Additional Funding from the COVID-19 Response Mechanism
Approved by the Board on: 01 December 2023
Additional Funding from the COVID-19 Response Mechanism
The Board:
Notes its decision in GF/B48/DP03, which approves C19RM funds to be awarded through 30 June 2023, with opportunity for subsequent C19RM Portfolio Optimization awards and implemented through 31 December 2025;
Approves the additional funding recommended for each country listed in Table 1 of GF/B50/ER02 (“Table 1”); and
Delegates to the Secretariat authority to redistribute the overall upper ceiling of funding available for each country among its constituent grants, in accordance with previously approved principles under GF/B44/EDP18.
Budgetary Implications
This decision does not have additional budgetary implications for operating expenses.