Thirty-Eighth Board Meeting

Board Meeting Decision Point Number Title
2018-04-26 B38 GF/B38/EDP18 Key Performance Indicator 12b: Availability of affordable health technologies: Affordability Key Performance Indicator 12b: Availability of affordable health technologies: Affordability
<p>1. Based on the recommendation of the Audit and Finance Committee, the Board approves the 2018 performance target for Key Performance Indicator 12b as presented in GF/B38/ER13A.</p>
2018-04-11 B38 GF/B38/EDP17 Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Additional Funding Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Additional Funding
<p>The Board:</p> <ol> <li>Approves the revised budget recommended for each grant listed in Table 2 of GF/B38/EDP17 (“Table 2”); and</li> <li>Affirms that any additional funding provided to fund the revised budget (a) shall increase the upper-ceiling amount that may be available for the relevant implementation period for each grant listed in Table 2, and (b) is subject to the availability of funding. </li> </ol>
2018-04-11 B38 GF/B38/EDP16 Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Funding from the 2017-2019 Allocation Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Funding from the 2017-2019 Allocation
<p>The Board:</p> <ol> <li>Approves the funding recommended for each country disease component, and its constituent grants, as listed in the Tables 1a and 1b to GF/B38/EDP16 (“Table 1a” and “Table 1b”);</li> <li>Acknowledges each country disease component’s constituent grants will be implemented by the proposed Principal Recipients listed in Table 1a and Table 1b,or any other Principal Recipient(s) deemed appropriate by the Secretariat in accordance with Global Fund policies;</li> <li>Affirms the funding approved under this decision (a) is subject to the availability of funding, and (b) shall be committed in annual tranches; and</li> <li>Delegates to the Secretariat authority to redistribute the overall upper-ceiling of funding available for each country disease component among its constituent grants, provided that the Technical Review Panel (the “TRP”) validates any redistribution that constitutes a material change from the program and funding request initially reviewed and recommended by the TRP. </li> </ol>
2018-03-23 B38 GF/B38/EDP15 Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Funding from the 2017-2019 Allocation Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Funding from the 2017-2019 Allocation
<p>The Board:</p> <ol> <li>Approves the funding recommended for each country disease component, and its constituent grants, as listed in Table 1 to GF/B38/EDP15 (“Table 1”);</li> <li>Acknowledges each country disease component’s constituent grants will be implemented by the proposed Principal Recipients listed in Table 1, or any other Principal Recipient(s) deemed appropriate by the Secretariat in accordance with Global Fund policies;</li> <li>Affirms the funding approved under this decision (a) is subject to the availability of funding, and (b) shall be committed in annual tranches; and</li> <li>Delegates to the Secretariat authority to redistribute the overall upper-ceiling of funding available for each country disease component among its constituent grants, provided that the Technical Review Panel (the “TRP”) validates any redistribution that constitutes a material change from the program and funding request initially reviewed and recommended by the TRP.</li> </ol>
2018-03-13 B38 GF/B38/EDP14 Appointment of new Member to the Global Fund Strategy Committee Appointment of new Member to the Global Fund Strategy Committee
<ol> <li>The Board approves the appointment of Madame Estelle Tiphonnet-Diawara, representing the French Constituency, as a voting member of the Strategy Committee (“SC”) for a term that will expire in May 2018, or until the appointment of her successor.</li> </ol>
2018-03-08 B38 GF/B38/EDP13 Approval of the Global Fund Honorarium Framework Approval of the Global Fund Honorarium Framework
<p>Approves the Global Fund Honorarium Framework, as set forth in Annex 1 to GF/B38/ER09.</p>
2018-02-23 B38 GF/B38/EDP12 Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Funding from the 2017-2019 Allocation Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Funding from the 2017-2019 Allocation
