Board Meeting | Decision Point Number | Title |
2010-04-30 | B21 | GF/B21/DP01 |
Appointment of the Rapporteur Appointment of the Rapporteur
<p>Karlo Boras from the Developing NGOs constituency is designated as Rapporteur for the Twenty-First Board Meeting.</p>
2010-04-30 | B21 | GF/B21/DP02 |
Approval of Agenda Approval of Agenda
The agenda for the Twenty-First Board Meeting (GF/B21/1, Revision 1), as amended, is approved.
2010-04-30 | B21 | GF/B21/DP03 |
Approval of Report of the Twentieth Board Meeting Approval of Report of the Twentieth Board Meeting
The report of the Twentieth Board Meeting (GF/B21/2) is approved as amended at the Twenty-First Board Meeting.
2010-04-30 | B21 | GF/B21/DP04 |
Next National Strategy Application Funding Opportunity Next National Strategy Application Funding Opportunity
<p>The Board:</p>
<p>1. notes the progress achieved in the implementation of the First Learning Wave ("FLW") of National Strategy Application ("NSAs");</p>
<p>2. acknowledges the analysis of lessons of the FLW and the recommendations for further investment on the basis of NSAs presented in GF/PSC13/02, which respond to the Board's decision GF/B20/DP26 requesting these; and</p>
<p>3. refers to its decision GF/B18/DP20 to bring the NSA procedure into operation through a phased roll-out.</p>
<p>The Board requests the Secretariat to initiate a next NSA funding opportunity on a schedule that enables funding decisions to be made at the Board meeting in the fourth quarter of 2011, subject to availability of funding. The TRP-recommended applications emanating from this NSA submission opportunity shall be treated at least in the same manner as other proposals being simultaneously considered for new funding (see Section 9 of the Comprehensive Funding Policy).</p>
<p>In addition, the Board requests the Secretariat to:</p>
<p>1. ensure the next NSA funding opportunity builds on the lessons learned in the FLW;</p>
<p>2. plan for the next NSA funding opportunity to include an incrementally larger number of countries than the FLW;</p>
<p>3.focus on applications based on a national disease strategy that has been jointly assessed using a credible, joint assessment approach for national disease strategies that accords with the fundamental principles supported by the Policy and Strategy Committee (GF/B16/06):</p>
<p>i. country ownership;</p>
<p> ii. independence;</p>
<p>iii. consistency;</p>
<p>iv. adequate expertise;</p>
<p>v. transparency; and</p>
<p>vi. multi-stakeholder involvement;</p>
<p>4. further encourage meaningful multi-stakeholder involvement in the development of the national strategy;</p>
<p>5. ensure the application and grant management processes for the next NSA funding opportunity are consistent with the new Global Fund grant architecture (as described in GF/B20/DP31 and GF/PSC12/02);</p>
<p>6. draw lessons from the next NSA funding opportunity to inform a future broader roll-out of the NSA procedure; and</p>
<p>7. periodically update the Board through the PSC on the possible financial implications of the next NSA funding opportunity, and consult with the PIC on implementation.</p>
<p>The Board authorizes the Secretariat to make exceptions to existing policies and procedures to the extent necessary to implement the next NSA funding opportunity, under the same conditions as those for the FLW, as stated in GF/B18/DP20. The principles in that decision shall also apply to the next NSA funding opportunity, with the exception of the principle regarding the funding period, which will be based on the Global Fund new architecture.</p>
2010-04-30 | B21 | GF/B21/DP05 |
Health Systems Funding Platform Health Systems Funding Platform
<p>The Board affirms the critical importance of strong health systems to achieve the Global Fund's mandate to fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.</p><p>The Board endorses an incremental approach to coordinated health systems strengthening investments under Track 1 and Track 2 as presented by the Secretariat in GF/PSC13/03 in collaboration with partners.</p><p>The Board requests the Secretariat to continue rapid implementation of Track 1.</p><p>The Board requests the Secretariat to continue, based on consultations at country level, implementation of Track 2 Option 1 through the development of a joint proposal form with GAVI as described in GF/PSC13/03. The joint proposal form would be approved by the PIC (as per current policy) for use as soon as possible, no later than Round 11. Any funding proposals using this new joint proposal form would be subject to TRP review and Board approval processes.</p><p>The Board requests further work on Track 2 Option 2 such that funding requests emanating from a pilot in 4-5 countries could be approved by the Board at the same time as it approves Round 11. The Board requests that in the interim, its Policy and Strategy Committee review and approve the pilot's design at its meeting in late 2010. </p><p>The Board requests the Secretariat to increase dialogue with partners, and develop a communications strategy and mechanisms for building health systems capacity at country level as part of the implementation and to regularly provide updates to the PSC.</p><p>The Board endorses the current scope of Global Fund HSS support as the scope for Global Fund HSS support within the Platform. This will help to achieve outcomes for the three diseases and improve progress towards achieving MDGs 4, 5 and 6.</p><p>The Board requests TERG to oversee the independent evaluation of the Joint Platform.</p>
2010-04-30 | B21 | GF/B21/DP06 |
Incremental Funding and Related Commitment for 2011 Incremental Funding and Related Commitment for 2011
<p>The Board refers to its decision made at the Twentieth Board Meeting on the Global Fund Architecture Review (GF/B20/DP31) and takes note of document GF/PSC13/04 regarding the mechanism under which additional funding to accelerate strongly performing programs can be made available at the time of grant renewal.</p>
<p>Therefore, the Board decides as follows:</p>
<li>Approves the establishment of a dedicated funding envelope to allow for additional funds to be committed to programs on the basis of demonstrated strong performance and impact at the time of the requests for and approval of additional commitments under the Periodic Reviews and Commitments Policy (the "Incremental Funding at grant renewal").</li>
<li>Allocates for this purpose an amount of 30 million US$ as a funding reserve for 2011, and will consider establishing a funding reserve for 2012 at its meeting in November 2011.</li>
<li>Requests the Secretariat to implement this mechanism and manage this funding reserve in line with the procedure defined in Annex 2 of the PSC Report to the Board (GF/B21/4).</li>
<li>Replaces references to "Scale-up Funds" in the Comprehensive Funding Policy of the Global Fund (Annex 5 Version 2 of GF/B20/12) with "Incremental Funding at grant renewal".</li>
2010-04-30 | B21 | GF/B21/DP07 |
Revisions to the Terms of Reference of the Technical Review Panel Revisions to the Terms of Reference of the Technical Review Panel
<p>The Board decides to amend the Terms of Reference of the Technical Review Panel, as set forth in Annex 1 of the Report of the Portfolio Implementation Committee (GF/B21/5, Revision 2).</p>
<p>The Board decides that for the final re-submission wave of the Rolling Continuation Channel (RCC), the Terms of Reference as amended at the Nineteenth Board Meeting (GF/B19/DP16), will be applicable.</p>
2010-04-30 | B21 | GF/B21/DP08 |
Exception to the Terms of Reference of the Technical Review Panel for Round 10 Exception to the Terms of Reference of the Technical Review Panel for Round 10
The Board decides to make an exception to Article 17 of the Terms of Reference of the Technical Review Panel (Annex 1 of GF/B21/5, Revision 1) only for Round 10 to permit existing Permanent TRP Members to serve more than four Rounds to ensure that a sufficient pool of experienced TRP Members are available on which to draw on for Round 10.
2010-04-30 | B21 | GF/B21/DP09 |
FAC Reattribution of 2009 Budget (AMFm) FAC Reattribution of 2009 Budget (AMFm)
In light of the considerations set out in the Finance and Audit Committee's Report to the Board (GF/B21/6), the Board approves the reattribution of US$ 2.85 million of the Affordable Medicines Facility - malaria (AMFm) professional fees budget from 2009 to 2010.
