Board Decisions


Approved by the Board on: 05 October 2020

Appointment of two Replacement Members on the Audit and Finance Committee, and one Replacement Member on the Ethics and Governance Committee

  1. The Board approves the appointment of Ms Shirley Carruthers, representing the Canada, Switzerland and Australia Constituency, as a voting member of the Audit and Finance Committee for a term that will expire in May 2022, or until the appointment of her successor.
  2. The Board approves the appointment of Mr Chimi Dorji, representing the South East Asia Constituency, as a voting member of the Audit and Finance Committee for a term that will expire in May 2022, or until the appointment of his successor.
  3. The Board approves the appointment of Ms Nathalie Olijslager, representing the Point Seven Constituency, as a voting member of the Ethics and Governance Committee for a term that will expire in May 2022, or until the appointment of her successor.