Board Meeting | Decision Point Number | Title |
2016-04-27 | B35 | GF/B35/DP01 |
Appointment of Rapporteur Appointment of Rapporteur
<p>Siula Bulu from the Western Pacific Region constituency is designated as Rapporteur for the 35th Board Meeting.</p>
2016-04-27 | B35 | GF/B35/DP02 |
Approval of Agenda Approval of Agenda
The agenda for the 35th Board Meeting (GF/B35/01 - Revision 3) is approved.
2016-04-27 | B35 | GF/B35/DP03 |
Response to Office of the Inspector General 2015 Annual Opinion and Risk Management Report and Assurance Statement Response to Office of the Inspector General 2015 Annual Opinion and Risk Management Report and Assurance Statement
<p>1.The Board notes its review and discussion of the: </p><p>a.Office of the Inspector General 2015 Annual Opinion on Governance, Risk Management and Internal Controls of the Global Fund, as set forth in GF/B35/11 (the "OIG Annual Opinion"); and</p><p>b.Risk Management Report and Assurance Statement, as set forth in GF/B35/23.</p><p>2.Accordingly, the Board acknowledges that while in-country partnerships are in place and significant initiatives and measures have been implemented to improve programmatic, fiduciary and risk-management processes, immediate and heightened efforts are needed to accelerate progress and advance risk management systems and processes. </p><p>3.The Board requests the Secretariat to:</p><p>a. Present a detailed action plan to advance risk management and internal controls, with measurable and time-bound targets, and a report on progress to the Board in June 2016 through the standing committees that were established under Board decision point GF/B34/EDP07 (the "Standing Committees"); and</p><p>b. In the context of the differentiation initiative, review the business model in high-risk countries and present possible options to the Board after review by the Standing Committees at their second meetings in 2016.</p>
2016-04-27 | B35 | GF/B35/DP04 |
The Global Fund Strategy 2017 – 2022: Investing to End Epidemics The Global Fund Strategy 2017 – 2022: Investing to End Epidemics
<p>Based on the recommendation of the Strategy, Investment and Impact Committee, the Board approves the Global Fund Strategy 2017 - 2022: Investing to End Epidemics, as presented in Annex 1 to GF/B35/02- Revision 1. </p>
2016-04-27 | B35 | GF/B35/DP05 |
2015 Annual Financial Report 2015 Annual Financial Report
<p>The Board authorizes the issuance of, and therefore approves, the Global Fund's 2015 Annual Financial Report, which includes the 2015 Consolidated Financial Statements that have been audited by Ernst & Young SA, as set forth in GF/B35/09 Annex 1. </p>
2016-04-27 | B35 | GF/B35/DP06 |
2015 Statutory Financial Statements 2015 Statutory Financial Statements
<p>The Board authorizes the issuance of, and therefore approves, the Global Fund's 2015 Statutory Financial Statements, which have been audited by Ernst & Young SA, as set forth in GF/B35/09 Annex 2.</p>
2016-04-27 | B35 | GF/B35/DP07 |
Revised Eligibility Policy Revised Eligibility Policy
<p>1.Based on the recommendation of the Strategy, Investment and Impact Committee, the Board approves the revised Eligibility Policy, as set forth in Annex 2 to GF/B35/06 - Revision 1 (the "Revised Eligibility Policy").</p>
<p>2.Accordingly, the Board: </p>
<p>a.Acknowledges this decision point and the Revised Eligibility Policy supersede Board decision point GF/B30/DP05 and the previous Eligibility Policy as set forth in Attachment 1 to GF/B30/6 - Revision 1 (the "Previous Eligibility Policy"); and</p>
<p>b.Notes that notwithstanding paragraph 2.a. of this decision point, the Previous Eligibility Policy remains applicable to grant programs originating from the 2014 - 2016 allocation period. </p>
2016-04-27 | B35 | GF/B35/DP08 |
Sustainability, Transition and Co-financing Policy Sustainability, Transition and Co-financing Policy
<p>1.Based on the recommendation of the Strategy, Investment and Impact Committee, the Board approves the Sustainability, Transition and Co- Financing Policy, as set forth in Annex 1 to GF/B35/04 - Revision 1 (the "STC Policy").</p>
<p>2.Accordingly, the Board:</p>