2010-04-30 | B21 | GF/B21/DP10 |
Exceptions to the Salary Threshold Exceptions to the Salary Threshold
<p>The Board delegates its authority to the Chair and Vice Chair of the Finance and Audit Committee ("FAC") together with one constituency member from the Dono<a id="OLE_LINK1" name="OLE_LINK1"></a>rs block and one constituency member from the Implementers block invited by the Chair of the FAC (the "Remuneration Group") to approve new staff salaries that exceed the threshold of CHF 245,000 set in the Global Fund Human Resources Policy Framework. The approval of salaries will be based on criteria proposed by the FAC and approved by the Board. The Remuneration Group will inform the Board of its decisions when the Board meets in Executive Session. Decisions on the salary of the Executive Director remain with the Board.</p>
<p>The Board requests the Executive Director to present to the Remuneration Group:</p>
<p>i) The existing exceptions to the threshold; and</p>
<p>ii) On an on-going basis, the salaries that exceed the threshold as a result of increases given to staff based on satisfactory justifications.</p>
<p>The threshold may be adjusted by the Remuneration Group, when needed, taking into account the process set out in the Global Fund Human Resources Policy Framework (GF/EDP/08/16 - Annex 1, Section 2.3).</p>
2010-04-30 | B21 | GF/B21/DP11 |
Approval of 2009 Financial Statements Approval of 2009 Financial Statements
The Board approves the 2009 Financial Statements of the Global Fund which have been audited by Ernst & Young.
2010-04-30 | B21 | GF/B21/DP12 |
Secretariat Office Space Secretariat Office Space
<p>The Board refers to its decision made at the Twentieth Board Meeting on Secretariat Office Space (GF/B20/DP19). Having reviewed the draft development contract (GF/B21/6 - Annex 4) pertaining to the development of a building in which the Secretariat would lease office space, the Board requests the Finance and Audit Committee to approve the development contract for signature by the Secretariat once it is finalized and report on this issue to the Board at the Twenty-Second Board Meeting. </p>
2010-04-30 | B21 | GF/B21/DP13 |
Review of the Comprehensive Funding Policy Review of the Comprehensive Funding Policy
<p>The Board refers to the Chair's Summary of the Third Global Fund Voluntary Replenishment (2011-2013) Preparatory Meeting (the "Preparatory Meeting") noting that participants at the meeting "without at this stage taking any collective positions on the substance of the issue - encouraged the Board to review the comprehensive funding policy." The Board also refers to the briefing note entitled "Use of Promissory Notes and Similar Obligations as a Means of Contributing to the Global Fund," prepared by the Secretariat at the request of participants of the Preparatory Meeting.</p><p>The Board requests the Finance and Audit Committee to conduct a review of the Global Fund Comprehensive Funding Policy, with the support of the Secretariat and through a balanced and inclusive process. Considering the relevance of this review for the Third Voluntary Replenishment, the Board requests the FAC to provide to the Board its analysis and recommendations on the use of promissory notes and similar obligations and its impact on the Comprehensive Funding Policy prior to 30 June 2010. Any proposed changes to the Comprehensive Funding Policy would be considered by the FAC after 30 June 2010 and recommendations would be provided by the FAC to the Board before the Twenty-Second Board Meeting. </p>
2010-04-30 | B21 | GF/B21/DP14 |
Membership of the Ethics Committee and Amendments to the Ethics Committee’s Terms of Reference Membership of the Ethics Committee and Amendments to the Ethics Committee’s Terms of Reference
<p>The Board approves the appointment of the Dr Aishath Shiham from the South East Asia Constituency as a member of the Ethics Committee until the adjournment of the first Board meeting of 2011.</p><p>The Board also approves the amendments to the Ethics Committee's Terms of Reference as follows:</p><p><b>AMENDED TERMS OF REFERENCE OF THE ETHICS COMMITTEE</b> </p><p><b>Ethics Committee (EC)</b> </p><ul type="disc"><li>Develop and promote on an ongoing basis a values and integrity framework, and provide guidance and information on the related policies including the Policy on Ethics and Conflict of Interest for Global Fund Institutions (CoI Policy), and all codes of conduct;</li></ul><ul type="disc"><li>Provide oversight for ethical and related reputational risks;</li></ul><ul type="disc"><li>Oversee the CoI Policy and its implementation, and advise the bodies and staff of the Global Fund on conflict of interest and ethics issues;</li></ul><ul type="disc"><li>Resolve differences in the interpretation of conflict of interest;</li></ul><ul type="disc"><li>At its discretion, bring any conflict issue it may consider necessary to the Board for discussion and determination;</li></ul><ul type="disc"><li>Take such other actions as are consistent with the Global Fund Bylaws, Board Operating Procedures, COI Policy and a values and integrity framework, as are necessary and appropriate for achieving the objectives of the Committee;</li></ul><ul type="disc"><li>Review the Secretariat's bi-annual report of secondment staff appointments;</li></ul><ul type="disc"><li>Keep appropriate written records of its activities; and</li></ul><ul type="disc"><li>Report annually to the Foundation Board.</li></ul>
2010-04-30 | B21 | GF/B21/DP15 |
Approval of the 2009 Annual Report Approval of the 2009 Annual Report
<p>The Board approves the Annual Report as presented in GF/B21/14. </p><p>The Board decides that, starting with the Annual Report for 2010, the Annual Report will include appropriate information on donor contributions to the Global Fund.</p>
2010-04-30 | B21 | GF/B21/DP16 |
Interim Exception to the Global Fund’s Quality Assurance Policy for Pharmaceutical Products Interim Exception to the Global Fund’s Quality Assurance Policy for Pharmaceutical Products
<p>1. The Board approves a restatement of the Interim Exception to the Global Fund's Quality Assurance Policy for Pharmaceutical Products as set out in Annex 4 to the MDC Report to the Board (GF/B21/8 Revision 1, Annex 4). This interim exception expires on 31 December 2010.</p><p>2. The Board requests the Secretariat to work on an urgent basis with WHO to establish a process for the Expert Review Panel (ERP) to specifically consider and assist to deal with exceptional cases in the future. Such exceptional cases would be limited to situations in which financing provided by the Global Fund would be used to procure a Finished Pharmaceutical Product (FPP) of a formulation for which:</p><p>(i) no available<a id="OLE_LINK2" name="OLE_LINK2">*</a> FPP complies with the quality standards of the Global Fund's Quality Assurance Policy; and</p><p>(ii) WHO has made a determination, based on the available information, that no therapeutic alternatives exist that would be adequate for the specific country or region of intended use. </p><p>In such exceptional cases, ERP review should include an assessment of the clinical risk of providing ineffective or no treatment, in addition to a quality risk analysis. If necessary, the Terms of Reference of the ERP shall be revised accordingly. </p><p>* 'Available' means that the manufacturer can supply the requested quantity of the FPP within not less than 90 days of the requested delivery date.</p>
2010-04-30 | B21 | GF/B21/DP17 |
Prioritization Criteria for Round 10 Proposals Prioritization Criteria for Round 10 Proposals
