Board Decisions


Approved by the Board on: 10 October 2002

Board and Committee Roles and Functions

  1. The Board reconfirms its role as stated in Article 14 of the Bylaws.
  2. Committee matters:
    1. Committees will be established according to need with defined terms of reference and deliverables.
    2. All committees will be reviewed at each Board meeting for decisions on continuation and/or modification.
    3. There will initially be four (4) committees:
      1. Monitoring, Evaluation, Finance and Audit: Reviewing Fund progress with a view to managing performance including:
        1. financial budget oversight and the mechanisms for accomplishing it (e.g. external audit);
        2. updates on programmatic progress in beneficiary countries, including its impact on reducing disease burden;
        3. results based disbursement and overall performance of the Fund at a global level.
      2. Portfolio Management and Procurement:
        1. includes previous and ongoing work of the Proposals Working Group such as TRP review guidelines
        2. the proposals appeal process (recourse mechanism)
        3. policies related to grants management;• policies on procurement and supply management.
      3. Resource Mobilization:
        1. supporting the development of projections of resource needs;
        2. supporting the development of strategies to achieve mobilization targets, especially through cooperative work of Board members and constituencies.
      4. Governance and Partnerships:
        1. focus on making the bodies of the Fund work effectively, including Board processes and structure;
        2. personnel policies;
        3. policies on interactions among Board, TRP, Secretariat and Partnership Forum;
        4. CCM partnership (including a tool on minimum standards of “good practice” for CCM processes, building on experiences from the first two rounds and partner organizations, and evaluating the CCM process and practices, with this work beginning immediately) and policies related to expanding partnerships at the global level.
  3. In consultation with the Executive Director, the committees should develop Terms of Reference and circulate these to the Board for approval.