<p>a.Acknowledges this decision point and the new co-financing policy set forth in the STC Policy supersede Board decision point GF/B30/DP05 and the previous Counterpart Financing Policy as set forth in Attachment 1 to GF/B30/6 - Revision 1 (the "Counterpart Financing Policy"); and</p>
<p>b.Notes that notwithstanding paragraph 2.a. of this decision point, the Counterpart Financing Policy remains applicable to grant programs originating from the 2014 - 2016 allocation period.</p>
2016-04-27 | B35 | GF/B35/DP09 |
Challenging Operating Environments Policy Challenging Operating Environments Policy
<p>Based on the recommendation of the Strategy, Investment and Impact Committee, the Board approves the Challenging Operating Environments Policy, as set forth in Annex 1 to GF/B35/03.</p>
2016-04-27 | B35 | GF/B35/DP10 |
Allocation Methodology 2017 - 2019 Allocation Methodology 2017 - 2019
<p>1.The Board notes:</p><p>a.Its decisions in September 2012 (GF/B27/DP07) and November 2012 (GF/B28/DP04) that established the principles and framework for the allocation-based funding model (the "Funding Model Principles");</p><p>b.Its decisions in October 2013 (GF/B29/EDP10 and GF/B29/EDP11) and March 2014 (GF/B31/DP06, GF/B31/DP07, GF/B31/DP08, GF/B31/DP09 and GF/B31/DP10) to define certain elements for the 2014 - 2016 allocation period that would be reviewed and refined, as appropriate, prior to the 2017 - 2019 allocation period (the "2014 - 2016 Elements"); and</p><p>c.Decisions by the Strategy, Investment and Impact Committee (the "SIIC") in October 2013, under authority delegated by the Board, to establish technical parameters for the 2014 - 2016 allocation period (GF/SIIC09/DP01) and the process for managing and awarding incentive funding and unfunded quality demand (GF/SIIC09/DP02) (the "Prior SIIC Decisions").</p> <p>2. Accordingly, based on the recommendations of the SIIC, as presented in GF/B35/05 - Revision 1, the Board:</p><p>a. Approves the allocation methodology presented in Annex 1 to GF/B35/05 - Revision 1 (the "Allocation Methodology");</p> <p>b. Acknowledges the technical parameters for the 2017 - 2019 allocation period, as presented in Annex 2 to GF/B35/05 - Revision 1 and approved by the SIIC at its 17<sup>th</sup>meeting in March 2016 (the "Technical Aspects"); and</p> <p>c. Affirms the restatement of core parts of the Funding Model Principles, as presented in Annex 3 to GF/B35/05 - Revision 1 (the "Affirmed Principles").</p> <p>3. Accordingly, the Board:</p><p>a. Requests the Strategy Committee to review and approve, at its June 2016 meeting, the method by which the Secretariat will apply and report on the qualitative-factor adjustment process;</p> <p>b. Requests the Secretariat to present the priorities, activities or initiatives, including associated costs, that could be funded as catalytic investments, for the Strategy Committee to review at its June 2016 meeting and recommend to the Board; and</p> <p>c. Acknowledges that the Allocation Methodology, Technical Aspects and Affirmed Principles shall apply for the 2017 - 2019 allocation period and supersede the Funding Model Principles, 2014 - 2016 Elements and Prior SIIC Decision.</p><p><br/></p>
2016-04-27 | B35 | GF/B35/DP11 |
Change to the Composition of the Partners Constituency Change to the Composition of the Partners Constituency
<p>1. The Board notes that under its previous decision in May 2009 (GF/B19/DP11) to create a non-voting seat on the Board to represent the constituency of key partners whose mission is directly related to the Global Fund and who are not currently represented on the Board (the "Partners Constituency"), any key partner that wishes to be represented on the Global Fund Board through the Partners Constituency should make a formal request to the Board for their inclusion in the Partners constituency.</p> <p>2. The Board also notes that the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn & Child Health ("PMNCH") have fully responded to the criteria for accepting new constituency members, developed by the Partners Constituency, and have received unanimous support from the current Partners Constituency Members to be incorporated into the Constituency.</p> <p>3. Based on the request submitted by the Partners Constituency, as outlined in GF/B35/27, the Board decides to invite the PMNCH to be a member of the Partners Constituency.</p>
2016-05-24 | B35 | GF/B35/EDP01 |
Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Additional Funding from the 2014 Allocation Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Additional Funding from the 2014 Allocation
<p>The Board:</p>
<li>Approves the incremental funding recommended for each country disease component, and its constituent grants, as listed in Table 1 of Section IV to GF/B35/ER01 ("Table 1");</li>
<li>Acknowledges each country disease component's constituent grants will be implemented by the proposed Principal Recipients listed in Table 1, or any other Principal Recipient(s) deemed appropriate by the Secretariat in accordance with Global Fund policies;</li>
<li>Acknowledges the original grant duration, manifested in the form of either the implementation or budgeted period, of each country disease component and its constituent grants listed in Table 2 of Section IV to GF/B35/ER01 ("Table 2") isshortened according to the operational flexibility granted to the Secretariat pursuant to GF/B31/DP09.</li>
<li>Approves the reinvestment of within-allocation efficiencies as well as the additional incremental funding and implementation period recommended for Sudan malaria disease component and its constituent grant, as listed in Table 2, based on the available funding that the Finance and Operational Performance Committee (the "FOPC") validated pursuant to GF/FOPC17/DP02;</li>
<li>Affirms the (additional) incremental funding approved under this decision (a) increases the upper-ceiling amount that may be available for the relevant implementation period of each country disease component's constituent grants, (b) is subject to the availability of funding, and (c) shall be committed in annual tranches; and</li>
<li>Delegates to the Secretariat authority to redistribute the overall upper-ceiling of funding available for each country disease component among its constituent grants, provided that the Technical Review Panel (the "TRP") validates any redistribution that constitutes a material change from the program and funding request initially reviewed and recommended by the TRP.</li>
2016-05-27 | B35 | GF/B35/EDP02 |
Appointment of Committee Members Appointment of Committee Members
<p><b><i>1. The Board acknowledges the nominations for membership of the Board's Audit and Finance Committee (the "AFC"), Ethics and Governance Committee (the "EGC"), and Strategy Committee ("SC"), as set forth in GF/B35/ER02".</i></b> </p> <p><b><i>2. Accordingly, the Board approves the appointment of the following individuals to serve as voting members of the Committees listed below, representing the Board constituencies listed by their name:</i></b> </p> <p><b><i>a. Audit and Finance Committee</i></b> </p> <p><b><i>i. Gregoire Lacoin, European Commission Constituency;</i></b> </p> <p><b><i>ii. Sylvie Bourdenet, France Constituency;</i></b> </p> <p><b><i>iii. Erika Satterwhite, Private Sector Constituency;</i></b> </p> <p><b><i>iv. Anthony Richard Garnett, United Kingdom Constituency;</i></b> </p> <p><b><i>v. Michael Ruffner, United States Constituency;</i></b> </p> <p><b><i>vi. Soltan Mammadov, Eastern Europe & Central Asia Constituency;</i></b> </p> <p><b><i>vii. Thamer Al Hilfi, Eastern Mediterranean Constituency;</i></b> </p> <p><b><i>viii. Grace Rwakarema, Eastern and Southern Africa Constituency;</i></b> </p> <p><b><i>ix. Sugata Ghosh Dastidar, South East Asia Constituency; and</i></b> </p> <p><b><i>x. Han Mengjie, Western Pacific Region Constituency.</i></b> </p> <p><b><i>b. Strategy Committee</i></b> </p> <p><b><i>i. Philippe Meunier, France Constituency;</i></b> </p> <p><b><i>ii. Heiko Warnken, Germany Constituency;</i></b> </p> <p><b><i>iii. Eiji Hinoshita, Japan Constituency;</i></b> </p> <p><b><i>iv. Lennarth Hjelmaker, Point Seven Constituency;</i></b> </p> <p><b><i>v. Kieran Daly, Private Foundations Constituency;</i></b> </p> <p><b><i>vi. Rico Gustav, Communities Constituency;</i></b> </p> <p><b><i>vii. Jorge Saavedra, Developing Country NGOs Constituency;</i></b> </p> <p><b><i>viii. Vinand Nantulya, Eastern and Southern Africa Constituency;</i></b> </p> <p><b><i>ix. Joel Mayowa, West and Central Africa Constituency; and</i></b> </p> <p><b><i>x. LV Fan, Western Pacific Region Constituency.