<p>The Board decides that, for Round 10 only, the prioritization provisions of the Comprehensive Funding Policy described in Article 8 will be replaced with the provisions set out in the Annex to this decision point.</p><p>The Board requests that, at the time of issuing the Call for Round 10 proposals, the Secretariat communicate clearly to applicants the new prioritization mechanism that will apply for Round 10.</p><p>The Board requests (i) the Portfolio and Implementation Committee to consider an exceptional bridge funding mechanism as proposed by the Policy and Strategy Committee for possible approval at the Twenty-Second Board Meeting; and (ii) the Technical Review Panel (TRP) to review data on significant under-spending of existing grants as part of its formal recommendation process (such data to be provided by the Secretariat).</p><p>Further, the Board requests that, as part of the Eligibility and Cost Sharing Review being jointly carried out by the Policy and Strategy Committee and the Portfolio Implementation Committee, the following long-term strategic issues be considered; long-term implications of existing financial commitments of grant agreements; appropriate cost sharing and graduation guidance; and optimal allocation of future resources.</p><p>Annex:</p><p>8. The system for prioritizing among Round 10 TRP-recommended proposals, in the event that there are insufficient resources available to approve all TRP-recommended proposals, is as follows:</p><ol start="1" type="a"><li>The Secretariat is responsible for assigning a score to all TRP-recommended components of proposals in accordance with the composite index described in paragraph (b) below and is to present the Board with these scores at the time of the Board's consideration of the TRP's recommendations. They are then financed in descending order (with the highest scoring proposals receiving priority).</li></ol><p>b. A composite index, based on three criteria, is used to assign scores to each TRP-recommended component of a proposal as described below. </p><table class="table" dropzone="copy"><tbody><tr><td><b>Criteria</b> </td><td style="cursor: default;"><b>Indicator</b> </td><td><b>Value</b> </td><td><b>Score</b> </td></tr><tr><td>TRP Recommendation</td><td style="cursor: default;">TRP Recommendation Category</td><td>Category 1</td><td>4</td></tr><tr><td>Category 2</td><td style="cursor: default;">4</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td>Category 2B</td><td>3</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td rowspan="4"><p>Disease</p><p>Burden</p></td><td rowspan="4">Specific disease burden criteria set forth in paragraph c below </td><td>4</td><td> </td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td> </td></tr><tr><td>2</td><td> </td></tr><tr><td>1</td><td> </td></tr><tr><td>Poverty </td><td style="cursor: default;"><p>World Bank</p><p>Classification</p></td><td>Low Income</td><td>4 </td></tr><tr><td>Lower-Middle Income</td><td style="cursor: default;">2</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td>Upper-Middle Income</td><td>0</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr></tbody></table> <ol start="3" type="a"><li>The specific disease burden indicators, values and scores which will be used to assign scores for disease burden are:</li></ol><p>i. For HIV/AIDS:</p><table class="table" dropzone="copy"><tbody><tr><td><b>Indicator</b> </td><td><b>Value</b> </td><td><b>Score</b> </td></tr><tr><td rowspan="4" style="cursor: default;">HIV prevalence in the general population and/or in vulnerable populations*</td><td>HIV national prevalence ≥ 2%</td><td>4</td></tr><tr><td>HIV national prevalence ≥ 1% and <2% OR MARP <a id="_ftnref1" name="_ftnref1" draggable="false">[1]</a> prevalence ≥10%</td><td>3</td></tr><tr><td>HIV national prevalence ≥ 0.5% and <1% OR MARP prevalence ≥5% and <10%</td><td>2</td></tr><tr><td>HIV national prevalence < 0.5% and MARPS <5% OR no data</td><td>1</td></tr></tbody></table> <p>*Source of data: WHO and UNAIDS</p><p>ii. For Tuberculosis</p><table class="table" dropzone="copy"><tbody><tr><td style="cursor: default;"><b>Indicator</b> </td><td><b>Value</b> </td><td><b>Score</b> </td></tr><tr><td rowspan="4">Combination of tuberculosis notification rate per 100,000 population (all forms including relapses); and WHO list of high burden countries (TB, TB/HIV or MDR-TB) **</td><td><p>TB Notification rate per 100,000 population ≥ 146)</p><p><b>OR</b> </p><p>TB Notification rate per 100,000 population ≥83 and <146 and high TB burden, high TB/HIV burden, or high MDR-TB burden country</p></td><td>4</td></tr><tr><td><p>TB Notification rate per 100,000 population ≥83 and <146</p><p><b>OR</b> </p><p>TB Notification rate per 100,000 population ≥38 and <83 and high TB burden, high TB/HIV burden, or high MDR-TB burden country</p></td><td>3</td></tr><tr><td><p>TB Notification rate per 100,000 population ≥38 and <83</p><p><b>OR</b> </p><p>TB Notification rate per 100,000 population < 38 and high TB burden, high TB/HIV burden, or high MDR-TB burden country</p></td><td>2</td></tr><tr><td>TB Notification rate per 100,000 population < 38</td><td>1</td></tr></tbody></table> <p>** Source of data: WHO</p><p>iii. For Malaria <a id="_ftnref2" name="_ftnref2" target="_self">[2]</a></p><table class="table" dropzone="copy"><tbody><tr><td><b>Indicator</b> </td><td><b>Value</b> </td><td><b>Score</b> </td></tr><tr><td rowspan="4">Combination of mortality rate per 1,000 persons at risk of malaria; morbidity rate per 1,000 persons at risk of malaria; and contribution to global deaths attributable to malaria***</td><td><p>Mortality rate ≥ 0.75 and morbidity rate ≥ 10</p><p><b>OR</b> </p><p>Contribution to global deaths ≥ 1%</p></td><td>4</td></tr><tr><td><p>Mortality rate ≥ 0.75 and morbidity rate <10 <b>OR</b></p><p>Mortality rate ≥ 0.1 and <0.75 regardless of morbidity rate</p><p><b>OR</b> </p><p>Contribution to global deaths ≥ 0.25% and <1%</p></td><td>3</td></tr><tr><td><p>Mortality rate <0.1 and morbidity rate ≥1</p><p><b>OR</b> </p><p>Contribution to global deaths ≥ 0.01% and < 0.25%</p></td><td>2</td></tr><tr><td><p>Mortality rate <0.1 and morbidity rate <1</p><p><b>OR</b> </p><p>Contribution to global deaths < 0.01%</p></td><td>1</td></tr></tbody></table> <p>*** Source of data: WHO</p><p><a id="_ftn1" name="_ftn1">[1]</a> MARP: Most at risk populations</p><p><a id="_ftn2" name="_ftn2">[2]</a> (i) It is recommended to use burden estimates for earlier years (2000) in order not to penalize countries that have demonstrated progress; and</p><p>(ii) In the case that a proposal is submitted from a sub-national Applicant it will be scored according to incidence and mortality rates for those specific areas (and the contribution of those areas to the global burden).</p>
2010-04-30 | B21 | GF/B21/DP18 |
Creation of a dedicated reserve for Most at Risk Populations for HIV/AIDS for Round 10 Creation of a dedicated reserve for Most at Risk Populations for HIV/AIDS for Round 10
<p>1. The Board decides that for Round 10 a dedicated reserve of resources for proposals from applicants who decide to submit a proposal which focuses only on most-at-risk populations for HIV/AIDS will be established. It is anticipated that this will lead to discussions on future eligibility and strategy. </p><p>2. The Board strongly recommends that proposals coming from 'lower-middle' and 'upper-middle' income applicants clearly demonstrate increasing government contribution over the proposal lifetime to ensure sustainability of the proposal interventions in the long-term and a possible exit strategy from requiring Global Fund financing. The TRP shall take this into consideration when recommending proposals for funding. </p><p>3. The following conditions will apply to the funding stream described in paragraph 1 above:</p><p>(a) US $75 million will be made available for the period of the initial commitment for all these proposals;</p><p>(b) The totality of the five years of all these proposals cannot exceed US $200 million;</p><p>(c) Applicants can request up to US $5 million for the initial commitment and US $12.5 million over the proposal lifetime;</p><p>(d) Existing income eligibility and cost-sharing requirements shall apply for these applicants;</p><p>(e) Applicants must opt at the time of submission of their Round 10 proposal to apply under this stream and may not submit another proposal for Round 10 for the same disease component;</p><p>(f) Applicants may not submit a separate health systems strengthening cross-cutting part under this funding stream;</p><p>(g) The prioritization for funding amongst these Round 10 TRP-recommended proposals is described in the Annex to this decision point; and</p><p>(h) In the event that a recommended proposal is not able to be funded under this funding stream due to the fact that maximum resources allocated have been exhausted, these proposals will be subject to the prioritization provisions set out GF/B21/DP17. </p><p>Annex:</p><p>8. The system for prioritizing among Round 10 TRP-recommended proposals under this funding stream, in the event that there are insufficient resources available to approve all TRP-recommended proposals, is as follows:</p><ol start="1" type="a"><li>The Secretariat is responsible for assigning a score to all TRP-recommended components of proposals in accordance with the composite index described in paragraph b. below and is to present the Board with these scores at the time of the Board's consideration of the TRP's recommendations. They are then financed in descending order (with the highest scoring proposals receiving priority).