Board Decisions


Approved by the Board on: 19 March 2004

Phase 2 Grant Renewals (Report of the Monitoring, Evaluation, Finance and Audit Committee (MEFA), Annex 4)

The Board approves the following decisions:

Decision Point 1

Phase 2 grant renewal decisions will be made according to clear criteria for satisfactory grant performance, financial accountability and contextual considerations, subject to Global Fund resource availability. The decision will be based on systematically collected information, which will be made transparently available by the Global Fund through Grant Fact Sheets and Grant Score Cards.

Decision Point 2

A Request for Continued Funding, up to a maximum of the original approved Proposal less funds spent during the initial grant period (years 1-2)[1], will be reviewed and may be adjusted for reasonableness. Program objectives for phase 2 are expected to be broadly consistent with the original approved Proposal, with reprogramming subject to review.

Decision Point 3

The Board delegates the authority to make phase 2 grant commitments to the Secretariat according to the policies and review and decision process set forth in this document. The Board will confirm all decisions to discontinue funding based on reviews by the Secretariat and the TRP. The Secretariat will regularly report on phase 2 grant commitments to MEFA and PMPC. The PMPC Chair will inform the Board at each Board meeting. The Technical Evaluation Reference Group (TERG) will regularly review and report on the soundness of the phase 2 review and decision process to the Board through MEFA.

The phase 2 decisions will be taken 20 months after the start date for grant programs with exceptions for force majeur situations. The decision may be taken earlier in cases of (i) accelerated implementation; or (ii) severe exchange rate fluctuations.

For Rounds 1 and 2 grants, the start date of each grant program may be adjusted to reflect program realities. This will be achieved through negotiations between the Secretariat and the PR.


[1] The amount of the original approved Proposal for the full Proposal period, following adjustments from TRP clarifications and phase 1 grant negotiations, less the amount disbursed by the Global Fund to PRs at the end of the phase 1 period.