</i></b> </p> <p><b><i>c. Noting that the Chairs of the Technical Review Panel and the Technical Evaluation Reference Group serve as non-voting members of the Strategy Committee, the Board appoints the following individuals to serve as additional non-voting members of the Strategy Committee, representing the Board constituencies listed by their name:</i></b> </p> <p><b><i>i. Sheikh Mubashar, WHO Constituency; and</i></b> </p> <p><b><i>ii. Melanie Renshaw, Partners Constituency.</i></b> </p> <p><b><i>d. Furthermore, the Board appoints Alexandru Cebotari to serve as a non-voting member of the Audit and Finance Committee</i></b> , <b><i>representing the World Bank, and notes that the remaining non-voting member of the Audit and Finance Committee that will represent one of the non-voting, ex-officio members of the Board will be subsequently appointed.</i></b></p> <p><b><i>3. Additionally, the Board approves the appointment of the following individuals, with their nominating Board constituency listed by their name, to serve in their personal capacity as voting members of the Ethics and Governance Committee:</i></b> </p> <p><b><i>a. Jacques Mader, Canada Switzerland Australia Constituency;</i></b> </p> <p><b><i>b. Sarah Boulton, United Kingdom Constituency;</i></b> </p> <p><b><i>c. Sandy Thurman, United States Constituency;</i></b> </p> <p><b><i>d. Jason Wright, Developed Country NGOs Constituency;</i></b> </p> <p><b><i>e. Archil Talakvadze, Eastern Europe & Central Asia Constituency; and</i></b> </p> <p><b><i>f. Mirta Roses Periago, Latin America and Caribbean Constituency.</i></b> </p><p> <b><i>4. The Board notes each Committee Member appointed under this decision point shall begin their term upon approval of this decision point and serve for two years or until the appointment of their respective successor.</i></b></p>
2016-06-03 | B35 | GF/B35/EDP03 |
Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Additional Funding from the 2014 Allocation Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Additional Funding from the 2014 Allocation
<p>The Board:</p>
<li>Approves the incremental funding recommended for each country disease component, and its constituent grants, as listed in Table 1 of Section IV to GF/B35/ER03 ("Table 1");</li>
<li>Acknowledges each country disease component's constituent grants will be implemented by the proposed Principal Recipients listed in Table 1, or any other Principal Recipient(s) deemed appropriate by the Secretariat in accordance with Global Fund policies;</li>
<li>Affirms the incremental funding approved under this decision (a) increases the upper-ceiling amount that may be available for the relevant implementation period of each country disease component's constituent grants, (b) is subject to the availability of funding, and (c) shall be committed in annual tranches; and</li>
<li>Delegates to the Secretariat authority to redistribute the overall upper-ceiling of funding available for each country disease component among its constituent grants, provided that the Technical Review Panel (the "TRP") validates any redistribution that constitutes a material change from the program and funding request initially reviewed and recommended by the TRP.</li>
2016-06-09 | B35 | GF/B35/EDP04 |
Appointment of Independent Committee Members Appointment of Independent Committee Members
1. The Board acknowledges the process led by the Board Chair and Vice-Chair to identify candidates to serve as independent committee members on the Audit and Finance Committee (the "AFC"), as set forth in GF/B35/ER04". 2. Accordingly, the Board approves the appointment of the following individuals to serve as non-voting independent members of the AFC listed below, in the areas of expertise listed by their name: i. Peter Maertens, audit ii. Jean-Michel Ferat, forensic investigation<br/>3. In accordance with the AFC Charter, which provides that independent committee members may receive honoraria, the Board also decides to make available to each of the individuals serving as independent committee members an annual amount of USD 13,500.<br/>4. The Board notes each independent committee member appointed under this decision point shall begin their term on 9 June 2016 and serve for two years or until the appointment of their respective successor.