</li></ol><p>b. A composite index, based on two criteria, is used to assign scores to each TRP-recommended component of a proposal as described below.</p><table class="table" dropzone="copy"><tbody><tr><td><b>Criteria</b> </td><td><b>Indicator</b> </td><td><b>Value</b> </td><td><b>Score</b> </td></tr><tr><td>TRP Recommendation</td><td>TRP Recommendation Category</td><td>Category 1</td><td>4</td></tr><tr><td>Category 2</td><td>4</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td>Category 2B</td><td>3</td><td> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td rowspan="4"><p>Disease</p><p>Burden</p></td><td rowspan="4">Specific disease burden criteria set forth in paragraph c. below </td><td>4</td><td> </td></tr><tr><td>3</td><td> </td></tr><tr><td>1</td><td> </td></tr></tbody></table> <ol start="3" type="a"><li>The specific disease burden indicator, value and score which will be used to assign scores for HIV/AIDS disease burden are:</li></ol><table class="table" dropzone="copy"><tbody><tr><td><b>Indicator</b> </td><td><b>Value</b> </td><td><b>Score</b> </td></tr><tr><td rowspan="3">HIV prevalence in vulnerable populations*</td><td>MARP <a id="_ftnref1" name="_ftnref1" draggable="false">[1]</a> prevalence ≥10%</td><td>4</td></tr><tr><td>MARP prevalence ≥5% and <10%</td><td>3</td></tr><tr><td>MARPS <5% OR no data</td><td>1</td></tr></tbody></table> <p>*Source of data: WHO and UNAIDS</p><ol start="4" type="a"><li>If an applicant requests funds for more than one most at risk populations then scores will be allocated for each target population according to the indicator and values described above and the scores will be averaged. The average will then be rounded to the nearest score.</li></ol><p><a id="_ftn1" name="_ftn1">[1]</a> MARP: Most at risk populations</p>
2010-04-30 | B21 | GF/B21/DP19 |
Launch of Round 10 Launch of Round 10
<p>1. Recognizing the continued need for countries to maintain and scale up their national programs to fight HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria and reaffirming the Board's commitment for the new architecture for grant funding, the Board urges donors to make firm pledges at the Replenishment Meeting in October 2010 to meet the expected demand and to allow the scaling up of life saving treatment.</p>
<p>2. With reference to its decision regarding the launch of the next Round of proposals (GF/B20/DP30), the Board requests the Secretariat to issue a Call for Proposals for Round 10, on or about 20 May 2010 with a submission date on or about 20 August 2010, and to provide for review of those proposals in time for approval at the Twenty-Second Board Meeting in December 2010.</p>
<p>3. The Call for Proposals for Round 10 shall include a provision for a dedicated funding stream for proposals which focus only on Most at Risk Populations (GF/B21/DP18).</p>
<p>4. In determining the amount of assets available to be committed for Round 10 at the time of approval of the proposals, only pledges to be received within (and for use within) the period up to and including 31 December 2011 shall be considered. Notwithstanding Article 3d of the Comprehensive Funding Policy, the determination of available assets as at 31 December 2011 will be updated at the end of the first quarter of 2011 in relation to new pledges. </p>
<p>5. In the event that insufficient resources are available to approve all TRP recommended proposals, the provisions of Decision Point GF/B21/DP17 will apply.</p>
2010-04-30 | B21 | GF/B21/DP20 |
Exploring Options for Optimizing Synergies with Maternal and Child Health Exploring Options for Optimizing Synergies with Maternal and Child Health
<p>The Global Fund Board recognizes that the health-related Millennium Development Goals are interlinked. Achieving MDG 6 (combating HIV, malaria and TB and other diseases), MDG 4 (reducing child mortality) and MDG 5 (improving maternal health) can only be approached in an integrated manner and the success of one MDG depends on progress on all others.</p>
<p>The Board acknowledges that HIV, tuberculosis and malaria place a heavy burden on the health of women and children. In sub-Saharan Africa, HIV is responsible for 46 per cent of all deaths among women of reproductive age. HIV, TB and malaria are among the most common indirect causes of maternal deaths. All three diseases heavily impact on the health of children: Children account for more than 80 per cent of malaria, and over 2 million children are living with HIV, 90 per cent of them living in sub-Saharan Africa. </p>
<p>The Board notes the efforts of a broad range of partners who are working to accelerate action and to scale up integrated services, and especially applauds the efforts of MCH advocates, who have been tireless in their efforts to improve the health and save the lives of women and children.</p>
<p>The Board is encouraged by the contributions of the Global Fund in financing country-led programs that improve maternal and child health, including scaling up PMTCT services, malaria prevention and treatment, anti-retroviral therapy, integration of sexual and reproductive health services with HIV/AIDS programmes and support for children orphaned by HIV/AIDS. The Global Fund investments are also strengthening health and community systems, and supporting a range of interventions to promote gender equality and equity, as articulated in the Gender Equality Strategy (Decision Point GF/B18/DP18).</p>
<p>The Board supports the efforts of countries to integrate MCH within their HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria programmes, and strongly encourages CCMs to look at opportunities to scale up an integrated health response that includes MCH in their applications for HIV/AIDS, TB, malaria and HSS. </p>
<p>However, the Board notes that despite support for integrated MCH services through the current Global Fund portfolio, some areas along the continuum of care in maternal and child health will not be addressed by 2015. These areas, as outlined in the Consensus for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health, include comprehensive family planning, skilled care for women and newborns during and after pregnancy and childbirth. </p>
<p>The Board encourages countries and partners, as a matter of urgency, to work together in the context of opportunities presented through grant reprogramming, Round 10, and changes to the Global Fund grant architecture to urgently scale up investments in MCH in the context of the Global Fund's core mandate. </p>
<p>The Board strongly encourages CCMs to identify opportunities to scale up an integrated health response that includes MCH in their applications for HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and HSS.</p>
<p>The Board agrees to work with partners in exploring ways to further enhance and integrate the Global Fund's contributions in this area within the context of national strategies and integrated approaches.</p>
<p>The Board requests the Secretariat to review and elaborate the potential options and their implications for enhancing the contributions of the Global Fund to MCH, recognizing the urgent need for additional and sufficient financing for MCH as well as for AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, and exploring how this will impact on existing Global Fund policies, partnerships, resource mobilization, procedures, and operations, including CCMs, TRP and staffing at the Secretariat. The Board further requests the Secretariat to report on this matter at the 14th Policy and Strategy Committee meeting for its recommendation to the Twenty-Second Board Meeting.</p>
2010-05-07 | B21 | GF/B21/EDP01 |
Criteria for Exceptions to the Salary Threshold Criteria for Exceptions to the Salary Threshold
<p>The Board refers to GF/B21/DP10 and decides that in cases where an exception is sought to the threshold, the Remuneration Group shall consider approval based on written justification provided by the Executive Director as specified below:</p>
