Board Decisions


Approved by the Board on: 01 October 2013

Revising the distribution of funding by disease in the new funding model allocation methodology

The Board decides:

  1. Prior to the initial allocation of available resources to Country Bands for the 2014 – 2016 allocation period, the Secretariat will apportion such resources among the three diseases based on the following distribution: 50% for HIV/AIDS, 32% for malaria, and 18% for tuberculosis.
  2. In accordance with Board Decision GF/B27/DP7, applicants will have flexibility in deciding how to allocate financing between the three diseases for their individual country programs.
  3. The Board reaffirms its prior decision to recognize the importance of core TB-HIV collaboration services to achieve successful outcomes in TB and HIV grants (GF/B18/DP12). Taking note of the insufficient progress in implementing this prior decision on TB-HIV collaboration services, the Board requests the Secretariat to ensure integrated TB-HIV services are addressed in the country-dialogue and concept-note development process for countries with high TB-HIV co-infection rates, as set forth in the WHO policy on collaborative TB/HIV activities: “Guidelines for National Programs and Other Stakeholder” (2012).
  4. The Strategy, Investment and Impact Committee will review this decision and propose appropriate modifications to the Board for approval prior to the 2017 – 2019 allocation period.