Board Decisions


Approved by the Board on: 30 June 2004

Country Coordinating Mechanisms

The Board adopts the requirements and recommendations as proposed in Annex 3a, and treats all requirements in this document as recommendations, in order to improve the functioning of Country Coordinating Mechanisms as public-private partnerships of all relevant stakeholders.

With regards to HIV/AIDS, coordination efforts should be done within the overall framework of the "Three Ones".

The Board decided to table Option 1 of Recommendation 9.

The Board decided to replace Recommendation 13 with the following:

  • The Board takes note of the recommendation contained in the reports of GPC, MEFA and TRP concerning the need to strengthen technical assistance and capacity development. Considering the urgency and cross-cutting nature, the Board recommends the formation of a special Ad Hoc Working Group to assess needs and make policy recommendations to facilitate the provision of technical assistance and capacity development for and through Country Coordinating Mechanisms, Principal Recipients, Sub-Recipients, inclusive of all phases of the Fund's grant cycle. The Ad Hoc Working Group will present recommendations for approval at the Ninth Board Meeting.

The Board decided to replace Recommendation 15a with the following:

  • The Board further directs the Secretariat, in consultation with the TERG, to develop a pilot set of auditable standards for benchmarking the performance of CCMs and report back through the GPC by the Ninth Board Meeting.

Budgetary Implications

Recommendation 9 (Option 2) would have budgetary implications for the Secretariat in the amount that MEFA would recommend to be set aside as a discretionary budget. No other recommendation in the Annex has budgetary implications.