<li>An explanation as to how the selection of the Grade and positioning in the band of the proposed salary has been established according to the Global Fund‘s remuneration policy and procedures.</li>
<li>A comprehensive rationale as to why this exceptional salary is deemed necessary and appropriate based on the candidate‘s professional qualifications, experience, comparison with the market or other specific qualifications. The rationale may also include, as necessary, managerial considerations that relate to the specific needs of the Secretariat.</li>
<li>An explanation of the efforts that have been undertaken to identify qualified alternative candidates that may have accepted a salary below the threshold or justify why such efforts were not deemed possible and/or appropriate.</li>
<li>A risk assessment addressing the potential negative impact of approval of the salary, including the risk of setting a precedent, creating a trend towards a general increase in the levels of remuneration and the potential reputational risks for the Global Fund.</li>
2010-05-14 | B21 | GF/B21/EDP02 |
May 2010 Phase 2 Funding Decision May 2010 Phase 2 Funding Decision
<p>The Board approves additional funding for the Phase 2 period for the proposals listed in Schedule A in the amounts indicated for each proposal, with the clear understanding that the amounts approved are upper ceilings rather than final funding amounts, and based on an understanding that the Secretariat shall pursue ongoing implementation arrangements for each proposal consistent with the recommendations set forth in its Grant Scorecard. Approval is also subject to paragraph 3.c. of the revised Comprehensive Funding Policy (GF/B20/DP9).<sup>1</sup></p>
<p>The Board reaffirms that the maximum funding amount for Phase 2 of each proposal shall be the sum of the amount approved by this decision and the amount of any funds approved for Phase 1 which have not been disbursed by the Global Fund at the end of the Phase 1 period.</p>
<p>See attachedtable detailing totalrecommended funding amount of US$ 34,025,556 for the following grants: KEN-607-G08-T ; SLE-708-G05-M ; SOM-708-G05-T</p>
2010-05-14 | B21 | GF/B21/EDP03 |
Secretariat’s request to the Board with respect to an extension of time to fulfill a ‘Condition’ - Gabon Secretariat’s request to the Board with respect to an extension of time to fulfill a ‘Condition’ - Gabon
<p>The Board acknowledges that, due to unforeseen delays in program implementation as well as political disturbances in Gabon, the condition 1b. upon which the Board approved the Round 5 malaria grant to the Government of Gabon (GAB-509-G04-M) will not be fulfilled by its current deadline of 19 May 2010. The Board decides to revise this condition 1b to read:</p><p><i>"Within 16 months of signing the Phase 2 extension, a Global Fund internal performance review shall be carried out to assess programmatic and management (including financial) performance of the grant. If the results of this review are not satisfactory to the Global Fund, the grant shall be terminated."</i></p>
2010-06-14 | B21 | GF/B21/EDP04 |
June 2010 Phase 2 Funding Decision June 2010 Phase 2 Funding Decision
<p>The Board approves additional funding for the Phase 2 period for the proposals listed in Schedule A in the amounts indicated for each proposal, with the clear understanding that the amounts approved are upper ceilings rather than final funding amounts, and based on an understanding that the Secretariat shall pursue ongoing implementation arrangements for each proposal consistent with the recommendations set forth in its Grant Scorecard. Approval is also subject to paragraph 3.c. of the revised Comprehensive Funding Policy (GF/B20/DP9).<sup>2</sup></p>
<p>The Board reaffirms that the maximum funding amount for Phase 2 of each proposal shall be the sum of the amount approved by this decision and the amount of any funds approved for Phase 1 which have not been disbursed by the Global Fund at the end of the Phase 1 period.</p>
<p>See attached tabledetailing total recommended funding amount of US$ 81,600,858<span> for the following grants: </span>BEN-708-G07-M ; BTN-708-G05-M ; CIV-607-G06-M ; LSO-708-G05-H ; NEP-708-G08-T ; NGR-708-G07-M ; MAL-607-G04-M ; MON-708-G05-H ; MWP-708-G07-T ; PRY-708—G03-T ; SNG-708-G07-M ; THA-708-G09-M</p>
2010-06-14 | B21 | GF/B21/EDP05 |
Additional funding for Continuity of Services for Papua New Guinea (PNG-405-G02-H) Additional funding for Continuity of Services for Papua New Guinea (PNG-405-G02-H)
<p>The Board approves additional funding for up to two years for the Continuity of Services for the proposal listed in Schedule B, with the clear understanding that the amount approved is an upper ceiling rather than a final funding amount, and based on the understanding that the Secretariat shall pursue implementation arrangements for such proposal consistent with the recommendation set forth in Annex 1.</p><p>See attached tabledetailing total recommended funding amount of US$ 1,856,418 for the following grant: PNG-405-G02-H</p>
2010-07-15 | B21 | GF/B21/EDP06 |
July 2010 Phase 2 Funding Decision July 2010 Phase 2 Funding Decision
<p>The Board approves additional funding for the Phase 2 period for the proposals listed in Schedule A in the amounts indicated for each proposal, with the clear understanding that the amounts approved are upper ceilings rather than final funding amounts, and based on an understanding that the Secretariat shall pursue ongoing implementation arrangements for each proposal consistent with the recommendations set forth in its Grant Scorecard. Approval is also subject to paragraph 3.c. of the revised Comprehensive Funding Policy (GF/B20/DP9).<sup>3</sup></p>
<p>The Board reaffirms that the maximum funding amount for Phase 2 of each proposal shall be the sum of the amount approved by this decision and the amount of any funds approved for Phase 1 which have not been disbursed by the Global Fund at the end of the Phase 1 period.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>See attached tabledetailing total recommended funding amount of US$ 20,127,403 for the following grants: LBR-708-G06-T ; GIN-607-G04-H</p>
2010-07-15 | B21 | GF/B21/EDP07 |
Extension of the Phase 2 term and additional funds for the Republic of Suriname (SUR-404-G02-M) Extension of the Phase 2 term and additional funds for the Republic of Suriname (SUR-404-G02-M)
<p>The Board acknowledges that, due to circumstances which were mainly beyond the control of the CCM, the PR has not been given adequate opportunity to prepare for the orderly close out of the Program. Although the criteria for Rolling Continuation Channel (RCC) Bridge Funding do not apply to the circumstances of this grant, the Board approves, as an exception, additional funding amounting to US$ 254,559 and additional time for the PR to implement the grant up to 31 October 2010.</p><p>See attached tabledetailing total recommended funding amount of US$ 254,559 for the following grant: SUR-404-G02-M </p>
2010-07-15 | B21 | GF/B21/EDP08 |
Waiver of a ‘Condition’ – Niger (NGR-506-G04-M and MGR-506-G05-T) Waiver of a ‘Condition’ – Niger (NGR-506-G04-M and MGR-506-G05-T)
The Board acknowledges that, due to serious governance issues at the Ministry of Public Health, frequent changes of the Minister and a volatile political situation in Niger the condition upon which the Board approved the Round 5 malaria and tuberculosis grants to the United Nations Development Program (NGR-506-G04-M and NGR-506-G05-T) has not been fulfilled. However, the Board decides to waive this condition in light of the context in Niger.
2010-07-15 | B21 | GF/B21/EDP09 |
Extension of the Rolling Continuation Channel (RCC) Phase 1 Term for the Rwanda Round 3 (RWN-304-G03-M) Extension of the Rolling Continuation Channel (RCC) Phase 1 Term for the Rwanda Round 3 (RWN-304-G03-M)
The Board acknowledges that the Secretariat intends to use the new Grant Score Card which is being developed for the Periodic Review under the New Architecture for future RCC Mid-term Performance Reviews. In order to allow sufficient time for the Rwanda Round 3 RCC Malaria grant (RWN-304-G03-M) to be reviewed under the new Grant Score Card and, if approved for further funding by the Board, to allow sufficient time for the grant to be negotiated and signed, the Board approves a six month no cost extension to the RCC Phase 1 term of the grant so that the term shall now expire on 1 April 2011.
