Board Decisions


Approved by the Board on: 15 May 2019

Catalytic Investments for the 2020-2022 Allocation Period

Based on the recommendation of the Strategy Committee (the “SC”), as presented in GF/B41/03 - Revision 1, the Board:

  1. Acknowledges that the total amount of sources of funds for allocation for the 2020-2022 allocation period will be decided by the Board in November 2019, based on the recommendation of the Audit and Finance Committee following announced replenishment results from the 6th Replenishment;
  2. Approves that the total amount of funding for catalytic investments in the 2020-2022 allocation period, as described in the Allocation Methodology approved under GF/B41/DP03, will be determined by the total amount of sources of funds for allocation for the 2020-2022 allocation period;
  3. Approves catalytic investments for the 2020 – 2022 allocation period as set forth in the scenarios described below:
    1. USD 900 million scenario: If sources of funds for allocation for the 2020 – 2022 allocation period are greater than or equal to USD 13.1 billion, USD 900 million will be made available for catalytic investments, in accordance with the priorities and associated costs set forth in Table 1 of Annex 1 of GF/B41/03 - Revision 1 (“Annex 1”);
    2. USD 800 million scenario: If sources of funds for allocation for the 2020 – 2022 allocation period are below USD 13.1 billion and greater than or equal to USD 12.1 billion, USD 800 million will be made available for catalytic investments, in accordance with the priorities and associated costs set forth in Table 2 of Annex 1;
    3. USD 600 million scenario: If sources of funds for allocation for the 2020 – 2022 allocation period are below USD 12.1 billion and greater than or equal to USD 11.1 billion, USD 600 million will be made available for catalytic investments, in accordance with the priorities and associated costs set forth in Table 3 of Annex 1;
    4. USD 400 million scenario: If sources of funds for allocation for the 2020 – 2022 allocation period are below USD 11.1 billion and greater than or equal to USD 10.6 billion, USD 400 million will be made available for catalytic investments, in accordance with the priorities and associated costs set forth in Table 4 of Annex 1; and
    5. USD 200 million scenario: If sources of funds for allocation for the 2020 – 2022 allocation period are below USD 10.6 billion and greater than or equal to USD 10.1 billion, USD 200 million will be made available for catalytic investments, in accordance with the priorities and associated costs set forth in Table 5 of Annex 1.
  4. Requests the Secretariat to return to the SC with a new recommendation on catalytic investments if sources of funds for allocation for the 2020 – 2022 allocation period are below USD 10.1 billion, for SC recommendation to the Board;
  5. Agrees that in the event that sources of funds for allocation for the 2020-2022 allocation period are above the midpoint of the funding range specified for a scenario above, the Secretariat may recommend the Board to approve an additional total amount up to USD 100 million for catalytic investments, to be invested in the priority areas for the scenario immediately preceding the applicable scenario in the list above;
  6. Requests the Secretariat to (i) implement a rigorous approval process for all catalytic investments, including strategic initiatives, by a review body with clear and transparent management of conflicts of interest to maintain the integrity of decision making, whether financial or programmatic; (ii) execute a credible, robust technical review process on the activities, mechanisms, and the requested amounts; and (iii) report regularly to the SC on all catalytic investments; and
  7. Notes the Secretariat will (i) have flexibility to operationalize catalytic investments; (ii) update the SC and Board on such operationalization; (iii) have flexibility to reallocate associated costs among the approved priorities under any applicable scenario, within 10% of the approved amount of associated costs for a specific priority; and (iv) present any reallocations of associated costs exceeding 10% for a specific priority for the SC’s approval.

Budgetary Implications

Associated management costs will be covered by catalytic investments and/or operating expenses as applicable.