Board Decisions


Approved by the Board on: 03 November 2006

TERG Five Year Evaluation

The Board approves the Five-Year Evaluation plan, and its overall timeframe, budget and implementation arrangements, as presented by the Technical Evaluation Reference Group. The Board requests the Secretariat to seek cost efficiencies through tendering and contract negotiation processes and by building on existing investments by countries and partners.

The Board requests the Technical Evaluation Reference Group to report on progress of the evaluation at each Board meeting until a final report is delivered and thereafter on the implementation of the recommendations.

Budgetary Implications

The Board authorizes the Secretariat under the oversight of the Finance and Audit Committee to commit an upper limit of US$17,142,000 to initiate the Five-Year Evaluation plan immediately. The budgetary implications are over a two-year period in 2007 and 2008.