The Board, taking into account the specific nature of Local Fund Agent (the “LFA”) services as described in GF/B38/ER01 decides to:
Replace its prior decision on Re-tendering Local Fund Agent Contracts (GF/B15/DP50) with the Principles of the LFA Procurement Method: Differentiation; Ensuring value-for-money through monitoring LFA performance and cost; Encouraging the diversity of LFA service providers; and Unique contracting arrangements, as set forth in Part 6 of GF/B38/EDP01 (the “Principles of the LFA Procurement Method”);
Delegate to the AFC the authority to approve modifications to the Principles of the LFA Procurement Method; and
Delegate to the Secretariat the authority to approve the procedures for procurement of LFA services in accordance with the Principles of the LFA Procurement Method Budgetary implications: no additional resources required