Board Decisions


Approved by the Board on: 30 April 2010

Launch of Round 10

1. Recognizing the continued need for countries to maintain and scale up their national programs to fight HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria and reaffirming the Board's commitment for the new architecture for grant funding, the Board urges donors to make firm pledges at the Replenishment Meeting in October 2010 to meet the expected demand and to allow the scaling up of life saving treatment.

2. With reference to its decision regarding the launch of the next Round of proposals (GF/B20/DP30), the Board requests the Secretariat to issue a Call for Proposals for Round 10, on or about 20 May 2010 with a submission date on or about 20 August 2010, and to provide for review of those proposals in time for approval at the Twenty-Second Board Meeting in December 2010.

3. The Call for Proposals for Round 10 shall include a provision for a dedicated funding stream for proposals which focus only on Most at Risk Populations (GF/B21/DP18).

4. In determining the amount of assets available to be committed for Round 10 at the time of approval of the proposals, only pledges to be received within (and for use within) the period up to and including 31 December 2011 shall be considered. Notwithstanding Article 3d of the Comprehensive Funding Policy, the determination of available assets as at 31 December 2011 will be updated at the end of the first quarter of 2011 in relation to new pledges. 

5. In the event that insufficient resources are available to approve all TRP recommended proposals, the provisions of Decision Point GF/B21/DP17 will apply.

Budgetary Implications

The budgetary implications of this decision point have already been approved by the Board (GF/B20/DP30) and are reflected in the 2010 budget.