2010-08-04 | B21 | GF/B21/EDP10 |
Approval of the Final Resubmission Wave of RCC Proposals Approval of the Final Resubmission Wave of RCC Proposals
<ol><li>The Board approves, subject to paragraph 2 below, the Rolling Continuation Channel proposal recommended for funding by the Technical Review Panel (TRP) as "Category 2" which is listed in Annex 1 to the Report of the TRP and the Secretariat on Funding Recommendation for the Final Resubmission Wave of Rolling Continuation Channel Proposals (the "Final Resubmission Wave RCC Report"). The Board approves funding for up to three years for the proposal (indicated as "Total 3 Years" in Annex 1 to the Final Resubmission Wave RCC Report). The Board‘s approval is made with the clear understanding that the grant amount requested is an upper ceiling subject to TRP clarifications and grant negotiations rather than a final approved grant amount. For further clarity, this decision is subject to the revised Comprehensive Funding Policy approved at the Twentieth Board meeting.</li><li>The applicant whose proposal is recommended for funding as "Category 2" shall: <ol><li type="i">provide an initial detailed written response to the requested TRP clarifications and adjustments by no later than four weeks after notification in writing by the Secretariat to the applicant of the Board‘s decision; and</li><li type="i">conclude the TRP clarifications process, as indicated by the written approval of the Chair and Vice Chair of the TRP, not later than two months from the Secretariat‘s receipt of the applicant‘s initial detailed response to the issues raised for clarification and/or adjustment.</li></ol></li><li>The Board declines to approve for funding proposals categorized by the TRP as "Category 3B" as indicated in Annex 1 to the Final Resubmission Wave RCC Report. Such applicants are encouraged to submit a revised proposal through the Rounds-Based Channel, taking into account the TRP‘s recommendations. The Board approves, on an exceptional basis, a two week extension of the Round 10 submission deadline (i.e. to 3 September 2010) for such applicants.</li></ol>
2010-08-04 | B21 | GF/B21/EDP11 |
Exceptional Extension to the Round 10 Submission Deadline Exceptional Extension to the Round 10 Submission Deadline
<p>The Board approves, on an exceptional basis, a two week extension of the Round 10 proposal submission deadline (i.e. to 3 September 2010) for the following Country Coordinating Mechanisms, whose Rolling Continuation Channel (RCC) proposals were not approved for funding as part of the Final RCC Resubmission Wave, to submit a Round 10 proposal for HIV/AIDS:</p><ul><li>Burundi;</li><li>Tanzania; and</li><li>Togo.</li></ul>
2010-08-10 | B21 | GF/B21/EDP12 |
Extension of Grant Signing Deadline for Haiti Round 8 Malaria Proposal Extension of Grant Signing Deadline for Haiti Round 8 Malaria Proposal
The Board extends the deadline for the signing of the Round 8 Haiti Malaria Proposal to 11 February 2011.
2010-08-15 | B21 | GF/B21/EDP13 |
August 2010 Phase 2 Funding Decision August 2010 Phase 2 Funding Decision
<p>The Board approves additional funding for the Phase 2 period for the proposals listed in Schedule A in the amounts indicated for each proposal, with the clear understanding that the amounts approved are upper ceilings rather than final funding amounts, and based on an understanding that the Secretariat shall pursue on going implementation arrangements for each proposal consistent with the recommendations set forth in its Grant Scorecard. Approval is also subject to paragraph 3.c. of the revised Comprehensive Funding Policy (GF/B20/DP9).<sup>4</sup></p>
<p>The Board reaffirms that the maximum funding amount for Phase 2 of each proposal shall be the sum of the amount approved by this decision and the amount of any funds approved for Phase 1 which have not been disbursed by the Global Fund at the end of the Phase 1 period.</p>
<p>See attached tabledetailing total recommended funding amount of US$ 84,840,661 <span>for the following grants: </span>PKS-708-G08-M ; MWP-708-G06-H ; JAM-708-G02-H ; NGR-708-G08-H ; LBR-708-G05-M</p>
2010-08-15 | B21 | GF/B21/EDP14 |
The Technical Review Panel (TRP) recommendation to commit additional funding for Lao PDR (LAO-708-G09-M) The Technical Review Panel (TRP) recommendation to commit additional funding for Lao PDR (LAO-708-G09-M)
<p>The Board approves additional funding for the Phase 2 period of the Round 7 Lao PDR Malaria grant (LAO-708-G09-M) as a ‗Conditional Go‘ in the amount of up to US$ 15,390,435, subject to TRP clarifications and conditions within a limited timeframe. This funding may also be subject to additional conditions to be cleared by the Secretariat as part of its regular performance-based evaluation criteria.</p><p>The Board reaffirms that the maximum funding amount for Phase 2 of this grant shall be the sum of the amount approved by this decision and the amount of any funds approved for Phase 1 which have not been disbursed by the Global Fund at the end of the Phase 1 period.</p>
2010-08-15 | B21 | GF/B21/EDP15 |
Declination to approve additional funding for Sri Lanka (SRL-607-G08-T) Declination to approve additional funding for Sri Lanka (SRL-607-G08-T)
<p>The Board declines approval of additional funding for the Phase 2 period for the Round 6 Sri Lanka TB grant (SRL-607-G08-T).</p><p>See attached table.</p>
2010-08-15 | B21 | GF/B21/EDP16 |
Approval of Equatorial Guinea Continuity of Services request (GNQ-405-G01-H) Approval of Equatorial Guinea Continuity of Services request (GNQ-405-G01-H)
The Board acknowledges that, while Equatorial Guinea is classified as high income country according to the World Bank income classification and therefore no longer eligible for Global Fund support, the CCM requires additional time to mobilize resources for the Continuity of Services (CoS) for the 2,330 patients currently on life-saving treatment. The Board therefore approves the funding from the Phase 2 undisbursed funds of the Equatorial Guinea Round 4 HIV grant in the amount of USD 765,674, for the one year period from 1 July 2010 until 30 June 2011, with the understanding that not later than 31 December 2010, the CCM will submit to the Global Fund a transition plan identifying how the patients on treatment will be funded from government and other sources after the end of the one year period approved for CoS.