<p>The Board:</p> <ol> <li>Approves the funding recommended for each country disease component, and its constituent grants, as listed in Table 1 to GF/B38/EDP12 (“Table 1”);</li> <li>Acknowledges each country disease component’s constituent grants will be implemented by the proposed Principal Recipients listed in Table 1, or any other Principal Recipient(s) deemed appropriate by the Secretariat in accordance with Global Fund policies;</li> <li>Affirms the funding approved under this decision (a) is subject to the availability of funding, and (b) shall be committed in annual tranches; and</li> <li>Delegates to the Secretariat authority to redistribute the overall upper-ceiling of funding available for each country disease component among its constituent grants, provided that the Technical Review Panel (the “TRP”) validates any redistribution that constitutes a material change from the program and funding request initially reviewed and recommended by the TRP.</li> </ol>
2018-02-16 B38 GF/B38/EDP11 Location of the 39th Board Meeting Location of the 39th Board Meeting
<ol> <li>The Board: <ol type="a"> <li>Welcomes the invitation of the government of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to host the Global Fund’s 39th Board Meeting on 9-10 May 2018; and</li> <li>Acknowledges the recommendation set forth in GF/B38/ER07.                              </li> </ol> </li> </ol> <ol start="2"> <li>Accordingly, the Board agrees to convene the 39th Board Meeting in Skopje, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.</li> </ol>
2018-01-23 B38 GF/B38/EDP10 Appointment of the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the Standing Committees of the Board Appointment of the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the Standing Committees of the Board
<ol> <li>The Board approves the appointment of: <ol type="i"> <li>Beatrijs Stikkers-Muller as Chair of the Audit and Finance Committee;</li> <li>Anthony Garnett as Vice-Chair of the Audit and Finance Committee;</li> <li>Sandra Thurman as Chair of the Ethics and Governance Committee;</li> <li>Grace Rwakarema as Vice-Chair of the Ethics and Governance Committee;</li> <li>Kieran Daly as Chair of the Strategy Committee; and</li> <li>Abdalla Osman as Vice-Chair of the Strategy Committee.</li> </ol> </li> </ol> <ol start="2"> <li>The Board notes each Committee Chair and Vice-Chair appointed under this decision point shall begin their term on 11 May 2018 and serve for two years or until the appointment of their successor.</li> </ol>
2018-01-12 B38 GF/B38/EDP09 Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Grant Extensions Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Grant Extensions
<p>Set forth below is the Secretariat’s recommendation to approve grant extensions.             </p> <p>The Board:</p> <ol> <li>Approves the extension budget and revised implementation period recommended for each grant listed in Table 2 of GF/B38/EDP09 (“Table 2”);</li> <li>Affirms that any additional funding provided to fund the extension budget (a) shall increase the upper-ceiling amount that may be available for the relevant implementation period for each grant listed in Table 2, and (b) is subject to the availability of funding.</li> </ol>
2018-01-12 B38 GF/B38/EDP08 Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Funding from the 2017-2019 Allocation Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Funding from the 2017-2019 Allocation
<p>The Board:</p> <ol> <li>Approves the funding recommended for each country disease component, and its constituent grants, as listed in Table 1 to <span>GF/B38/EDP08</span> (“Table 1”);</li> <li>Acknowledges each country disease component’s constituent grants will be implemented by the proposed Principal Recipients listed in Table 1, or any other Principal Recipient(s) deemed appropriate by the Secretariat in accordance with Global Fund policies;</li> <li>Affirms the funding approved under this decision (a) is subject to the availability of funding, and (b) shall be committed in annual tranches; and</li> <li>Delegates to the Secretariat authority to redistribute the overall upper-ceiling of funding available for each country disease component among its constituent grants, provided that the Technical Review Panel (the “TRP”) validates any redistribution that constitutes a material change from the program and funding request initially reviewed and recommended by the TRP.</li> </ol>
2018-01-12 B38 GF/B38/EDP07 Report of the 38th Board Meeting Report of the 38th Board Meeting
<p>Report of the 38th Board Meeting</p>
2017-12-15 B38 GF/B38/EDP06 Approval of Guideline for Annual Performance Assessment of Board Direct Reports Approval of Guideline for Annual Performance Assessment of Board Direct Reports
