Report of the Portfolio Management and Procurement Committee: Portfolio Management: Setting upper an…
Approved by the Board on: 31 January 2003
Report of the Portfolio Management and Procurement Committee: Portfolio Management: Setting upper and lower limits on proposals
(Deferred) The PMPC recommends that the Board endorse upper and lower limits for proposals submitted to the Global Fund.
The PMPC recommends that the Board endorse the strongly preferred recommendation to use a lower limit of US$2 million per year per proposal.
Alternatively, the minority option supports the use of a lower limit of US$2 million per year per proposal on all CCM applications, and a lower limit of $1 million per year per proposal on all non-CCM applications.
The Board encourages the Secretariat, working with the Portfolio Management and Procurement Committee, to include in the revised Guidelines for Proposals for the Third Round language regarding the preferred scale of grant applications. This should provide guidance to applicants to ensure that proposals are neither excessively large, in view of both national programmatic capacity and the limited resources of the Global Fund, nor excessively small, in view of both the Global Fund's goal to scale-up country responses and the administrative costs of processing applications.
(Not Approved) The PMPC recommends that the Board endorse the strongly preferred recommendation to use a lower limit of US$2 million per year per proposal. Alternatively, the minority option supports the use of a lower limit of US$2 million per year per proposal on all CCM applications, and a lower limit of US 1 million per year per proposal on all non-CCM applications. The PMPC recommends that the Board endorse an upper limit on all proposals of US$50 million per year and of 50% of total public health sector expenditure per year (whichever figure is the lower).