2016-06-15 | B35 | GF/B35/EDP05 |
2017 – 2022 Strategic Key Performance Indicator Framework 2017 – 2022 Strategic Key Performance Indicator Framework
1. The Board acknowledges the 2017 - 2022 Strategic Key Performance Indicator Framework (the "Strategic KPI Framework"), as presented in Annex 1 to GF/B35/ER05, and the additional methodological work required to set performance targets.<br/>2. Accordingly, the Board approves the Strategic KPI Framework and directs the Secretariat to present the Board with the Strategic KPI Framework's performance targets for approval at the final Board meeting in 2016.
2016-06-10 | B35 | GF/B35/EDP06 |
Appointment of a member of the Audit and Finance Committee Appointment of a member of the Audit and Finance Committee
The Board approves the appointment of Sanne Fournier-Wendes to serve as a non-voting member of the Audit and Finance Committee, representing the Partners Constituency, for a two-year term or until the appointment of her successor.
2016-07-08 | B35 | GF/B35/EDP07 |
Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Additional Funding from the 2014 Allocation Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Additional Funding from the 2014 Allocation
The Board:<br/><br/>1. Approves the incremental funding recommended for each country disease component, and its constituent grants, as listed in Table 1a of Section IV to GF/B35/ER07 ("Table 1a");<br/><br/>2. Approves the reinvestment of within-allocation efficiencies for the Iran HIV grant and its resultant total program budget, as listed in Table 1b of Section IV to GF/B35/ER07;<br/><br/>3. Acknowledges each country disease component's constituent grants will be implemented by the proposed Principal Recipients listed in Table 1a, or any other Principal Recipient(s) deemed appropriate by the Secretariat in accordance with Global Fund policies;<br/><br/>4. Acknowledges the original grant duration, manifested in the form of either the implementation or budgeted period, of each country disease component and its constituent grants listed in Table 2 of Section IV ("Table 2") is shortened according to the operational flexibility granted to the Secretariat pursuant to GF/B31/DP09;<br/><br/>5. Approves the additional incremental funding and implementation period recommended for (a) Ghana malaria, (b) Mozambique HIV, (c) Tanzania HIV and (d) Uganda malaria disease components, and each component's constituent grants, as listed in Table 2, based on the available funding that the Finance and Operational Performance Committee (the "FOPC") validated pursuant to GF/FOPC17/DP02;<br/><br/>6. Acknowledges the grant duration and related funding originally approved by the Board for those country components that participated in the concept note process in 2013 as part of the transition to the allocation-based funding model authorized under GF/B28/DP05 (the "Early Applicants") will end on or before 31 December 2016 and accordingly will need additional funding to bridge the relevant program implementation until 31 December 2017, the typical end date of grant programs arising from the 2014 - 2016 allocation period;<br/><br/>7. Approves the additional incremental funding and implementation period recommended for Zimbabwe HIV disease component, being an Early Applicant grant, as listed in Table 3, based on the available funding that the FOPC validated pursuant to GF/FOPC17/DP02;<br/><br/>8. Affirms the (additional) incremental funding approved under this decision (a) increases the upper-ceiling amount that may be available for the relevant implementation period of each country disease component's constituent grants, (b) is subject to the availability of funding, and (c) shall be committed in annual tranches; and<br/><br/>9. Delegates to the Secretariat authority to redistribute the overall upper-ceiling of funding available for each country disease component among its constituent grants, provided that the Technical Review Panel (the "TRP") validates any redistribution that constitutes a material change from the program and funding request initially reviewed and recommended by the TRP.
