The Board takes note of the options for sourcing candidates for the position of the Inspector General as described in the draft Action Plan for Recruitment of a New Inspector General (the "Draft Action Plan") that is appended to the Report of the Finance and Audit Committee (GF/B15/8), Addendum 1, as Attachment 2, and decides to adopt a combination of option 1 and 2 as set out therein.
The Board approves, in principle, the process and responsibilities for selection of the new Inspector General set out in the draft Revised Action Plan, as modified and set forth in Attachment 3 to GF/B15/8 (Addendum 1), and the desired role and personal competencies of the Inspector General that are listed in the draft Action Plan.
The Board decides to establish a Selection Panel to lead the recruitment process. The composition of the Selection Panel shall include two representatives of Board delegations, the Inspector Generalad interim and an external advisor,supported by a member of the human resources staff of the Secretariat. The Chair and the Vice Chair of the Board shall appoint the two Board representatives and the external adviser to the Selection Panel. The Inspector General ad interim shall be the chair of the Selection Panel.
The Selection Panel shall be constituted not later than 11 May 2007. The Board requests that the Selection Panel take all necessary steps to agree a final action plan and an expeditious and appropriate timescale for the selection process and transmit them to the Board for information as soon as possible.
The Board decides to establish a special Sub-committee of the Board to interview not more than three candidates recommended as suitable by the Selection Panel and to select the new Inspector General from among these candidates. The Sub-committee shall consist of the Vice Chair of the Board and two other Board Members who have not participated in the Selection Panel. Notwithstanding Article 23 of the Board Operating Procedures, the Chair and the Vice Chair of the Board shall appoint the two Board Members of the Sub-committee. The Sub-committee shall notify the Board of its selection of the new Inspector General promptly after the selection has been made.
Budgetary Implications
The budgetary implications of this decision are US$300,000.