Board Meeting | Decision Point Number | Title |
2023-11-14 | B50 | GF/B50/DP01 |
Approval of the Agenda Approval of the Agenda
<p>The Agenda for the 50th Board Meeting (GF/B50/01) is approved.</p>
2023-11-14 | B50 | GF/B50/DP02 |
Approval of the Rapporteur Approval of the Rapporteur
<p>Jean-Bernard Parenteau from the Canada, Switzerland and Australia constituency is designated as Rapporteur for the 50th Board Meeting.</p>
2023-11-14 | B50 | GF/B50/DP03 |
Amendments to the Risk Appetite Statements Amendments to the Risk Appetite Statements
<li>The Board:
<ol type="i">
<li>recalls its ultimate responsibility to the Global Fund’s stakeholders for overseeing the implementation of effective risk management;</li>
<li>affirms the Strategy Committee’s concurrence with the amended Risk Appetite Statement under such committee’s oversight, as reported to the Audit and Finance Committee; and</li>
<li>further affirms the Audit and Finance Committee’s concurrence with the amended Risk Appetite Statement and integration of the Strategy Committee’s concurrence, as set forth in Annex 1 to GF/AFC23/8A – Revision 2 and pursuant to decision point GF/AFC23/DP04.</li>
<li>Based upon the recommendation of the Audit and Finance Committee, the Board approves the amended Risk Appetite Statement, including risk appetite and timeframes to achieve target risk, as set forth in the table in Annex 1 to GF/B50/03, acknowledging that the target risk level for each risk shall become the revised risk appetite at the target due date, or when earlier achieved.</li>
<li>This decision point and the amended Risk Appetite Statement approved by it shall supplement decision point GF/B49/DP04 (May 2023).</li>
2023-11-15 | B50 | GF/B50/DP04 |
Framework to Guide the Development, Review, Approval and Implementation of Blended Finance Transactions Framework to Guide the Development, Review, Approval and Implementation of Blended Finance Transactions
<p>Based on the recommendation of the Audit and Finance Committee, the Board approves the blended finance approach set forth in Annex 1 to GF/B50/04: Framework to Guide the Development, Review, Approval and Implementation of Blended Finance Transactions.</p>
2023-11-15 | B50 | GF/B50/DP05 |
2024 Work Plan and Budget Narrative and the 2024 Operating Expenses Budget 2024 Work Plan and Budget Narrative and the 2024 Operating Expenses Budget
<p>Based on the recommendation of the Audit and Finance Committee (AFC), the Board approves the following:</p>
<ol type="a">
<li>the 2024 Work Plan and Budget Narrative, as set forth in GF/B50/02A; and</li>
<li>the 2024 Operating Expenses Budget in the amount of US$ 342.2 million (comprising (i) PART A Secretariat Operating Expenses of US$ 277.9 million, which includes US$ 15.9 million for the Office of the Inspector General’s 2024 Operating Expenses; and (ii) PART B In-Country and Independent Bodies of US$ 64.4 million), as set forth in GF/B50/02A.</li>
2023-11-15 | B50 | GF/B50/DP06 |
Amended and Restated Global Fund Quality Assurance Policy for Pharmaceutical Products and Amended and Restated Global Fund Quality Assurance Policy for Medical Devices (including In-Vitro Diagnostics) and Core Personal Protective Equipment Amended and Restated Global Fund Quality Assurance Policy for Pharmaceutical Products and Amended and Restated Global Fund Quality Assurance Policy for Medical Devices (including In-Vitro Diagnostics) and Core Personal Protective Equipment
<p>Based on the recommendation of the Strategy Committee, the Board approves:</p>
<li>the Amended and Restated Quality Assurance Policy for Pharmaceutical Products as set forth in Annex 1 to GF/B50/05;</li>
<li>the Amended and Restated Quality Assurance Policy for Medical Devices (including In-Vitro Diagnostics) and Core Personal Protective Equipment, as set forth in Annex 2 to GF/B50/05, which replaces in its entirety the former Quality Assurance Policy for Diagnostics Products; and</li>
<li>the delegation of authority to the Secretariat, in consultation with the Strategy Committee Chair and Vice Chair, to make non-material adjustments to the two quality assurance policies referenced above, in line with Annex 3 to GF/B50/05 and to report back to the Strategy Committee and Board on all such changes.</li>
2023-12-04 | B50 | GF/B50/EDP01 |
Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Funding from the 2023-2025 Allocation Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Funding from the 2023-2025 Allocation
<p>The Board:</p>
<li>Approves the funding recommended for each country disease component, and its constituent grants, as listed in Table 1 of GF/B50/ER01 (“Table 1”);</li>
