Board Decisions


Approved by the Board on: 27 April 2007

TERG Membership Rotation Procedure

The Board approves the following amendments to paragraph 6 of the Terms of Reference, Membership and Procedures of the Technical Evaluation Reference Group approved at the Tenth Board Meeting (GF/B10/8, Annex 8):

  1. Each Board member of the Global Fund may nominate candidates who match the profile and qualifications defined in paragraph 7 (up to 4 candidates per board member). The names of candidates will be submitted to the Policy and Strategy Committee with the appropriate information and documentation through the Secretariat. The PS Committee with the support of the Fund Secretariat, will recommend a proposed list of appointees to the selection committee which is comprised of the Chair or Vice Chair of the PS Committee, the Chair of the TERG, the Committee M&E focal point and the Executive Director of the Global Fund or his/her designee. The final proposed list will be forwarded to the Board of the Global Fund for decision. The confirmed appointees will be invited to become members of the TERG by the Executive Director of the Global Fund. The M&E focal point member of the PS committee as well as the chairs of the monitoring and evaluation reference panels of UNAIDS, Roll back Malaria, and Stop TB shall be ex-officio members of the TERG. In addition to the regular TERG membership, additional experts may be invited to participate as the need arises.