Board Decisions


Approved by the Board on: 15 December 2010

Recognizing the contributions of Ambassador Richard C Holbrooke

The Board of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria expresses its shock and deep sorrow at the untimely death of Ambassador Richard C. Holbrooke.

In his position as the United States Ambassador to the United Nations and later as the founding President of the Global Business Coalition against AIDS, Ambassador Holbrooke played a ground-breaking role in ensuring that the world accepted HIV and AIDS as a threat to international security and global business as well as being a humanitarian catastrophe. He was one of the drivers behind the allocation of large, additional resources to fight HIV and AIDS and was a tireless advocate for the engagement of the private sector in the fight against the pandemic and for testing and prevention as a crucial part of this struggle. 

The fight against HIV and AIDS has lost one of its most influential and passionate ambassadors. Richard Holbrooke will be missed by all who knew him and the millions who benefitted from his work.

The members of the Board and the staff of the Global Fund send our thoughts to Ambassador Holbrooke's wife, their children and grandchildren.