1. The Board acknowledges the process led by the Board Chair and Vice-Chair to identify candidates to serve as independent committee members on the Audit and Finance Committee (the "AFC"), as set forth in GF/B35/ER04". 2. Accordingly, the Board approves the appointment of the following individuals to serve as non-voting independent members of the AFC listed below, in the areas of expertise listed by their name: i. Peter Maertens, audit ii. Jean-Michel Ferat, forensic investigation 3. In accordance with the AFC Charter, which provides that independent committee members may receive honoraria, the Board also decides to make available to each of the individuals serving as independent committee members an annual amount of USD 13,500. 4. The Board notes each independent committee member appointed under this decision point shall begin their term on 9 June 2016 and serve for two years or until the appointment of their respective successor.