2016-07-08 | B35 | GF/B35/EDP08 |
Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Grant Extensions Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Grant Extensions
1. Approves extension of the relevant implementation period for each grant listed in Table 4 of Section IV to GF/B35/ER07.
2016-07-14 | B35 | GF/B35/EDP09 |
Approval of the Report of the 35th Board Meeting in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire Approval of the Report of the 35th Board Meeting in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire
The Board approves the Report of the 35th Board Meeting, as set forth in GF/B35/28 - Revision 1.
2016-07-19 | B35 | GF/B35/EDP10 |
Exceptional Extension and Funding for Bosnia and Herzegovina HIV and TB Grants (Decision not approved) Exceptional Extension and Funding for Bosnia and Herzegovina HIV and TB Grants (Decision not approved)
<h3>Decision not approved.</h3>
2016-08-03 | B35 | GF/B35/EDP11 |
Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Additional Funding from the 2014 Allocation Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Additional Funding from the 2014 Allocation
1. Approves the incremental funding recommended for each country disease component, and its constituent grants, as listed in Table 1 of Section IV to GF/B35/ER10 ("Table 1);<br/><br/>2. Acknowledges each country disease component's constituent grants will be implemented by the proposed Principal Recipients listed in Table 1, or any other Principal Recipient(s) deemed appropriate by the Secretariat in accordance with Global Fund policies;<br/><br/>3. Acknowledges the original grant duration, manifested in the form of either the implementation or budgeted period, of each country disease component and its constituent grants listed in Table 2 of Section IV ("Table 2") is shortened according to the operational flexibility granted to the Secretariat pursuant to GF/B31/DP09;<br/><br/>4. Approves the additional incremental funding and implementation period recommended for the Uganda HIV disease component, and the component's constituent grants, as listed in Table 2, based on the available funding that the Finance and Operational Performance Committee (the "FOPC") validated pursuant to GF/FOPC17/DP02;<br/><br/>5. Affirms the (additional) incremental funding approved under this decision (a) increases the upper-ceiling amount that may be available for the relevant implementation period of each country disease component's constituent grants, (b) is subject to the availability of funding, and (c) shall be committed in annual tranches; and<br/><br/>6. Delegates to the Secretariat authority to redistribute the overall upper-ceiling of funding available for each country disease component among its constituent grants, provided that the Technical Review Panel (the "TRP") validates any redistribution that constitutes a material change from the program and
2016-08-03 | B35 | GF/B35/EDP12 |
Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Grant Extensions Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Grant Extensions
1. Approves extension of the relevant implementation period for each grant listed in Table 2 of Section IV to GF/B35/ER10.
