Board Decisions


Approved by the Board on: 30 April 2010

Incremental Funding and Related Commitment for 2011

The Board refers to its decision made at the Twentieth Board Meeting on the Global Fund Architecture Review (GF/B20/DP31) and takes note of document GF/PSC13/04 regarding the mechanism under which additional funding to accelerate strongly performing programs can be made available at the time of grant renewal.

Therefore, the Board decides as follows:

  • Approves the establishment of a dedicated funding envelope to allow for additional funds to be committed to programs on the basis of demonstrated strong performance and impact at the time of the requests for and approval of additional commitments under the Periodic Reviews and Commitments Policy (the "Incremental Funding at grant renewal").
  • Allocates for this purpose an amount of 30 million US$ as a funding reserve for 2011, and will consider establishing a funding reserve for 2012 at its meeting in November 2011.
  • Requests the Secretariat to implement this mechanism and manage this funding reserve in line with the procedure defined in Annex 2 of the PSC Report to the Board (GF/B21/4).
  • Replaces references to "Scale-up Funds" in the Comprehensive Funding Policy of the Global Fund (Annex 5 Version 2 of GF/B20/12) with "Incremental Funding at grant renewal".