<p>It was noted that the draft Global Fund/World Bank agreement had not yet been thoroughly reviewed by the World Bank, and further negotiations would be required. A short, simple agreement for phase one should be quickly drafted and agreed between the World Bank, Secretariat Legal Counsel, and a working group of the Board.</p><p>It was decided that the Chair and Vice Chair establish interim arrangements so that support from WHO would continue.</p><p>It was suggested, and eventually decided that the title of the Working Group on Monitoring and Evaluation be changed to Monitoring, Evaluation, and results-based disbursement.</p><p>Mr. Ritter informed the Board that discussions on establishing a quasi-intergovernmental organization had been initiated with the Swiss Government. The Secretariat is currently waiting for WHO to provide a detailed description of services and costs.</p>
2002-01-28 B01 GF/B01/DP07 Committee Appointments Committee Appointments
<p>Appointment of Monitoring, Evaluation and results-based disbursement Committee,</p> <p>Appointment of Recruitment Committee,</p> <p>Appointment of Communication Working Group,</p> <p>Appointment of Technical Review Panel Working Group,</p> <p>Appointment of Trustee Agreement Working Group.</p>
2002-01-28 B01 GF/B01/DP08 Strategic Communication Strategic Communication
<p>One delegation proposed that the Fund consider preparing a letter to potential donors in an effort to raise awareness and request applications to the Fund while another delegation recommended highlighting the communication and advocacy efforts of the Fund. </p><p>The Chair clarified that the letter was intended to update relevant partners to keep their interest up and to inform potential recipient countries and donors. The Chair emphasized that communication is a key element for the Fund. </p><p>Further thinking will be required as to the details of how to implement a longer-term, comprehensive strategy. A working group will be required. </p><p>However, communication on the results of the first Board meeting is still expected, and agreement on key messages will be required. </p><p>The Secretariat will work with Board members to agree on a strategy and messages for this Board meeting. It was so decided.</p>