<p>The Board:</p> <ol> <li>Based on the recommendation of the Ethics and Governance Committee, the Board approves the Guideline for Annual Performance Assessment of Board Direct Reports as set forth in Annex 1 to GF/B38/ER04. This Guideline shall apply to the assessment of the performance of the Executive Director and the Inspector General during 2018 and onward.</li> <li>The Board directs the Ethics and Governance Committee (EGC) to review the guideline every three years, starting in 2020, to ensure its continued relevance.</li> <li>The Board delegates to the EGC the authority to approve revisions to the Guideline for Annual Performance Assessment to Board Direct Reports and to report such changes to the Board.</li> <li>The Board delegates to the EGC the authority to appoint a member of the EGC in replacement of the Board Chair or Vice Chair for the purposes of the performance assessment of the Executive Director or Inspector General in the event of a recusal of any of the said officials.</li> </ol>
2017-12-13 B38 GF/B38/EDP05 Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Grant Extensions Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Grant Extensions
<p>1.2 Set forth below is the Secretariat’s recommendation to approve grant extensions.</p> <p>The Board:</p> <ol> <li>Approves the extension budget and revised implementation period recommended for each grant listed in Table 2 of GF/B38/ER05 (“Table 2”);</li> <li>Affirms that any additional funding provided to fund the extension budget (a) shall increase the upper-ceiling amount that may be available for the relevant implementation period for each grant listed in Table 2, and (b) is subject to the availability of funding.</li> </ol>
2017-12-13 B38 GF/B38/EDP04 Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Funding from the 2017-2019 Allocation Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Funding from the 2017-2019 Allocation
<p>Set forth below is the Secretariat’s recommendation to approve funding up to an amount of US$ 1,321,996,861 and EUR 52,050,991; this includes country allocation funding as well as US$ 32,737,727 of catalytic investments for matching funds.</p> <p>The Board:</p> <ol> <li>Approves the funding recommended for each country disease component, and its constituent grants, as listed in Table 1 to GF/B38/EDP04 (“Table 1”);</li> <li>Acknowledges each country disease component’s constituent grants will be implemented by the proposed Principal Recipients listed in Table 1, or any other Principal Recipient(s) deemed appropriate by the Secretariat in accordance with Global Fund policies;</li> <li>Affirms the funding approved under this decision (a) is subject to the availability of funding, and (b) shall be committed in annual tranches; and</li> <li>Delegates to the Secretariat authority to redistribute the overall upper-ceiling of funding available for each country disease component among its constituent grants, provided that the Technical Review Panel (the “TRP”) validates any redistribution that constitutes a material change from the program and funding request initially reviewed and recommended by the TRP.</li> </ol>
2017-12-01 B38 GF/B38/EDP03 Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Grant Extensions Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Grant Extensions
<p>The Board:</p> <ol> <li>Approves extension of the relevant implementation period for each grant listed in Table 2 of GF/B38/ER02 (“Table 2”);</li> </ol>
2017-12-01 B38 GF/B38/EDP02 Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Funding from the 2017-2019 Allocation Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Funding from the 2017-2019 Allocation
<ul> <li>Set forth below is the Secretariat’s recommendation to approve funding up to an amount of US$ 2,317,504,873 and EUR 434,148,572; this includes country allocation funding as well as US$46,519,790 and EUR 1,782,000 of catalytic investments for matching funds.</li> </ul> <p>The Board:</p> <ol> <li>Approves the funding recommended for each country disease component, and its constituent grants, as listed in Table 1 to GF/B38/EDP02 (“Table 1”);</li> <li>Acknowledges each country disease component’s constituent grants will be implemented by the proposed Principal Recipients listed in Table 1, or any other Principal Recipient(s) deemed appropriate by the Secretariat in accordance with Global Fund policies;</li> <li>Affirms the funding approved under this decision (a) is subject to the availability of funding, and (b) shall be committed in annual tranches; and</li> <li>Delegates to the Secretariat authority to redistribute the overall upper-ceiling of funding available for each country disease component among its constituent grants, provided that the Technical Review Panel (the “TRP”) validates any redistribution that constitutes a material change from the program and funding request initially reviewed and recommended by the TRP.</li> </ol>
