Board Decisions


Approved by the Board on: 15 April 2021

Second Extension of the Timeline for Including COVID-19 Products in the Pilot

The Board:

  1. Recalls GF/B43/EDP07 where it decided to extend the scope of the pilot to allow for eligible buyers, as defined in GF/B42/DP05, to purchase all COVID-19products available in for procurement by Global Fund Principal Recipients and specified that such non-Global Fund financed transactions forCOVID-19 products will be issued as purchase orders by within the period ending 31 December 2020, unless extended by the Board following recommendation by the Strategy Committee;
  2. Recalls GF/B43/EDP17 where the Board approved the change in the end date of such period to 31 May 2021; and
  3. Based on the recommendation of the Strategy Committee, approves the change in the end date of such period through which non-Global Fund financed transactions for COVID-19 products may be issued as purchase orders by until November 2022 or until the Board approves a future strategy for if earlier and confirms that all other conditions and flexibilities set forth in GF/B43/EDP07 shall continue to apply.

Budgetary Implications

The cost of additional licenses associated with the use of will be absorbed within the Secretariat’s existing license packages, which currently include some unused licenses. If further licenses are needed, costs and options to cover these costs will be evaluated by the Secretariat.

Costs relating to the expansion of the product catalogue to include COVID-19 products, which are already being incurred as a result of the creation of C19RM under GF/B42/EDP11, will be managed within the existing budget and will be incurred independently of this decision.

There are no other anticipated budgetary implications at this time, as new buyer onboardings and transactions will be managed by existing staff.