<li>Acknowledges each country disease component’s constituent grants will be implemented by the proposed Principal Recipients listed in Table 1, or any other Principal Recipient(s) deemed appropriate by the Secretariat in accordance with Global Fund policies;</li>
<li>Affirms the funding approved under this decision (a) is subject to the availability of funding, and (b) shall be committed in annual tranches; and</li>
<li>Delegates to the Secretariat authority to redistribute the overall upper-ceiling of funding available for each country disease component among its constituent grants, provided that the Technical Review Panel (the “TRP”) validates any redistribution that constitutes a material change from the program and funding request initially reviewed and recommended by the TRP.</li>
2023-12-01 | B50 | GF/B50/EDP02 |
Additional Funding from the COVID-19 Response Mechanism Additional Funding from the COVID-19 Response Mechanism
<p>The Board:</p>
<li>Notes its decision in GF/B48/DP03, which approves C19RM funds to be awarded through 30 June 2023, with opportunity for subsequent C19RM Portfolio Optimization awards and implemented through 31 December 2025;</li>
<li>Approves the additional funding recommended for each country listed in Table 1 of GF/B50/ER02 (“Table 1”); and</li>
<li>Delegates to the Secretariat authority to redistribute the overall upper ceiling of funding available for each country among its constituent grants, in accordance with previously approved principles under GF/B44/EDP18.</li>
2023-12-08 | B50 | GF/B50/EDP03 |
Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Funding from the 2023-2025 Allocation Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Funding from the 2023-2025 Allocation
<p>The Board:</p>
<li>Approves the funding recommended for each country disease component, and its constituent grants, as listed in Table 1 of GF/B50/ER03 (“Table 1”);</li>
<li>Acknowledges each country disease component’s constituent grants will be implemented by the proposed Principal Recipients listed in Table 1, or any other Principal Recipient(s) deemed appropriate by the Secretariat in accordance with Global Fund policies;</li>
<li>Affirms the funding approved under this decision (a) is subject to the availability of funding, and (b) shall be committed in annual tranches; and</li>
<li>Delegates to the Secretariat authority to redistribute the overall upper-ceiling of funding available for each country disease component among its constituent grants, provided that the Technical Review Panel (the “TRP”) validates any redistribution that constitutes a material change from the program and funding request initially reviewed and recommended by the TRP.</li>
2023-12-15 | B50 | GF/B50/EDP04 |
Reactivation of the Privileges and Immunities Advisory Group and Revisions to its Terms of Reference Reactivation of the Privileges and Immunities Advisory Group and Revisions to its Terms of Reference
<p>Based on the recommendation of the Ethics and Governance Committee (EGC), the Board:</p>
<li>Approves the reactivation of the Privileges and Immunities Advisory Group (PIAG), as set out in Annex 1 to GF/B50/ER04.</li>
<li>Approves the revisions to the PIAG’s terms of reference, as set out in Annex 1 to GF/B50/ER04.</li>
<li>Delegates to the EGC the authority to select and appoint members to the PIAG, and to extend the term of the group or dissolve it after its initial 3-year term.</li>
2023-12-15 | B50 | GF/B50/EDP05 |
Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Funding from the 2023-2025 Allocation Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Funding from the 2023-2025 Allocation
<p>The Board:</p>
<li>Approves the funding recommended for each country disease component, and its constituent grants, as listed in Table 1 of GF/B50/ER05 (“Table 1”);</li>
<li>Acknowledges each country disease component’s constituent grants will be implemented by the proposed Principal Recipients listed in Table 1, or any other Principal Recipient(s) deemed appropriate by the Secretariat in accordance with Global Fund policies;</li>
<li>Affirms the funding approved under this decision (a) is subject to the availability of funding, and (b) shall be committed in annual tranches; and</li>
<li>Delegates to the Secretariat authority to redistribute the overall upper-ceiling of funding available for each country disease component among its constituent grants, provided that the Technical Review Panel (the “TRP”) validates any redistribution that constitutes a material change from the program and funding request initially reviewed and recommended by the TRP.</li>
2023-12-15 | B50 | GF/B50/EDP06 |
Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Additional Funding to Finance Unfunded Quality Demand from the 2020-2022 Allocation Period Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Additional Funding to Finance Unfunded Quality Demand from the 2020-2022 Allocation Period
<p>The Board:</p>
<li>Approves the revised budget recommended for the grant listed in Table 2 of GF/B50/ER05 (“Table 2”);</li>
<li>Affirms the additional funding approved under this decision (a) increases the upper-ceiling amount that may be available for the relevant implementation period of each country disease component’s constituent grants, and (b) is subject to the availability of funding; and</li>
<li>Delegates to the Secretariat authority to redistribute the overall upper-ceiling of funding available for each country disease component among its constituent grants, provided that the Technical Review Panel (the “TRP”) validates any redistribution that constitutes a material change from the program and funding request initially reviewed and recommended by the TRP.</li>
2023-12-15 | B50 | GF/B50/EDP07 |
Additional Funding from the COVID-19 Response Mechanism Additional Funding from the COVID-19 Response Mechanism
<p>The Board:</p>
<li>Notes its decision in GF/B48/DP03, which approves C19RM funds to be awarded through <br />30 June 2023, with opportunity for subsequent C19RM Portfolio Optimization awards and <br />implemented through 31 December 2025;</li>
<li>Approves the additional funding recommended for each country listed in Table 1 of <br />GF/B50/ER06 (“Table 1”); and</li>
<li>Delegates to the Secretariat authority to redistribute the overall upper ceiling of funding <br />available for each country among its constituent grants, in accordance with previously <br />approved principles under GF/B44/EDP18.</li>
2023-12-19 | B50 | GF/B50/EDP08 |
Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Funding from the 2023-2025 Allocation Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Funding from the 2023-2025 Allocation
<p>The Board:</p>
<li>Approves the funding recommended for each country disease component, and its constituent grants, as listed in Table 1 of GF/B50/ER07 (“Table 1”);</li>
<li>Acknowledges each country disease component’s constituent grants will be implemented by the proposed Principal Recipients listed in Table 1, or any other Principal Recipient(s) deemed appropriate by the Secretariat in accordance with Global Fund policies;</li>
<li>Affirms the funding approved under this decision (a) is subject to the availability of funding, and (b) shall be committed in annual tranches; and</li>
<li>Delegates to the Secretariat authority to redistribute the overall upper-ceiling of funding available for each country disease component among its constituent grants, provided that the Technical Review Panel (the “TRP”) validates any redistribution that constitutes a material change from the program and funding request initially reviewed and recommended by the TRP.</li>
2023-12-19 | B50 | GF/B50/EDP09 |
Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Grant Extensions Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Grant Extensions
<p>The Board:</p>
<li>Approves the extension budget and revised implementation period recommended for each grant listed in Table 2 of GF/B50/ER07 (“Table 2”); and</li>
<li>Affirms that any additional funding provided to fund the extension budget (a) shall increase the upper-ceiling amount that may be available for the relevant implementation period for each grant listed in Table 2, and (b) is subject to the availability of funding.</li>
2023-12-19 | B50 | GF/B50/EDP10 |
Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Funding from the 2023-2025 Allocation Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Funding from the 2023-2025 Allocation
<p>The Board:</p>
<li>Approves the funding recommended for each country disease component, and its constituent grants, as listed in Table 1 of GF/B50/ER08 (“Table 1”);</li>
<li>Acknowledges each country disease component’s constituent grants will be implemented by the proposed Principal Recipients listed in Table 1, or any other Principal Recipient(s) deemed appropriate by the Secretariat in accordance with Global Fund policies;</li>
<li>Affirms the funding approved under this decision (a) is subject to the availability of funding, and (b) shall be committed in annual tranches; and</li>
<li>Delegates to the Secretariat authority to redistribute the overall upper-ceiling of funding available for each country disease component among its constituent grants, provided that the Technical Review Panel (the “TRP”) validates any redistribution that constitutes a material change from the program and funding request initially reviewed and recommended by the TRP.</li>