2017-11-30 B38 GF/B38/EDP01 Principles of the LFA Procurement Method Principles of the LFA Procurement Method
<p>The Board, taking into account the specific nature of Local Fund Agent (the “LFA”) services as described in GF/B38/ER01 decides to:</p> <ol> <li>Replace its prior decision on Re-tendering Local Fund Agent Contracts (GF/B15/DP50) with the Principles of the LFA Procurement Method: Differentiation; Ensuring value-for-money through monitoring LFA performance and cost; Encouraging the diversity of LFA service providers; and Unique contracting arrangements, as set forth in Part 6 of GF/B38/EDP01 (the “Principles of the LFA Procurement Method”);</li> <li>Delegate to the AFC the authority to approve modifications to the Principles of the LFA Procurement Method; and</li> <li>Delegate to the Secretariat the authority to approve the procedures for procurement of LFA services in accordance with the Principles of the LFA Procurement Method Budgetary implications: no additional resources required</li> </ol>
2017-11-15 B38 GF/B38/DP09 Approval of Policy to Combat Fraud and Corruption Approval of Policy to Combat Fraud and Corruption
<ol> <li>Based on the recommendation of the Ethics and Governance Committee, the Board approves the Global Fund Policy to Combat Fraud and Corruption as set forth in Annex 4 to GF/B38/06 – Revision 2;</li> <li>The Board directs the Executive Director to develop an implementation plan, and to periodically report to the Board through the Ethics and Governance Committee on its implementation of the Policy to Combat Fraud and Corruption, as part of regular updates pursuant to the Ethics and Integrity Framework; </li> <li>Consistent with his/her authority to implement the Policy to Combat Fraud and Corruption, the Executive Director shall have delegated authority to approve exceptions to the Policy. This provision does not apply to access rights of the Office of the Inspector General for which the Inspector General shall have such delegated authority; and</li> <li>The Board further directs that appropriate and regular reporting be made by the Executive Director and Inspector General to the Ethics and Governance Committee or the Audit and Finance Committee on the exercise of the authority delegated under paragraph 3 of this Decision Point; and</li> <li>The authority delegated to the Executive Director and the Inspector General, as the case may be, under paragraph 3 of this Decision Point expires at the moment when the Board has adopted the framework the Board has requested the Secretariat to develop in GF/B37/DP07.</li> </ol>
2017-11-15 B38 GF/B38/DP08 Targets for Key Performance Indicators 3, 6a, 6b, 6e and 12b Targets for Key Performance Indicators 3, 6a, 6b, 6e and 12b
<ol> <li>Based on the recommendation of the Audit and Finance Committee contained in GF/AFC05/DP01, the Board approves the 2018 performance target for Key<br />Performance Indicator 12b as presented in GF/B38/05A and notes the review of the 2018 target planned for Q1 2018.</li> <li>Based on the recommendation of the Strategy Committee contained in GF/SC05/DP04, the Board: <ol type="a"> <li>Approves the performance targets for Key Performance Indicators 3, 6a i, 6a ii, 6b and 6e as presented in GF/B38/05A; and</li> <li>Agrees to postpone its review and approval of the performance target for Key Performance Indicator 6a iii, until such time as a baseline is available.</li> </ol> </li> </ol>
2017-11-15 B38 GF/B38/DP07 Resource Mobilization Action Plan 2018-2019 Resource Mobilization Action Plan 2018-2019
<ol> <li>The Board acknowledges the update on resource mobilization (GF/B38/19), and in that context, the Global Fund’s Sixth Replenishment as a key strategic priority.</li> <li>The Board requests its new Executive Director to develop a framework for a Resource Mobilization Action Plan (2018-2019), in consultation with partners and the Audit and Finance Committee, for the 39th Board meeting, followed by a detailed and fully costed plan to the relevant Committees in June 2018.</li> </ol>
2017-11-14 B38 GF/B38/DP06 2018 Corporate Work Plan and Budget Narrative and the 2018 Operating Expenses Budget 2018 Corporate Work Plan and Budget Narrative and the 2018 Operating Expenses Budget