2016-08-24 | B35 | GF/B35/EDP13 |
Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Additional Funding from the 2014 Allocation Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Additional Funding from the 2014 Allocation
<p>The Board:<br/>1. Approves the incremental funding recommended for each country and regional disease component, and its constituent grants, as listed in Table 1a and 1b, respectively, of Section IV to GF/B35/ER11 (collectively, "Table 1");<br/><br/>2. Acknowledges each country and regional disease component's constituent grants will be implemented by the proposed Principal Recipients listed in Table 1, or any other Principal Recipient(s) deemed appropriate by the Secretariat in accordance with Global Fund policies;<br/><br/>3. Approves the reinvestment of within-allocation efficiencies for the Zambia TB/HIV grant and its resultant total program budget, as listed in Table 2 of Section IV to GF/B35/ER11;<br/><br/>4. Acknowledges the grant duration and related funding originally approved by the Board for those country components that participated in the concept note process in 2013 as part of the transition to the allocation-based funding model authorized under GF/B28/DP05 (the "Early Applicants") will end on or before 31 December 2016 and accordingly will need additional funding to bridge the relevant program implementation until 31 December 2017, the typical end date of grant programs arising from the 2014 - 2016 allocation period;<br/><br/>5. Approves the additional incremental funding and implementation period recommended for the Philippines TB disease component, being an Early Applicant grant, as listed in Table 3 of Section IV to GF/B35/ER11, based on the available funding that the Finance and Operational Performance Committee (the "FOPC") validated pursuant to GF/FOPC17/DP02;<br/><br/>6. Affirms the (additional) incremental funding approved under this decision (a) increases the upper-ceiling amount that may be available for the relevant implementation period of each country and regional disease component's constituent grants, (b) is subject to the availability of funding and (c) shall be committed in annual tranches; and<br/><br/>7. Delegates to the Secretariat authority to redistribute the overall upper-ceiling of funding available for each country and regional disease component among its constituent grants, provided that the Technical Review Panel (the "TRP") validates any redistribution that constitutes a material change from the program and funding request initially reviewed and recommended by the TRP.</p><p>This decision does not have material budgetary implications for the 2016 Operating Expenses Budget.</p>
2016-08-24 | B35 | GF/B35/EDP14 |
Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Grant Extensions Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Grant Extensions
<p>The Board:<br/>1. Approves extension of the relevant implementation period for each grant listed in Table 4 of Section IV to GF/B35/ER11.</p><p>This decision does not have material budgetary implications for the 2016 Operating Expenses Budget.</p>
2016-10-06 | B35 | GF/B35/EDP15 |
Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Additional Funding from the 2014 Allocation Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Additional Funding from the 2014 Allocation
The Board:<br/>1. Approves the incremental funding recommended for each country disease component, and its constituent grants, as listed in Tables 1.a. and 1.b. of Section IV to GF/B35/ER12 ("Table 1");<br/>2. Acknowledges each country disease component's constituent grants will be implemented by the proposed Principal Recipients listed in Table 1, or any other Principal Recipient(s) deemed appropriate by the Secretariat in accordance with Global Fund policies;<br/>3. Acknowledges the original grant duration, manifested in the form of either the implementation or budgeted period, of each country disease component and its constituent grants listed in Table 2 of Section IV ("Table 2") is shortened according to the operational flexibility granted to the Secretariat pursuant to GF/B31/DP09;<br/>4. Approves the additional incremental funding and implementation period recommended for the Kenya malaria disease component, and the component's constituent grants, as listed in Table 2, based on the available funding that the Finance and Operational Performance Committee (the "FOPC") validated pursuant to GF/FOPC17/DP02;<br/>5. Affirms the (additional) incremental funding approved under this decision (a) increases the upper-ceiling amount that may be available for the relevant implementation period of each country disease component's constituent grants, (b) is subject to the availability of funding, and (c) shall be committed in annual tranches; and<br/>6. Delegates to the Secretariat authority to redistribute the overall upper-ceiling of funding available for each country disease component among its constituent grants, provided that the Technical Review Panel (the "TRP") validates any redistribution that constitutes a material change from the program and funding request initially reviewed and recommended by the TRP.
2016-10-06 | B35 | GF/B35/EDP16 |
Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Grant Extensions Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Grant Extensions
The Board:<br/>1. Approves extension of the relevant implementation period for each grant listed in Table 3 of Section IV to GF/B35/ER12.