2023-12-19 | B50 | GF/B50/EDP11 |
Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Additional Funding to Finance Unfunded Quality Demand from the 2020-2022 Allocation Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Additional Funding to Finance Unfunded Quality Demand from the 2020-2022 Allocation
<p>The Board:</p>
<li>Approves the revised budget recommended for the grant listed in Table 2 of GF/B50/ER08 (“Table 2”);</li>
<li>Affirms the additional funding approved under this decision (a) increases the upper-ceiling amount that may be available for the relevant implementation period of each country disease component’s constituent grants, and (b) is subject to the availability of funding; and</li>
<li>Delegates to the Secretariat authority to redistribute the overall upper-ceiling of funding available for each country disease component among its constituent grants, provided that the Technical Review Panel (the “TRP”) validates any redistribution that constitutes a material change from the program and funding request initially reviewed and recommended by the TRP.</li>
2023-12-19 | B50 | GF/B50/EDP12 |
Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Grant Extensions Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Grant Extensions
<p>The Board:</p>
<li>Approves the extension budget and revised implementation period recommended for each grant listed in Table 3 of GF/B50/ER08 (“Table 3”); and</li>
<li>Affirms that any additional funding provided to fund the extension budget (a) shall increase the upper-ceiling amount that may be available for the relevant implementation period for each grant listed in Table 3, and (b) is subject to the availability of funding.</li>
2024-01-16 | B50 | GF/B50/EDP13 |
Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Funding from the 2023-2025 Allocation Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Funding from the 2023-2025 Allocation
<p>The Board:</p>
<li>Approves the funding recommended for each country disease component, and its constituent grants, as listed in Table 1 of GF/B50/ER09 (“Table 1”);</li>
<li>Acknowledges each country disease component’s constituent grants will be implemented by the proposed Principal Recipients listed in Table 1, or any other Principal Recipient(s) deemed appropriate by the Secretariat in accordance with Global Fund policies;</li>
<li>Affirms the funding approved under this decision (a) is subject to the availability of funding, and (b) shall be committed in annual tranches; and</li>
<li>Delegates to the Secretariat authority to redistribute the overall upper-ceiling of funding available for each country disease component among its constituent grants, provided that the Technical Review Panel (the “TRP”) validates any redistribution that constitutes a material change from the program and funding request initially reviewed and recommended by the TRP. </li>
2024-01-29 | B50 | GF/B50/EDP14 |
Appointment of the Ethics Officer Appointment of the Ethics Officer
<p>The Board approves the appointment of Michelle Beistle to serve as the next Global Fund Ethics Officer for a three-year term which can be renewed no more than once.</p>
2024-02-14 | B50 | GF/B50/EDP15 |
Approval of the Report of the 50th Board Meeting Approval of the Report of the 50th Board Meeting
<p>The Board approves the Report of the 50th Board Meeting, as set forth in GF/B50/23.</p>
2024-02-20 | B50 | GF/B50/EDP16 |
Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Funding from the 2023-2025 Allocation Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Funding from the 2023-2025 Allocation
<p>The Board:</p>
<li>Approves the funding recommended for each country disease component, and its constituent grants, as listed in Table 1 of GF/B50/ER12 (“Table 1”);</li>
<li>Acknowledges each country disease component’s constituent grants will be implemented by the proposed Principal Recipients listed in Table 1, or any other Principal Recipient(s) deemed appropriate by the Secretariat in accordance with Global Fund policies;</li>
<li>Affirms the funding approved under this decision (a) is subject to the availability of funding, and (b) shall be committed in annual tranches; and</li>
<li>Delegates to the Secretariat authority to redistribute the overall upper-ceiling of funding available for each country disease component among its constituent grants, provided that the Technical Review Panel (the “TRP”) validates any redistribution that constitutes a material change from the program and funding request initially reviewed and recommended by the TRP.<br /><br /></li>
2024-02-20 | B50 | GF/B50/EDP17 |
Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Additional Funding to Finance Unfunded Quality Demand from the 2020-2022 Allocation Period Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Additional Funding to Finance Unfunded Quality Demand from the 2020-2022 Allocation Period
<p>The Board:</p>
<li>Approves the revised budget recommended for the grant listed in Table 2 of GF/B50/ER12 (“Table 2”);</li>
<li>Affirms the additional funding approved under this decision (a) increases the upper-ceiling amount that may be available for the relevant implementation period of each country disease component’s constituent grants, and (b) is subject to the availability of funding; and</li>
<li>Delegates to the Secretariat authority to redistribute the overall upper-ceiling of funding available for each country disease component among its constituent grants, provided that the Technical Review Panel (the “TRP”) validates any redistribution that constitutes a material change from the program and funding request initially reviewed and recommended by the TRP.</li>
2024-02-21 | B50 | GF/B50/EDP18 |
Appointment of Replacement Members on the Audit and Finance Committee and the Ethics and Governance Committee Appointment of Replacement Members on the Audit and Finance Committee and the Ethics and Governance Committee
<p>The Board approves the appointment of:</p>
<li>Jamie Alison Morris, representing the Private Foundations Constituency, as voting member of the Audit and Finance Committee for a term that will expire in May 2025, or until the appointment of her successor. <br /> </li>
<li>Amelie Schmitt, to serve in her personal capacity as a voting member of the Ethics and Governance Committee for a term that will expire in May 2025, or until the appointment of her successor.</li>
<p> </p>
2024-03-08 | B50 | GF/B50/EDP19 |
Appointment of Replacement of Independent Ethics Member on the Ethics and Governance Committee Appointment of Replacement of Independent Ethics Member on the Ethics and Governance Committee
<li>The Board approves the appointment for the remainder of the 2022-2025 term of: Christel Adamou as Independent Member of the Ethics and Governance Committee.</li>
<li>The individual appointed under this decision point will begin her term on 11 March 2024 and serve for the remainder of the term.</li>
<li>The Board notes the independent committee member appointed under this decision point is entitled to receive honoraria in accordance with the Global Fund’s Honorarium Framework.</li>
2024-03-26 | B50 | GF/B50/EDP20 |
Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Funding from the 2023-2025 Allocation Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Funding from the 2023-2025 Allocation
<p>The Board:</p>
<li>Approves the funding recommended for each country disease component, and its constituent grants, as listed in Table 1 of GF/B50/ER15 (“Table 1”);</li>
<li>Acknowledges each country disease component’s constituent grants will be implemented by the proposed Principal Recipients listed in Table 1, or any other Principal Recipient(s) deemed appropriate by the Secretariat in accordance with Global Fund policies;</li>
<li>Affirms the funding approved under this decision (a) is subject to the availability of funding, and (b) shall be committed in annual tranches; and</li>
<li>Delegates to the Secretariat authority to redistribute the overall upper-ceiling of funding available for each country disease component among its constituent grants, provided that the Technical Review Panel (the “TRP”) validates any redistribution that constitutes a material change from the program and funding request initially reviewed and recommended by the TRP.</li>
2024-03-26 | B50 | GF/B50/EDP21 |
Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Additional Funding to Finance Unfunded Quality Demand from the 2020-2022 Allocation Period Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Additional Funding to Finance Unfunded Quality Demand from the 2020-2022 Allocation Period
<p>The Board:</p>
<li>Approves the revised budget recommended for the grant listed in Table 2 of GF/B50/ER15 (“Table 2”);</li>
<li>Affirms the additional funding approved under this decision (a) increases the upper-ceiling amount that may be available for the relevant implementation period of each country disease component’s constituent grants, and (b) is subject to the availability of funding; and</li>
<li>Delegates to the Secretariat authority to redistribute the overall upper-ceiling of funding available for each country disease component among its constituent grants, provided that the Technical Review Panel (the “TRP”) validates any redistribution that constitutes a material change from the program and funding request initially reviewed and recommended by the TRP.</li>