Board Decisions


Approved by the Board on: 08 November 2013

Revision of the Policy on Eligibility Criteria, Counterpart Financing Requirements and Prioritization of Proposals for Funding from the Global Fund

  1. The Board approves the amended policy on “Eligibility Criteria,Counterpart Financing Requirements and Prioritization of Proposals for Fundingfrom the Global Fund”[1]as set out in GF/B30/6 – Revision 1, Attachment 1 (the “Amended Policy”). TheAmended Policy, “The Global Fund Eligibility and Counterpart Financing Policy,”is effective upon the date of this decision and applies to all subsequenteligibility determinations.

  2. The Board requests the Strategy, Investment and Impact Committee and the Secretariat to initiate a process that by the end of 2014 will provide options and recommendations to the Board to refine the Global Fund’s approach to transitioning countries. This approach shall include consideration of appropriate public health indicators to measure progress in sustaining and enhancing gains against the three diseases.



[1] Previously adopted under Decision Point GF/B23/DP23, and set forth in GF/B23/14, Attachment 1.


Supersedes paragraph 2 of GF/B23/DP23.