Board Decisions


Approved by the Board on: 03 November 2006


The Board welcomes the decision of the UNITAID Board to provide finance for Round 6 to increase the number of patients on treatment. The Board decides to accept a contribution from UNITAID in the amount of US $52,500,000 for Round 6 grants, subject to the execution of appropriate contractual documentation by both parties.

In addition, the Board:

  1. acknowledges, without setting any precedent, that the contribution shall be used exclusively for the financing of the purchase of medicines in the treatment areas listed in the UNITAID Board resolution on Round 6 in the amounts specified therein;
  2. decides that the Secretariat shall employ the contribution in conformity with UNITAID's eligibility requirements and in compliance with existing Global Fund procurement and other policies;
  3. notes that UNITAID's commitment to improving the price and availability of medicines and diagnostics is consistent with the Global Fund's own endorsement in principle, expressed at its Thirteenth Meeting, of the facilitation of voluntary pooled procurement, subject to the approval of a suitable business plan, and informs the Policy and Strategy Committee's ongoing work on the issue of market dynamics; and
  4. delegates authority to the Secretariat to negotiate, under the oversight of the PSC, a contribution agreement with UNITAID that reflects the above.