2010-08-15 | B21 | GF/B21/EDP17 |
Extension of time to fulfil a ‘Condition’ – Multi-Country Africa (MAW-607-G01-H) Extension of time to fulfil a ‘Condition’ – Multi-Country Africa (MAW-607-G01-H)
<p>The Board refers to condition number 2 in its decision approving as a "Conditional Go" the Phase 2 of the Round 6 HIV grant of Multi-Country Africa (MAW-607-G01-H) ("Condition 2") which states that:</p><p><i>"Not later than 31 August 2010 and based on programmatic and financial data from 30 months of implementation (ie 28 Feb 2010) an independent evaluation of the program should be conducted to assess: a) the effectiveness and efficiency of the program activities, including M&E activities - compared with having the same activities funded under the national programs; b) the regional coordinating mechanism that has been put in place to allow patients to be transferred to different sites to access treatment in a coordinated way across the 5 countries; and, c) whether the grant activities and budget overlap with, duplicate, or are complementary to activities and funding covered by national programs. Funding for Years 4 and 5 of the program shall be subject to the Global Fund‘s satisfactory review of the results of the evaluation."</i></p><p>The Board decides to extend the deadline in Condition 2 from 31 August 2010 to 17 October 2010 to allow the Secretariat adequate time to review the independent evaluation report.</p>
2010-08-20 | B21 | GF/B21/EDP18 |
Technical Review Panel Recruitment 2010-2012 Technical Review Panel Recruitment 2010-2012
<p>The Board approves the appointment of the following:</p><ol><li>Anupong Chitwarakorn (HIV/AIDS), Stephen Mills (HIV/AIDS), Anthony David Harries (Tuberculosis), Frank Adae Bonsu (Tuberculosis), Daniel Tarantola (Cross-cutting), Mari Nagai (Cross-cutting), Lev Khodakevich (Cross-cutting), Claudia Surjadjaja (Cross-cutting) and Lucie Blok (Cross-cutting) as Permanent Technical Review Panel (TRP) Members to serve for up to four Rounds commencing from Round 10;</li><li>In respect of Round 10, the twenty (20) persons identified as Alternate Members as presented in Annex 1 of this Report (B21/EDP/18); and</li><li>The membership of the Technical Review Panel Support Group (as presented in Annex 1 of this Report (B21/EDP/18)), comprising the pool of experts from which TRP membership will be replenished in the event of TRP vacancies as they may arise.</li></ol><p>Each Permanent TRP, Alternate and Support Group Member has been recommended by the Portfolio and Implementation Committee and the Executive Director of the Global Fund Secretariat.</p>
2010-09-01 | B21 | GF/B21/EDP19 |
Approval of Russian Federation Continuity of Services (RUS-405-G03-H) Approval of Russian Federation Continuity of Services (RUS-405-G03-H)
<ol><li>The Board acknowledges that while the Russian Federation does not meet all the eligibility criteria for Global Fund support for upper middle income countries: <ol><li type="a">there is a need for continuing ARV treatment for 12,258 patients currently on treatment for the three month period (September – November 2010) who are being transitioned into the National Program; and</li><li type="a">the Russian Federation also requires additional time to finalize the transition of ARV treatment of 4669 migrants and prisoners into the National Treatment Program.</li></ol></li><li>The Board therefore approves an incremental amount of US$ 16,623,895 with the understanding that by not later than 31 March 2011, the CCM will submit to the Global Fund a transition plan for migrants and prisoners describing how the patients on treatment will be funded from Government and other sources after the end of one year period approved for Continuity of Services (1 September 2010 to 31 August 2011).</li></ol>
2010-09-10 | B21 | GF/B21/EDP20 |
Multi-Year Contributions and Promissory Notes from Private Donors Multi-Year Contributions and Promissory Notes from Private Donors
<p>The Board refers to its decision at its Twenty-First Meeting, which requested the Finance and Audit Committee (FAC) to conduct a review of the Global Fund Comprehensive Funding Policy (CFP) (GF/B21/DP13). It also notes the issues raised in the report of the FAC Working Group on the Review of the Comprehensive Funding Policy (GF/FAC15/08) and its associated annexes.</p>
<p>The Board notes the importance of increasing the level of assurance and predictability of donor funding to the Global Fund, promoting inter-donor equity and ensuring that donor funding is used as effectively as possible for the benefit of people in need. In this context, the Board notes the need for formalization of donor commitments made through the replenishment process.</p>
<p>The Board decides that in order to increase the level of assurance and predictability of donor commitments following the announcement of pledges, while taking into consideration the budgetary systems of individual donors, the Secretariat should seek to conclude multi-year contribution agreements between individual donors and the Global Fund. The Board agrees that such multi-year contribution agreements should, as appropriate, be developed on the basis of the principles outlined in GF/FAC15/08 Annex 3.</p>
<p>The Board notes that the conclusion of multi-year contribution agreements does not require amendment to the CFP. However, the FAC and the Working Group will pursue the review of the CFP to ensure donor funding is used as effectively as possible for the benefit of people in need, while maintaining appropriate levels of financial assurance. The FAC will present any recommended changes thereto, beyond those set out below, to the Board for decision at its Twenty-Second Meeting.</p>
<p>The Board notes Annex 5 to GF/FAC15/08, entitled "The CFP and Promissory Notes from Private Donors", and decides to replace paragraph 4 of the CFP as follows:</p>
<p>The Global Fund shall consider as assets for the purposes of entering into grant agreements the following: cash; promissory notes or similar obligations issued by the government of a sovereign state (or its designated depository); and, subject to approval by the Finance and Audit Committee, promissory notes or similar obligations issued by private donors. For these purposes, promissory notes and similar obligations shall be non-negotiable, non-interest bearing and payable at par value to the account of the Global Fund in the designated depository on demand or in accordance with an encashment schedule agreed on between the contributor and the Secretariat.</p>
2010-09-21 | B21 | GF/B21/EDP21 |
September Phase 2 decision to commit additional funding for the proposals listed in Schedule A September Phase 2 decision to commit additional funding for the proposals listed in Schedule A
<p>The Board approves additional funding for the Phase 2 period for the proposals listed in Schedule A in the amounts indicated for each proposal, with the clear understanding that the amounts approved are upper ceilings rather than final funding amounts, and based on an understanding that the Secretariat shall pursue ongoing implementation arrangements for each proposal consistent with the recommendations set forth in its Grant Scorecard. Approval is also subject to paragraph 3.c. of the revised Comprehensive Funding Policy (GF/B20/DP9).<sup>5</sup></p>
<p>The Board reaffirms that the maximum funding amount for Phase 2 of each proposal shall be the sum of the amount approved by this decision and the amount of any funds approved for Phase 1 which have not been disbursed by the Global Fund at the end of the Phase 1 period.</p>
<p>See attached tabledetailing total recommended funding amount of US$ 96,900,486 for the following grants: MAR-708-G01-H ; BRN-708-G06-T ; ZE-708-G04-M ; AZE-708-G03-T ; LAO-708-G10-T ; KOS-708-G02-H ; RWN-708-G09-H</p>
2010-10-15 | B21 | GF/B21/EDP22 |
October Phase 2 decision to commit additional funding for the proposals listed in Schedule A October Phase 2 decision to commit additional funding for the proposals listed in Schedule A
<p>The Board approves additional funding for the Phase 2 period for the proposals listed in Schedule A in the amounts indicated for each proposal, with the clear understanding that the amounts approved are upper ceilings rather than final funding amounts, and based on an understanding that the Secretariat shall pursue ongoing implementation arrangements for each proposal consistent with the recommendations set forth in its Grant Scorecard. Approval is also subject to paragraph 3.c. of the revised Comprehensive Funding Policy (GF/B20/DP9).<sup>6</sup></p>
<p>The Board reaffirms that the maximum funding amount for Phase 2 of each proposal shall be the sum of the amount approved by this decision and the amount of any funds approved for Phase 1 which have not been disbursed by the Global Fund at the end of the Phase 1 period.</p>
<p>See attached tabledetailing total recommended funding amount of USD 88,178,595 for the following grants<span>: </span>IDA-708-G13-H ; IDA-708-G14-H ; IDA-708-G15-H ; CAM-708-G11-H ; MLW-708-G07-H ; UGD-607-G06-T ; DMR-708-G03-T ; SNG-708-G08-T</p>
2010-10-15 | B21 | GF/B21/EDP23 |
The Secretariat’s request to the Board not to commit additional funding for the Phase 2 term of Round 6 Zanzibar HIV grant (ZAN-607-G06-H) The Secretariat’s request to the Board not to commit additional funding for the Phase 2 term of Round 6 Zanzibar HIV grant (ZAN-607-G06-H)
<p>The Board declines approval of additional funding for the Phase 2 period for the Round 6 Zanzibar HIV grant (ZAN-607-G06-H)</p><p>See attached table.</p>
2010-10-24 | B21 | GF/B21/EDP24 |
Additional funding for Nigeria (NGA S10-G17-H) Additional funding for Nigeria (NGA S10-G17-H)
The Board approves additional funding for the Phase 1 period of the Round 9 Nigeria HIV/AIDS proposal to accelerate the scale-up of prevention of mother-to-child transmission interventions in the amount of up to US$ 29,325,424 subject to TRP clarifications and conditions within a limited timeframe. Approval is given for this amount on the clear understanding that the amount approved is an upper ceiling rather than a final funding amount, and is based on the understanding that the overall life-time budget for the proposal of US$ 341,019,908 does not change by this Decision.
