Board Decisions


Approved by the Board on: 10 October 2002

Board Membership and Participation Principles

  1. The status quo will be retained, namely that constituencies will be able to change the alternate as needed and, as stated in the Board Operating Procedures, should confirm the appointment preferably at least two weeks prior to a scheduled Board meeting. If abused the Board should revisit the policy on alternate Board members.
  2. Other members of a delegation shall only have the right to speak or participate directly in the deliberations of the Board when doing so at the request of and in place of the Board Member of their delegation and the Chair should be informed of this in advance. Only one individual from a constituency, including the Board Members/Alternate, may speak per agenda item. Alternate Members may speak during debates or cast votes, when replacing the Board Member.
  3. While the Board Chair/Vice Chair is presiding, his/her alternate (or any member of his/her delegation as stipulated by the Board Chair/Vice Chair) from the Board Chair/Vice Chair’s constituency will be permitted to participate in the discussion. However, but the Board Chair/Vice Chair will retain the single vote of the constituency.