Board Decisions


Approved by the Board on: 19 March 2004

Report of the Governance and Partnership Committee

Additional Safeguard Policy

Decision Point 1

The Board adopts the paper on the Additional Safeguard Policy as outlined in Annex 4.

The Board requests the Secretariat to include additional operating principals/procedures to address non-performance of PRs in appropriately rapid disbursement of Global Fund grant funds to sub-recipients.

Grant Agreements

Decision Point 2

The Board requests the Governance and Partnership Committee, in consultation with its other appropriate bodies, to develop a standard template grant agreement containing clear and detailed definition of role, obligations and competence of main actors in grant disbursement process (i.e. CCM, LFA, PR, Global Fund Secretariat) and to elaborate procedures for ensuring timely, sound and unhindered implementation of grant agreements for consideration by the Board at its Eighth Meeting.

Study of Board Governance and the Role and Composition of Board Committees

Decision Point 3

The Board mandates a study of, and recommendations regarding, the structures, role and composition of any Board committees. The findings and recommendations of the study should be presented, via the Governance and Partnership Committee with options, to the Board at the Ninth Board Meeting.

Conflict of Interest

Decision Point 4

The Board adopts the revised version of the Policy on Ethics and Conflict of Interest for Global Fund Institutions as outlined in Annex 5 with the exception of the changes on Post-Board employment should be referred back to the committee (Section 7 GF/B7/7 page 6).

Decision Point 5

The Board requests the GPC to address the conditions under which the Communities delegation can become a voting member of the Board and report back with decision points to the Eighth Board Meeting.

Board Member Terms

Decision Point 6:

The Board adopts the proposed amendment to Article A. Paragraph 1 of the Board Operating Procedures as underlined below:

Board Members terms shall begin at the opening of the first Board meeting in a given year, and end at the opening of the first Board meeting in the second calendar year following the commencement of their term.