The Board requested the GPC to address all outstanding issues of the Conflict of Interest Policy for submission to the Board.
The Board endorsed the Memorandum of Understanding between the Fund and the Inter-American Development Bank and delegated the Stop TB and Roll Back Malaria Memoranda of Understanding to the GPC, after which they will both be presented for ratification by the Board at its subsequent meeting in 2004.
The Board mandated the GPC to work further on the legal status of the Global Fund.
The Board delegated authority to execute agreements on its behalf to the Chair, Vice Chair and Executive Director. As necessary and appropriate to maintain continuity of Secretariat operations, in the event the Executive Director is unavailable to exercise such authority the Chief Operating Officer or the Chief Fund Portfolio Director may do so.
The Board requested the GPC to address the conditions under which the communities delegation can become a voting member without affecting the existing voting mechanism, and report back to the Seventh Board Meeting.