2010-10-31 | B21 | GF/B21/EDP25 |
Extension of Timeline: Procedure for Appointment of Executive Director Extension of Timeline: Procedure for Appointment of Executive Director
In order to allow adequate time for further in-person consultations during the Executive Session of the Twenty-Second Board Meeting, the Board agrees, on an exceptional basis, to postpone, by approximately six weeks, the deadline for reaching a decision on the next steps pertaining to the Executive Director's term of office.
2010-11-10 | B21 | GF/B21/EDP26 |
Extension of Grant Signing Deadlines: Round 9 and AMFm Proposals Extension of Grant Signing Deadlines: Round 9 and AMFm Proposals
<p>The Board extends the deadline for the signing of grant documentation for the proposals listed in Annex A for three months to 10 February 2011.</p><p>The Board also extends the Phase 2 Period of the AMFm host grant in Uganda (UGD-405-G5-M) until 10 February 2011 and authorizes the host grant activities specified for that grant in Annex A to be implemented.</p>
2010-11-19 | B21 | GF/B21/EDP27 |
November Phase 2 decision to commit additional funding for the proposals listed in Schedule A November Phase 2 decision to commit additional funding for the proposals listed in Schedule A
<p>The Board approves additional funding for the Phase 2 period for the proposals listed in Schedule A in the amounts indicated for each proposal, with the clear understanding that the amounts approved are upper ceilings rather than final funding amounts, and based on an understanding that the Secretariat shall pursue ongoing implementation arrangements for each proposal consistent with the recommendations set forth in its Grant Scorecard. Approval is also subject to paragraph 3.c. of the revised Comprehensive Funding Policy (GF/B20/DP9).<sup>7</sup></p>
<p>The Board reaffirms that the maximum funding amount for Phase 2 of each proposal shall be the sum of the amount approved by this decision and the amount of any funds approved for Phase 1 which have not been disbursed by the Global Fund at the end of the Phase 1 period.</p>
<p>See attached table detailing total recommended funding amount of US$ 102,377,215 for the following grants: NEP-708-G06-M ; IRN-708-G02-M ; IRN-708-G03-T ; SLE-708-G03-T ; SUD-708-G09-M ; MDG-708-G09-M ; AFG-708-G04-H ; AFG-708-G05-H ; ZAM-708-G16-T ; ZAM-708-G18-T ; ZAM-708-G17-M ; ZAM-708-G19-M ; GIN-607-G05-M</p>
2010-11-25 | B21 | GF/B21/EDP28 |
Increase to the 2010 Budget of the Office of the Inspector General Increase to the 2010 Budget of the Office of the Inspector General
<p>The Board decides to approve an increase of US $1,923,339 to the 2010 Budget of the Office of the Inspector General bringing the total budget of the Office of the Inspector General for 2010 to $12,227,621.</p><p>The increase in the budget for the Office of the Inspector General will be absorbed from within the existing 2010 Operating Expenses Budget.</p>
2010-12-10 | B21 | GF/B21/EDP29 |
Phase 2 December 2010 Phase 2 December 2010
<p>The Board:</p>
<li>Approves additional funding for the Phase 2 period for the proposals listed in Schedule A in the amounts indicated for each proposal, with the clear understanding that the amounts approved are upper ceilings rather than final funding amounts, and based on an understanding that the Secretariat shall pursue ongoing implementation arrangements for each proposal consistent with the recommendations set forth in its Grant Scorecard. Approval is also subject to paragraph 3.c. of the revised Comprehensive Funding Policy (GF/B20/DP9).<sup>1</sup></li>
<li>Reaffirms that the maximum funding amount for Phase 2 of each proposal shall be the sum of the amount approved by this decision and the amount of any funds approved for Phase 1 which have not been disbursed by the Global Fund at the end of the Phase 1 period.</li>
<p>See attached tabledetailing total recommended funding amount of US$ 133,171,860 for the following grants: CUB-708-G03-T ; YEM-708-G06-M ; NEP-708-G07-M ; NEP-708-G09-H ; NEP-708-G10-H ; NEP-708-G11-H ; TMP-708-G04-T ; VTN-708-G06-M ; ETH-708-G09-H ; MLW-708-G05-M ; KAZ-708-GO3-H ; SUD-708-G11-T</p>
2010-12-10 | B21 | GF/B21/EDP30 |
Additional funding for Round 7 Lesotho HIV grant (LSO-708-G05-H) Additional funding for Round 7 Lesotho HIV grant (LSO-708-G05-H)
The Board approves additional funding up to US$ 4,998,103 for the Phase 2 period of the Round 7 Lesotho HIV grant (LSO-708-G05-H) to improve the quality and scale of PMTCT activities, subject to TRP clarifications and conditions within a limited timeframe. The Board approves the revised Phase 2 incremental amount up to US$ 20,247,629 which includes an additional sum of US$ 4,998,103 allocated for PMTCT activities. This funding may also be subject to additional conditions to be cleared by the Secretariat as part of its risk management function.
2010-12-10 | B21 | GF/B21/EDP31 |
Discontinuation of funding for the Gabon Round 5 Malaria grant (GAB-509-G04-M) Discontinuation of funding for the Gabon Round 5 Malaria grant (GAB-509-G04-M)
The Board acknowledges that the condition upon which the Board approved continued funding to Gabon Round 5 Malaria grant (GAB-509-G04-M) to the Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene of Gabon required the Principal Recipient to achieve a satisfactory level of performance within sixteen months of signature of the Phase 2 Grant Agreement. Recognizing that the condition has not been fulfilled, the Board decides to discontinue funding for the remaining period of the grant and requests the Secretariat to close out the grant in accordance with its delegated authority for Grant Closure Activities (GF/B17/DP6).
2010-12-10 | B21 | GF/B21/EDP32 |
The Secretariat’s recommendation to replace the funding ceilings for the November Phase 2 decisions for Zambia (GF/B21/EDP27) with corrected funding ceilings The Secretariat’s recommendation to replace the funding ceilings for the November Phase 2 decisions for Zambia (GF/B21/EDP27) with corrected funding ceilings
<p>Referring to its earlier decision on 23 November 2010 (GF/B21/EDP27), the Board:</p>
<li>Notes a transcription error was made in the reporting of the amounts requested and the Secretariat‘s recommendation for incremental funding for the Phase 2 period for the Zambia grants numbered ZAM-708-G18-T and ZAM-708-G17-M listed in Schedule A of that earlier decision point.</li>
<li>Decides to amend its funding decision for the two Zambia grants numbered ZAM-708-G18-T and ZAM-708-G17-M, by replacing the earlier approved amounts with the corrected funding amounts as set out in Schedule A to this decision point, with the clear understanding that the amounts approved are upper ceilings rather than final funding amounts, and based on an understanding that the Secretariat shall pursue ongoing implementation arrangements for each proposal consistent with the recommendations set forth in its Grant Scorecard. Approval is also subject to paragraph 3.c. of the revised Comprehensive Funding Policy (GF/B20/DP9).<sup>1</sup></li>
<li>Reaffirms that the maximum funding amount for Phase 2 of each of affected proposals shall be the sum of the amount approved by this decision and the amount of any funds approved for Phase 1 which have not been disbursed by the Global Fund at the end of the Phase 1 period.</li>
<p>See attached tabledetailing total recommended funding amount of US$ 102,377,215 for the following grants: NEP-708-G06-M ; IRN-708-G02-M ; IRN-708-G03-T ; SLE-708-G03-T ; SUD-708-G09-M ; MDG-708-G09-M ; AFG-708-G04-H ; AFG-708-G05-H ; ZAM-708-G16-T ; ZAM-708-G18-T ; ZAM-708-G17-M ; ZAM-708-G19-M ; GIN-607-G05-M</p>