2016-10-07 | B35 | GF/B35/EDP17 |
Appointment of Independent Committee Member Appointment of Independent Committee Member
1. The Board acknowledges the process led by the Board Chair and Vice-Chair to identify candidates to serve as independent committee members on the Ethics and Governance Committee (the "EGC"), as set forth in GF/B35/ER13". <br/><br/>2. Accordingly, the Board approves the appointment of Joan Elise Dubinsky to serve as a non-voting independent member of the EGC with expertise in the area of ethics for a two-year term starting from the June 2016 initial meeting of the EGC, or until the appointment of her successor<br/><br/>3. In accordance with the EGC Charter, which provides that independent committee members may receive honoraria, the Board also decides to make available to the individual appointed as an independent committee member under this decision point an annual amount of USD 13,500.
2016-10-07 | B35 | GF/B35/EDP18 |
Appointment of a Member of the Strategy Committee Appointment of a Member of the Strategy Committee
<ol start="1" type="1"><li>The Board approves the appointment of Ambassador Michèle Boccoz as a voting member of the Strategy Committee for a term that will expire on 26 May 2018, or until the appointment of her successor.</li></ol><p></p>
2016-11-01 | B35 | GF/B35/EDP19 |
Approval of the Terms of Reference for the 2016 Executive Director Nomination Committee Approval of the Terms of Reference for the 2016 Executive Director Nomination Committee
<p>Based on the recommendation of the Board Chair and Vice-Chair (“Board Leadership”), in consultation with the Ethics and Governance Committee (“EGC”) and the Governance Focal Points Network, the Board:</p>
<li>Notes its responsibilities with regard to the recruitment process of the Executive Director as set out in Article 36 of the Operating Procedures of the Board and Committees <span>of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (“BCOP”).</span></li>
<li>Notes the consultations of the Board Leadership and the Governance Focal Points Network with the EGC in relation to this process, including with respect to the establishment of the nomination committee referred to in the BCOP and the selection of an executive search firm, Russell Reynolds Associates, to provide support to the said nomination committee in carrying out its mandate.</li>
<li>Approves the terms of reference of the 2016 Executive Director Nomination Committee as set out in Annex 1 to GF/B35/ER15.</li>
<li>Invites the Board Leadership to submit in due course for Board approval, in accordance with Article 36 of the BCOP, a Chair and the membership of the nomination committee.</li>
2016-11-14 | B35 | GF/B35/EDP20 |
Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Additional Funding from the 2014 Allocation Decision on the Secretariat’s Recommendation on Additional Funding from the 2014 Allocation
<p>The Board:</p>
<li>Approves the incremental funding recommended for each country disease component, and its constituent grants, as listed in Tables 1a and 1b of Section IV to GF/B35/ER16 (“Tables 1a and 1b”);</li>
<li>Acknowledges each country disease component’s constituent grants will be implemented by the proposed Principal Recipients listed in Tables 1a and 1b, or any other Principal Recipient(s) deemed appropriate by the Secretariat in accordance with Global Fund policies;</li>
<li>Acknowledges the grant duration and related funding originally approved by the Board for those country components that participated in the concept note process in 2013 as part of the transition to the allocation-based funding model authorized under GF/B28/DP05 (the "Early Applicants") will end on or before 31 December 2016 and accordingly will need additional funding to bridge the relevant program implementation until 31 December 2017, the typical end date of grant programs arising from the 2014 - 2016 allocation period;</li>
<li>Approves the additional incremental funding and implementation period recommended for the EHRN regional grant, being an Early Applicant grant, as listed in Table 2 of Section IV to GF/B35/ER16 based on the available funding that the Finance and Operational Performance Committee (the “FOPC”) validated pursuant to GF/FOPC17/DP02;</li>
<li>Affirms the incremental funding approved under this decision (a) increases the upper-ceiling amount that may be available for the relevant implementation period of each country disease component’s constituent grants, (b) is subject to the availability of funding, and (c) shall be committed in annual tranches; and</li>
<li>Delegates to the Secretariat authority to redistribute the overall upper-ceiling of funding available for each country disease component among its constituent grants, provided that the Technical Review Panel (the “TRP”) validates any redistribution that constitutes a material change from the program and funding request initially reviewed and recommended by the TRP.</li>