<p>Based on the recommendation of the Audit and Finance Committee, the Board approves the following:</p> <ol> <li>2018 Corporate Work Plan and Budget Narrative, as set forth in GF/B38/04B; and </li> <li>2018 Operating Expenses Budget in the amount of up to USD 312.0 million, as set forth in GF/B38/04A- Revision 1 (the “2018 OPEX Budget”), which includes USD 15.92 million for the Office of the Inspector General’s 2018 operating expenses and up to USD 12.0 million as exceptional, one-off impact of the Global Health Campus infrastructure investment.</li> </ol> <p>However, the Board reaffirms the agreement that the total operating expenses over the 2017-2019 period will remain within USD 900.0 million and requires that the Secretariat undertake a comprehensive review of both the operating expense budget for 2019 and the operating expenses required to meet the Global Fund’s strategic objectives, in connection with the presentation of the 2019 operating expense budget.</p>
2017-11-14 B38 GF/B38/DP05 Integration of Additional Public Donors into the Global Fund Governance Structure and Amendment of the Global Fund Bylaws Integration of Additional Public Donors into the Global Fund Governance Structure and Amendment of the Global Fund Bylaws
<p>Based on the recommendation of the Ethics and Governance Committee, the Board:</p> <ol> <li>Amends Article 7.1 of the Global Fund Bylaws by deleting the text which states “One Swiss citizen with his or her domicile in Switzerland authorized to act on behalf of the Global Fund to the extent required by Swiss law; and”, and replacing it with the following text: “One representative of the public donors which are not part of a voting donor constituency but have each pledged a contribution of at least $10 million in the current replenishment cycle; and”;</li> <li>Requests that the Secretariat invite the public donors included in the group which are not part of a voting donor constituency but have each pledged a contribution of at least $10 million in the current replenishment cycle to join this new non-voting Board constituency and develop a process for selecting its Board representation in accordance with the Bylaws and the Operating Procedures of the Board and Committees of the Global Fund; and</li> <li>Requests the Donor Voting Group report at the 39th meeting of the Global Fund Board on its revised process for public donor seat allocation, which will ensure that new public donors, who commit to the principles in the Framework Document of the Global Fund and contribute/pledge more than a defined threshold amount for two consecutive replenishment periods, will be integrated into a voting public donor constituency.</li> </ol>
2017-11-14 B38 GF/B38/DP04 Recognition of Dr. Marijke Wijnroks Recognition of Dr. Marijke Wijnroks
<p>The Board wishes to sincerely thank Dr. Marijke Wijnroks for her leadership of the Global Fund as Interim Executive Director.</p> <p>Dr. Wijnroks has led the Secretariat’s work to begin implementing the Global Fund Strategy 2017-2022, while overseeing a tremendous volume of grant-making and also inspiring colleagues to continue innovative work that is focused on achieving impact. The Board extends its gratitude for Dr. Wijnroks’ ongoing work to prepare for the arrival of the incoming Executive Director, paving the way for the new leader to move forward with a strong and committed team.</p> <p>The Board commends Dr. Wijnroks for her longstanding dedication and contribution to the Global Fund. Prior to her leadership as Interim Executive Director, Dr. Wijnroks served as Board Member for the Point 7 constituency, and as Chief of Staff from 2013 to 2017.</p> <p>Throughout this time, her passion for the organization’s mission, her commitment to those most in need of advocacy and support, and her unwavering optimism have inspired many. The Board wishes Dr. Wijnroks continued success in all endeavors.</p>
2017-11-14 B38 GF/B38/DP03 Appointment of the Executive Director Appointment of the Executive Director
<p>The Board appoints Peter Sands to serve as the next Executive Director of the Global Fund for a four-year term.</p>
2017-11-14 B38 GF/B38/DP02 Approval of Agenda Approval of Agenda
<p>The agenda for the 38th Board Meeting (GF/B38/01) is approved.</p>
2017-11-14 B38 GF/B38/DP01 Appointment of the Rapporteur Appointment of the Rapporteur
<p>Mr. Rico Gustav from the Communities constituency is designated as Rapporteur for the 38th Board Meeting.</p>